The Chinese method of planting onions helps gardeners grow a healthy crop. It is more laborious, but leads to a better result. Subject to all the rules of agricultural technology and proper care, the bulbs grow large and strong, with a pleasant, slightly sweet taste. The sevok, planted according to the technology developed by the Chinese, shows a high yield even in a small area, is well stored, and suitable for transportation.

The Chinese way of planting onions with a comb: video, reviews of gardeners

The Chinese way of planting an onion involves planting it not on a flat area, but in pre-prepared ridges.

Description of the Chinese method of growing onions

Planting onions using Chinese technology has recently begun to be used by gardeners and summer residents. But judging by the numerous reviews about this method of growing a crop, anyone who has ever tried to put it into practice no longer returns to the traditional method. The essence of this technique lies in the special preparation of the site, the seedlings are sown in earthen ramparts formed with the help of a hoe, which are separated from each other by grooves.

Usually in Our Country potatoes and some root crops are planted this way. A vegetable grown in the Chinese way quickly grows in mass, brings a higher yield. Since the bulbs receive more heat on a hill, they become as strong as possible and resistant to diseases common among the culture, as well as to adverse conditions. The distance between the ridges greatly facilitates the care of the plant: it is convenient to loosen and water the beds, nutrients are not washed out of the earth embankment, which reduces fertilizer consumption. Experts note that the yield of onions planted in Chinese style, even on poor soil, increases by 20%, and in the cities of the middle zone – by 40%. In addition, it is very convenient to extract fruits from the comb, the harvesting process is simple and takes little time. After ripening, the bulbs are dried in the sun, which increases their shelf life. According to the taste characteristics, the vegetable remains the same as with the usual planting technique, but its shape becomes slightly flattened, which does not affect the quality in any way.

Pros and cons of planting onions in Chinese

Compared with the traditional method of planting onions, Chinese technology has several advantages and only one drawback.

The Chinese way of planting onions with a comb: video, reviews of gardeners

Regardless of the variety of onions planted according to the Chinese method, the fruits grow large


  • uniform maturation;
  • large size;
  • high yield;
  • ease of carrying out agrotechnical work;
  • strong immunity to diseases;
  • good keeping quality;
  • minimal risk of pest damage;
  • ease of harvesting.


  • strict observance of the cleaning period.
Attention! Untimely harvesting of onions planted according to Chinese technology adversely affects the characteristics of the product.

Planting onions according to the Chinese method

In order for the harvest of onions planted in the Chinese way to meet expectations, it is necessary to strictly follow the technological process. It is important to observe the planting dates, properly prepare the material, adhere to the bulb planting scheme. The main feature of the method is the placement of seedlings on the ridges, therefore, before the procedure, the beds should be properly prepared.

Terms of planting

To plant onions in the Chinese way, you should wait until the earth warms up to + 5-10 ° C. Most often this happens at the end of April or at the beginning of May. In regions with warm climatic conditions, a little earlier than in central Our Country.

The Chinese way of planting onions with a comb: video, reviews of gardeners

The culture is planted on the beds on the days recommended by the sowing calendar.

Preparation of seeding

Planting onions in the Chinese way involves the use of sets. Before carrying out the procedure, it should be sorted. If the bulbs are needed for forcing greens, use a large set with a diameter of more than 15 mm. Small onions from 11 to 15 mm in diameter are suitable for growing turnips.

Half a month before planting, the selected onion folded in a cardboard box should be dried for 10-12 hours in the sun or near the battery, at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C. This is done to protect the sevok from bolting, downy mildew and neck rot. Before planting onions in Chinese style, it should be cleaned of excess husks and carefully cut off dry tails. The day before planting, the sevok should be soaked for 24 hours in a heated to 40 0With water. In order for the bulbs to germinate faster, you can add a little slurry to the container, Fitosporin-M will help to protect the crop from rot.

Attention! Soft, damaged, dried, diseased bulbs are not suitable for sowing.

Site and ridge preparation

Chinese onion planting technique involves proper site preparation. Already from mid-autumn, the beds need to be dug up, distributing superphosphates, dolomite flour and Nitroammofoska over their surface, 1 tbsp will be needed per square meter of land. l, 2 tbsp. l and 1 tsp. drugs, respectively. In the spring, the site is dug up again with the addition of nitrogen fertilizers, then longitudinal ridges are formed on the bed at a distance of 30 cm from each other, 15 cm high.

Comment! If there is an excess of nitrogenous dressings in the soil, then the culture will give a lot of greenery and medium-sized turnips.
The Chinese way of planting onions with a comb: video, reviews of gardeners

Chinese onions are best planted in the beds after tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers or legumes

Landing scheme

The prepared planting material is planted on a warm windless day. The sevok is lowered into the ground 3 cm deep, preferably without pressing. It is better to put the bulb on the comb and sprinkle it with earth. So the root system of the culture will develop faster. The distance between the bulbs, which is provided by the Chinese planting technology, should be 12-15 cm. In June, the ridges are opened – they dig up the sets to 2/3 of the height, removing excess soil between the rows.

Features of care

Growing onions in Chinese is not much different from the standard method, but many gardeners note that this technology is much simpler. The culture does not need regular watering and weeding, as well as protection from diseases. Procedures are performed only when necessary.

The Chinese way of planting onions with a comb: video, reviews of gardeners

For Chinese technology, it is best to take category II and III sets


The first time the beds are watered immediately after planting the onions. Further moistening of the soil is carried out as the earth dries up. Usually, during the first month of crop growth, two abundant waterings are carried out. It is not recommended to pour the beds, if the spring was rainy, moistening can not be carried out at all.

Weeding, loosening

Ridge beds with onions rarely need weeding. Weeds are pulled out as they appear. Loosening is performed after each watering, the procedure helps to prevent the appearance of insects.

Additional fertilizing

The Chinese version of onion cultivation involves three times the application of fertilizers:

  1. Two weeks after planting, the culture is fed with organic matter. Diluted chicken manure or a 10% mullein solution with the addition of 3 tbsp is perfect for this. l. urea per 10 liters of water.
  2. In the second half of June, urea (15 g), phosphorus and potash supplements (40 g each) are used as fertilizer. The drugs are dissolved in a bucket of water.
  3. At the time of the formation of the turnip, the beds are watered with diluted potash and phosphorus fertilizers (15 and 25 g per 10 liters of water, respectively).

A bucket of nutrient mixture is usually distributed over 4 square meters. m. landing.

Attention! Top dressing must be applied under the root, excluding their contact with the green part of the plant.

Fighting diseases and pests

Every summer resident knows that it is easier to prevent a plant disease than to treat an already developed disease later. Therefore, in order to prevent infection and protect the crop, a number of procedures should be followed during the cultivation of onions in Chinese style. Powdery mildew is considered the most common disease of the plant, so onion beds should be sprayed from time to time with a solution of copper sulfate (7 g per bucket of water). In addition, you need to properly prepare the planting material.

From pests after harvesting, all plant residues should be destroyed, crop rotation should be observed, and crops should not be grown on the same bed several times in a row. To avoid the attack of the onion fly, the soil must be regularly loosened.

The Chinese way of planting onions with a comb: video, reviews of gardeners

To get a healthy harvest, you should sow strong bulbs


The Chinese method of planting onions is gaining more and more popularity among summer residents every year. The technology is simple, has a lot of advantages, makes it easier to care for the culture. Onions are a very healthy vegetable that is used daily in the kitchen and is part of most recipes for cold and hot dishes. The harvest of this crop seeks to increase every gardener.

Reviews of the Chinese method of planting onions

Budanova Ekaterina, Khvalynsk
For several years in a row I have been planting onions using the Chinese method and I advise it to all my friends. I am very satisfied with the result, I have never received such a good crop before. The bulbs are all large, one to one.
Ovchinnikov Igor, Togliatti
The first time I tried to plant onions in Chinese style last year. The result pleased me. This is how I will always plant from now on. The method is simple, greatly simplifies the care of the beds and increases the yield of finished products.
Eremeeva Liza, Zaraysk
The Chinese method of planting onions is a real find. Let it be more laborious at the stage of formation of beds, but the harvest is much better than with the traditional method. The bulbs are large and have a long shelf life.

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