The child swallowed a ball: metal, plastic, glass, what to do

The child swallowed a ball: metal, plastic, glass, what to do

If a child swallows a ball and does not suffocate, does not cough and does not complain of abdominal pain, there is no reason to clutch at the heart. A round object with smooth edges does not injure the baby’s esophagus and intestines.

A metal ball in the belly of a child

Do not give your baby small objects that he willingly pulls into his mouth. If the ball not only hit the crumbs, but he also managed to swallow it, do not panic. The smooth surface does not injure the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, and the item will come out on its own in a few days.

To prevent the child from swallowing the ball, give him large toys.

When small details disappear, they are not always inside the child. Count the balls, perhaps the kid is fantasizing about this topic. The baby’s intestines are 12 meters long, so don’t expect a ball to appear the next day. It may appear in a week.

Metal balls are the components of the magnetic constructor. If your child is still young, do not buy such toys for him or play together.

Glass and plastic balls in the belly

Such balls are also not dangerous, but you will not see them on x-rays, so you should not torture a child. The main rule is not to worry if the child does not complain of abdominal pain.

What to do to get the ball out

When the child has eaten the ball, monitor his health. If he does not experience pain and discomfort and eats well, there is no reason to panic. Follow these guidelines:

  • Consult a pediatrician, describe the situation to him.
  • Do not try to “drive out” the foreign object yourself with laxatives or enemas, this will not help. It is forbidden to induce vomiting in the baby.
  • Feed the child with porridge, give him bread. The solid food will gradually push the ball towards the exit.
  • Check every baby’s chair. Use rubber gloves to remove any lumps. Pay attention to the consistency and color of the faeces. If blood appears, immediately take the child to the doctor.

Taking a child for an x-ray if he feels well is not worth it. This procedure is required if the baby becomes ill. In this case, surgical intervention is possible.

Swallowing a balloon can be dangerous in several ways: if it is toxic, blocked the airways, or when your toddler has eaten a lot of balloons, especially magnetic ones. In other cases, a smooth toy will easily come out on its own.

A ball in a toddler’s belly is generally less dangerous than sharp-edged objects. Feed your child with porridge and breadcrumbs to “push” the object. Consult your doctor and expect this round troublemaker to be “born”.

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