The Chinese forcibly made the Russian a star, and then condemned for laziness

How to become a show business hero without wanting to? Just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is exactly what happened to the hero of this story, a native of Vladivostok, acting under the pseudonym Lelouch. Let’s tell his story.

Vladislav came from his native Vladivostok to China to study at the university. He dreamed of becoming a designer, and before receiving his diploma, the student worked as hard as he could – he was a model and acted as a translator from Chinese into Russian. This is how Vlad got on a Chinese TV show like our Star Factory – Produce Camp 2021, or Chuang. The Russian was invited to work as an interpreter for participants from other countries.

However, the program did not have enough participants, and Vlad was offered to take part in the competition. Confident that this story would not last long for him and he would fly out after the very first round, the Russian agreed and signed a contract. He began to perform under the pseudonym Lelouch, taken from the Japanese anime “Code Geass: Lelouch Risen”. The hero of the animated series was hiding behind a mask, keeping incognito. But Vlad did not manage to “hide” – the glory was literally imposed on him.

90 guys participated in the Chuang show. And only 11 of them, having passed all the tours and competitions, could be in the final to unite into a musical group and sign a contract with producers. This is what all the contestants were striving for … except for one. Vlad did not dream of winning and a musical career at all. But suddenly the Chinese audience fell in love with him – he became their “idol” (idol, idol).

The gloomier and more indifferent Lelouch looked and sang, the more enthusiasm he aroused among the public. They voted for him when he rapped badly. Moved like wood. He sang songs with obscene Russian vocabulary (however, incomprehensible to most Chinese). Under the terms of the contract, he did not have the right to leave the program himself – otherwise he would have to pay a huge fine.

Vlad explicitly asked not to vote for him, begged to be allowed to leave the hated stage. But the Chinese were either fascinated by the non-standard behavior of the show participant and his appearance, or they wanted to troll Lelouch, and continued to vote for him. In the end, the young man came on stage in an embrace with a teddy bear and sang a sad song that he wants to go home.

And then compatriots joined in the rescue of either the lucky or the unlucky guy. The hashtag #Freedom for Lelouch was launched, which was supported by many bloggers and tiktokers.

The fate of Lelouch, who was “stuck” at the competition, was decided on April 24, when he was still not chosen as the winner of the show. The long-awaited freedom delighted the guy. And a huge number of fans and wild popularity will probably help him to “untwist” as a fashion designer. After all, this is what the “prisoner of show business” dreamed of.

It would seem that it’s time for a happy ending, but no.

Now the Chinese accuse the star involuntarily of corrupting the youth, and the phenomenon of social nihilism is being studied at local universities. In a country with the second (after the US) economy in the world, an epidemic of laziness is now seriously feared. According to scientists, Lelouch showed by his example how you can become a star without doing literally anything for this. It turns out that they themselves created an idol, and they themselves condemned him.

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