The child was not allowed to go to kindergarten because of the vaccination

The child was not allowed to go to kindergarten because of the vaccination

Anti-vaccine parents staged an uprising, and the baby is now forced to stay at home.

The law states that a child who does not have the necessary vaccinations indicated in the national calendar may not be admitted to school or kindergarten if there is a threat of an epidemic. But nothing is said about the possible consequences for those who strictly adhere to the vaccination schedule. Therefore, stories appear on the network about how anti-vaccine users are being oppressed: they were not allowed in there, they are under pressure. Against the background of increasing cases of measles, however, the pressure seems to be quite justified. And the more scandalous is the case that the medical blogger, the author of the “Marathon in maternity hospitals” project, told about Tatiana Butskaya.

Anti-vaccines on the march

“A question came to the Direct:“ What if we gave a child a polio vaccine, and now he is not allowed to go to kindergarten, because anti-vaccine parents think that he is dangerous? ”

This is not an idle question. Therefore, Tatiana Butskaya explained in detail who is right in this situation and who is not.

They can refuse to take a child into the garden only if there are no places in the garden. If you have already accepted it, you must let it in. Anything else is illegal.

Tatiana advised the parents of the “expelled” baby to gather the parents and the administration of the kindergarten and explain that their child is not dangerous and has the same right to go to the kindergarten as their children. If that doesn’t work, talking to your parents no longer makes sense. From this point on, you only need to communicate with the administration.

Demand to show the paragraph of the document on the basis of which the child is not allowed. If you have been shown such a clause, it is invalid because it is contrary to the law. Remember: no matter what is written in the kindergarten document, the law is more important, and it is on your side!

Parents of a child who has been discriminated against by other mothers and fathers can write a complaint to the director and demand a written justification why suddenly their baby was outlawed. If this does not help, we go to the prosecutor’s office with the justification we have received.

Every thinking parent understands that polio vaccinations have saved billions of lives. Every parent – both thinking and not too much – knows: I love my child, I do not want to endanger his life! A conflict of interest arises when a child vaccinated against poliomyelitis enters a childcare group.

The fears of parents of unvaccinated children are not unfounded. In fact, the vaccinated child releases viral particles: a live attenuated vaccine is used against polio. These particles are released with, sorry, feces.

The risk group is made up of unvaccinated children. Their body is susceptible to polio. If all children in the collective are vaccinated with a live vaccine, then the new vaccinated child is not contagious for them. If one of the children in the group was vaccinated with an inactivated vaccine, he is guaranteed to be protected from severe forms of polio that can be harmful. Remember that poliovirus is excreted in the faeces. This means that washing hands, toys, and so on will protect the child from infection.

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