The baby begins to move in the belly of the expectant mother somewhere between the 16th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy. Women who are expecting their first child usually feel these movements later, mothers “with experience” – earlier. At first, “shawls” will be irregular and very weak. But starting from the 28th week, the movements will be stronger and stronger – and it will be possible to start counting kicks and hits.
Why count movements
Experts say that the number of movements of the baby in the womb is an important marker of his condition. If the child moves too much or too little, it is imperative to tell the doctor about this: it is possible that additional tests will be needed to understand if everything is in order with the unborn baby. But if you do not track the movements and do not count them, you are unlikely to be able to understand when the child moves more and when less. Our perception is subjective, it can always “seem”, and the doctor needs accurate data.
Plus, counting kicks and kicks is a great way to bond with your baby before it’s even born. Some even communicate with the baby by tapping on the belly: the little man is curious about what is happening outside, and he responds to the tapping with movements from the inside. They say that this way you can even teach math to a kid!
How much should the baby move
It is necessary to count children’s jumps, being completely focused on the process. Sit back, grab a pen and paper, and take notes each time you feel your baby’s movements. In the third trimester, the baby moves on average 10 times an hour. If the baby does not make so many movements even in two hours or there are noticeable and long-term deviations from the standard rate of movement, you need to consult a doctor.
“Most of the time, the baby is okay, he feels great, but this is the case when it is better to play it safe,” says Dr. Megan Cheney, physician, director of the Women’s Institute at the University Medical Center in Phoenix, USA.