The child swallowed a coin: what to do, symptoms, signs, consequences, ruble
If a child swallows a coin, a different development of events is possible. In some cases, it will be enough to frighten the mother. Sometimes hard edges can injure the esophagus. The most dangerous thing is money stuck in the airways.
Foreign body symptoms in the airway
The kid learns the world with his hands and mouth, so it is so important to clear his “habitat” of small dangerous objects. Coins have the ability to fall out of the wallet unnoticed; they are difficult to find on a fleecy carpet or in the corner of a room.
To prevent the child from swallowing the coin, do not leave him alone with small objects.
If the child found money before his mother and managed to shove it into his mouth, then with an unsuccessful inhalation, the object can get stuck in the respiratory tract. It is easy to determine, but it does not bring relief, since there is a danger of losing the baby. If a coin enters the respiratory tract:
- The kid coughs intensively with short interruptions.
- His breathing weakens.
- Hearing noises in the lungs.
- The child’s face turns blue.
It is urgent to provide first aid and call an ambulance at the same time.
What to do when a child suffocates
If the object prevents the baby from breathing, place it on your lap and gently pat it on the back between the shoulder blades. The object will either pop out or move, which will give the baby the opportunity to breathe.
When the baby is not yet a year old, put it on your hands with your stomach. Keeping the head and back, lower the baby’s head by about 60º and strike a few blows between the shoulder blades, look into the baby’s mouth, the object may have come out.
What is more dangerous for a child: a ruble or a penny
Large objects caught in the throat can cause more trouble. A ruble coin is more likely to get stuck in the throat than small money. As a rule, penny coins come out naturally without harming the little one.
Signs of a stuck foreign body
When the coin is inside the baby, you should not give him a laxative or torment him with an enema. The edges of a large coin can injure the larynx or esophagus if you try to pull it out yourself. Call an ambulance and wait for the doctor to arrive.
When the coin is small, you can observe the child for several days. Check his chair in parallel until you are sure the coin is out. Should alert:
- increasing abdominal pain;
- repeated vomiting;
- blood in the feces.
Call your doctor urgently if other unusual manifestations appear.
Coins are not as dangerous as long as they don’t get stuck in the throat. Unpleasant consequences can be expected from large, heavy coins with sharp edges.
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