
In accordance with the law, a child, having become an adult, acquired the rights of an independent citizen. Oddly enough, not everyone understands what this means. So, dear dad and mom, now it’s your job to figure it out yourself and clearly tell it to the children. It might be text like this:

That’s it, you’re an adult!

Dear children, I congratulate you on coming of age. You are now free people! (applause!) You now have the right to do whatever you want without asking our permission. Now you do not have to obey us, you can wake up when you want and go to bed when you like. You may not come home at night, you are free people!

Now you can date whoever you want and bring whoever you want into your room, your territory. You are completely masters in your room: you can change whatever you want there, you can leave your friend or girlfriend there for the night — provided, of course, that the general rules of human hostel are observed: do not make noise at night, do not disturb other people. You are free to have sex, marry or be married, start your own family and have your own children. You can study wherever you want or stop your studies, you are completely the masters of your life!

And now the second Hurray, perhaps unexpected for you. Now, on the day you come of age, our formal parental duties have ended. We are not obliged to support you now, we may not care about your financial needs now, because you are now adults and must provide for yourself. Now we don’t have to worry about what you should wear, who will buy you a new computer, and where you will get money for your studies.

However, the third. We are free people and have every right to independently determine our relationship. As we define them, so it will be. For our part, we are pleased to declare that we love you and are ready to continue to be your parents. We invite you to think and announce your decision. If you declare that you love us as well and are ready to continue being our children, we will be glad for such a restoration of relations. In this case, you still obey us, and we still take care of you, help you pay for your studies and in all other matters.

Details are being discussed.

Dear adult children, when will you let us know your positive decision?

Indeed, there is always such a possibility: adult children, as free citizens, can decide to live with their parents on the same conditions, when all the main issues are decided for them by their parents. They may not create their own separate state, but enter the state where their parents rule and continue to live together as their beloved and loving children.

Adult children may choose to stay with their parents as children.

If the parents are smart and loving, this can be a great solution. In this case, parents can consult with their children and, like people with great and successful life experience, make decisions for their children: decisions more far-sighted than they would be made by adult children themselves.

Including — when and where to go to study further, when and with whom to start a family, with whom to have children … You understand that mistakes here can be a cost to human destiny.

Important: the decision to stay with parents as children is made not only by the children themselves, but it is also the decision of the parents. Suppose children want to live with their parents on the same grounds, but the question is — do the parents want this? Did the children manage to make this option interesting for their parents?

Total: dear adult children, if you turn 18, make a decision about whether you want to continue to live under the guidance of your parents or on your own, that is, at your own expense and providing for yourself completely. And be sure to tell your parents about your decision.

Video from Yana Shchastya: interview with professor of psychology N.I. Kozlov

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