The child’s teeth are not teething in any way: what to do
One of the important indicators of a baby’s development is the appearance of milk teeth. The first tooth is always a holiday in the family: a reason for godparents to give the baby a silver spoon, which is traditionally bought at the beginning of complementary foods.
But what to do if this joyful event is late. Not for a couple of weeks, not even a month. The one-year-old baby is still smiling happily with its toothless mouth. Here any, even the most balanced mother will think – is it time to go to the dentist?
“The timing of teething is individual for each baby. For some, they appear at 2-3 months, for others at 9 months or a year. A delay in eruption of up to 10-12 months is considered normal. The most important thing is that by reaching the age of three, the child already has 20 milk teeth. “
Our expert explains: even if nothing has changed in the child’s mouth after a year, this is not a reason to sound the alarm. It is worth it to the dentist, but without disturbing thoughts. An urgent appeal to a specialist requires a situation when the child is already two years old, but he is still toothless.
Can teeth be helped to erupt?
Recall that all milk teeth are laid at the very beginning of pregnancy, in the fifth or seventh weeks of intrauterine development. Therefore, the health status of the expectant mother during this period directly affects the health of the child’s teeth. So a kind of “help” at this stage is to lead a correct lifestyle and minimize the intake of medications (strictly as prescribed by doctors!).
Well, then, when the baby has already been born, various “stimulants” – teethers, rubber rings, as well as gum massage – parents can do this with their fingers, just before that they need to wash their hands thoroughly.
«It is important to understand that teething is accompanied by a number of inconveniences for the child. And first of all, you need to help him to relieve unpleasant sensations. For example, put the teether in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before giving it to the baby: the cold will help relieve painful sensations, ”explains Yulia Selyutina.
Gels with soothing, cooling and anti-inflammatory effects can also help. But they are recommended to be used only in case of severe discomfort. It is better to take gels that do not contain anesthetic, for example, “Holisal”, “Pansoral”, “Baby Doctor”, “Kin baby”.
Eight reasons why a child’s teeth are teething too late
Genetic predisposition.
Disorders of the endocrine system.
Congenital rickets.
Difficult pregnancy of a woman, taking medications at this time.
Chronic diseases of the baby.
Quality of water, nutrition, lack of vitamins.
Developmental disorders of the jaws – congenital clefts of the upper lip or palate.