The child is not from her husband: what to do, admit or hide, gave birth
There are men who are raising other people’s children. Some know that the child is from another man. They married a woman who already had a child. Others are ignorant. This happens when a woman has a child not from her husband in marriage.
What to do if a woman gave birth to a child not from her husband
In TV shows, children are very often adopted, and find their real parents only in adulthood. It seems to us that this does not happen in life.
What to do if the child was not born from her husband
But, according to statistics, every fifth child is not raised by his real father. It’s good if this father consciously took responsibility for raising someone else’s child. And what if a woman gave birth to a child from another man, and did not say anything to her husband? In fact, is it worth telling your spouse if the job has already been done? It’s impossible to fix anything anyway, but you can destroy it.
Hide the truth or admit guilt
In this situation, it makes no sense to ask someone for advice. Because as many people as there are opinions. Nobody knows the circumstances of what happened, except for the direct participants in the events. Maybe the spouse is not a victim at all, but the culprit of this tragedy. It is possible that he was not an exemplary husband, did not pay attention to his wife, did not respect her. And, perhaps even walking around. If a woman threw herself into the arms of another man, it means that not everything was going smoothly in family life.
There will be people who will advise you to tell your husband everything. But no one knows if the husband wants to know the truth. Perhaps he guesses about something. But he prefers to drive this thought away from himself. And until he is completely sure that the child is not his, he still has hope. And he doesn’t want to lose this hope.
Having decided to confess to her husband, a woman should be ready that she can lose him forever. But the confession made will save you from mental anguish.
There is no black or white in life. There are many colors in various shades. Also in this situation there are no right or wrong. And before you tell the truth to your husband, you need to think about what the consequences of this confession will be. How will the child cope with the breakdown of the family? How will the husband bear such news? Can a woman single-handedly raise a son or daughter? After all, the spouse, after leaving, can even refuse to pay alimony if he proves that the child is not his.
People love to give advice. But in such a situation, when the fate of several people is being decided, no one will tell you what to do. A woman should listen to her heart. To understand if she can keep this secret all her life. How important is it for a husband to know the truth or he would like to remain in the dark. How he will react to recognition. And no need to look at friends or acquaintances. Every situation is different. And people too. And if someone’s spouse accepted someone else’s baby and forgave his wife, this does not mean that you will also have it.