The challenges of the hospitality industry for 2014

The sector of  hostelry Spain has not exactly gone through its best moments in recent years, affected by an insistent economic crisis that has had a special impact on bars, cafes, restaurants and hotels of all kinds, styles and categories.

But a new year begins which, as in other facets, is loaded with good intentions. For this reason, the Human Resources consultancy specialized in Hospitality and Tourism Linkers has wanted to draw up a list of those that, in its opinion, will pose the great challenges of the hospitality industry for 2014.

Replace hierarchical verticality with flatter structures, with a compact teamwork and aligned to the objectives of the company. The hierarchy in hospitality is usually more representative than efficient, the latter being its purpose, that of ordering and organizing in an optimal way the performance of work activities to achieve the expected performance by the team that makes up the company.

To have as a premise to value the jobs for the performances that achieve results and not because of the fidelity of the roots in the position. The experience in the position to be developed is important, but even more so is the capacity of the person, their personal and / or work skills and the way to use those skills in the performance of their position. “In the Spanish hospitality industry, the time that one has been exercising continues to weigh more than one’s own capacity or abilities, and it should change to adjust to the real needs of the market and customers”, underlines the general director of Linkers, David Basilio.

Consider and start looking for real formulas that contemplate reconciling family and work life. The director of Human Resources of the consultancy, Marianela Olivares, believes that “a sector with such long and demanding hours needs a good work-life balance for a correct development of work and its functions.” And more specifically in the case of women, where their effort to meet both requirements is double, “and in most cases they do not have the help of the responsible company,” he concludes.

Apply variable salaries to personnel management results, bonuses, rewards and those actions of the employees that add benefit to the company through tangible motivation. Carrying out this salary management system requires an orderly and up-to-date accounting of sales information, and implies for the employer to analyze, assess and define figures from which the workforce will have its variable. “But it must be clear to us that this management model will allow us to have a greater degree of involvement of our team and have an attractiveness as a company when it comes to attracting talented professionals accustomed to working with challenges and challenges,” says Olivares.

Use new technologies efficiently as a means of visibility and attracting sales to all those clients that escape the physical geographical radius of the business. The information from the Internet and current social networks is commonly used by customers who go to hospitality establishments, so it is a great challenge for the entrepreneur to create and maintain information and communication channels with their target, as well as to promote their products. It is also not insignificant to be up-to-date on the information that customers publish about their experiences in the premises and those of the competition, and thus be able to counter negative opinions of their businesses in time.

Promote and apply continuous training that responds to the needs of updating and evolution of current jobs, and considering, in turn, training as a factor of business profitability and not as an expense. “Training is still being thought of with an idea of ​​standardized institutional models” –assures Basilio– “instead of understanding that a higher personalized company qualification will give a higher quality of processes, planning and reaction to develop with competitive criteria in the current market”.


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