The charms of spring through the eyes of an allergy sufferer. Pollination in May
The charms of spring through the eyes of an allergy sufferer. Pollination in May

Everyone enjoys the beautiful, sunny weather, the temperature jump and the blooming flowers, trees, green vegetation … Are you sure everyone? Unfortunately, allergy sufferers do not have it easy during this period. May is another month in which plants pollen, which causes an increase in allergy symptoms – including troublesome hay fever.

Allergic reactions manifest themselves primarily in spring and summer, so it is good to know the pollen calendar to be able to prepare for this period well in advance. This difficult time for allergy sufferers can only be alleviated, because completely avoiding contact with allergens is simply impossible.

What is a pollen calendar?

It is simply a collection of information about the period of each month when particular plants pollen the most. It also takes into account when this period starts. The pollen calendar is an ally of allergy sufferers, because it allows you to prepare for the upcoming, difficult period by, for example, taking anti-allergic drugs or desensitizing in advance. Current messages appear on many websites that maintain such a calendar, so it is certainly worth following them.

What dusts in May – a list of trees, mushrooms and other plants

Unfortunately, May is a difficult time for allergy sufferers. During this period, among the most “threatening” trees are:

  • Grave – quite rare allergy, but it manifests itself primarily during a walk in the park or forest in the vicinity of blooming trees.
  • Birch – a real “slayer”, whose dusting takes place at the end of April, usually extending until mid-May.
  • Ash – pollinates from late March to mid-May.
  • Beech – dusting is not too intense and subsides at the turn of April and May.
  • Oak – begins pollen in the last week of April, lasts until the end of May and intensifies this month.
  • Willow – although its pollination lasts mainly in April, the more sensitive can feel its pollen at the beginning of May.

May is also the time of mushroom pollination:

  • Alternaria – these are spores of mold fungi that occur in the form of raids outside and inside the rooms.
  • Cladosporium – a strong allergen occurring superficially in the air, also being mold spores.

And other plants:

  • nettle – pollinates from May to September.
  • grass – they bloom for a relatively long time, pollination begins in May and intensifies through June and mid-July.
  • Sorrel – from May to June, sometimes until the second half of July.
  • Plantain – from May to August.

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