The child has a temperature of 38 without symptoms: signs of a cold, has risen, keeps

The child has a temperature of 38 without symptoms: signs of a cold, has risen, keeps

A temperature of 38 in a child without symptoms is cause for concern. The reasons for this increase can be different. And mothers need to know how to behave and how to help the child in such a situation.

Why does a child have a fever without signs of a cold

Due to their young age, babies carry most infections for the first time, so their body temperature rises much more often than adults.

The smaller the child, the more often he has a high fever without signs of a cold.

The main causes of high fever in babies are:

  • Viral or bacterial infection. Fever will be the first manifestation of the disease, and other symptoms will appear a little later.
  • Teething reaction. This applies to infants.
  • Overheat. The smaller the baby, the worse his body is able to regulate body temperature. This can happen if the baby is too warmly dressed, or he was in the heat for a long time.
  • Urinary tract infection. It is in children that it manifests itself only with an increase in temperature. This disease is rare.

Most of these symptoms will go away on their own, without assistance. But a bacterial infection must be treated with antibacterial agents.

What to do if the temperature rises and persists

So that mom can find out the cause of the fever, you need to call a doctor at home. He will be able to notice those symptoms of the disease that mom does not see.

And before the doctor arrives, you need to act, depending on the alleged reason:

  • If the baby is overheated, you need to water him well, dress him in lighter clothes, send him to a cool room.
  • If your baby has swollen gums, and the first teeth should appear from day to day, give him a cooling teether. You can lubricate your gums with a soothing gel. In this case, you need to drink more fluids, and you can do without antipyretic drugs.
  • If there is a suspicion of an infection in the urinary tract, it is necessary to pass urine for analysis. If the infection is confirmed, it will need to be treated with antibiotics.
  • If you suspect a viral infection, the child must be watered abundantly. Fruit drinks with raspberries, currants, honeysuckle and warm tea with honey are suitable for this. The body will cope with such an infection on its own. After a couple of days, the temperature will drop, and the child will become immune to this disease.
  • And if the infection is bacterial, only antibiotics, which the doctor prescribes, will cope with it.

Most often, the temperature is the only symptom for sore throat at the initial stage. Therefore, until the doctor comes, the child should be drunk with drinks with a high content of vitamins. Also start gargling with a solution of furacilin or sea salt, if the child knows how to do this.

A small child cannot explain where it hurts and what worries him. Therefore, it is better not to self-medicate. It is better to call a doctor and make sure that the reason is trivial than to treat a serious illness incorrectly.

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