The child does not want to go to kindergarten, what to do

The child does not want to go to kindergarten, what to do

Kids rarely go to kindergarten with pleasure. But this is a really important step in their development. Why – Tatiana Polovkova, director of the National Education Resources Foundation, told about this.

I have a kindergarten under my window. And every morning since September 1, I hear the same song: “I don’t want to go to kindergarten.” The song is sung in different voices by different vocalists. Some still do not even really know how to speak, but they manage to pull out the lingering roar of “I don’t want to”. Stretching on one note, hopeless and endless – such is the “dessert” of my morning coffee. And in what state the nerves of the unhappy parents, I can only imagine: my own daughter never went on strike against the kindergarten. Such a character.

Yes, rarely any of the children likes to go to the kindergarten and gladly rushes there in the morning, especially after the summer holidays. Yes, and mom and dad are scared – there are many stories about the bullying of teachers, God knows what they can do with a child in kindergarten. However, choosing a kindergarten is a slightly different story. And you can’t go anywhere, because parents need to go to work, and kindergarten is also work. For children only. As Tatyana Polovkova explained, there are at least five reasons to take your baby to kindergarten.

The development of children without constant communication with peers is almost impossible. Through group communication, children acquire the necessary communication skills, learn to resolve conflicts, negotiate. And while interacting with professional teachers, they perceive patterns of behavior, learn to hear an adult and enter into a dialogue with him.

In a playful way, kids get acquainted with the world around them, professions, and begin to implement their first ideas. All this experience will make them feel more confident in elementary school.

2. For the sake of independence

When they get to kindergarten, children find themselves out of their usual home environment. Under the supervision of teachers, they learn to eat on their own, to clean up toys after themselves.

Playing with other children, for the first time, they make independent decisions, assess reality within the framework of simple categories – “good – evil”, “good – bad”, “right – wrong.” The acquired skills will help the child develop cognitive interest. At the first stages of school life, he will be more willing to seek information, strive for new knowledge.

Ideally, each kindergarten is a team of qualified educators, doctors and development specialists. At least that’s how it should be. There are, of course, exceptions – we described in detail HERE how to identify them.

According to our monitoring data, speech therapists and psychologists work in many preschool institutions (72 and 61% of kindergarten workers responded this way, respectively). With their help, under the supervision of educators, it is possible in the early stages to detect and correct speech and behavioral disorders in a child that may not be obvious to loving parents.

In addition, teachers accustom children to the regimen developed by doctors. Children not only improve their biological rhythms – they become more disciplined, which will help them get used to school rules faster.

4. For the preparation for school

In kindergarten, children receive a variety of learning opportunities. Through the game, children learn to read expressively by roles, learn the basics of arithmetic, reveal their talents through classes in music, dance and other circles, actively engage in creativity: draw, sculpt, create handicrafts from natural materials.

It is important to understand that a preschool is not a primary school, there will be no serious loads and compulsory homework. But the knowledge acquired in kindergarten will reduce the stress factor of the future student, help the child quickly understand the content of the first school lessons.

A growing child requires the attention of all family members, but especially the mother. Neuropsychologists in their research note that it is maternal care that is one of the determining factors in the full development of the brain in the first years of life, strengthening the neural connections of the infant. But upon reaching the age of three, children gradually decrease the need for mother’s guardianship, there is a need for secondary socialization, the best institution of which at this stage of a child’s life is a kindergarten.

Mom also has free time, which she can use to restore her professional skills, receive education, personal development, rest and her own interests. It is useful for children to see in the family an example of an interest in learning and a rich, fulfilling life. This is what they themselves will strive for.

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