The chakras

The chakras

The word chakra means “wheel of energy”. The chakras come from a system of beliefs from Hinduism. They designate ” light and energy centers And would have a physical and physiological reality in the same way as other organs. While some people claim to be able to feel and even see them, the current state of scientific knowledge does not allow us to validate their existence.

According to belief, each chakra is connected to one of the seven colors of the rainbow and vibrates to one of the seven musical notes. They are located on the Channel of Light, located along the spine and making the connection between the Earth and Sky. They are sometimes represented by spirals or energy wheels turning clockwise, sometimes by lotus flowers which open and close with the breath.

The Base chakra (Muladhara).

Colour Red wine. Note Do. Its Lam.

It is located at the level of the pelvic plexus (between the anus and the genitals) and harmonizes at the level of the last three coccygeal vertebrae or the pubis.

Symbols : It relates to birth, fertility, procreation, manifestation of consciousness, survival of the physical (will to live, instinct for survival), internal security, money and sexuality.

Le chakra du Hara (Swadhistana).

Colour Orange. Note . Its you.

It is located at the level of the belly, three centimeters below the navel and harmonizes at the level of the last lumbar and the first sacral vertebra.

Symbols : It relates to the vital force, the joy of life, sexuality and the desire to move forward.

The solar plexus chakra (Manipura).

Colour Yellow. Note Mi. Its Ram.

It is located at the level of the solar plexus (at the level of the pit of the stomach) and between the first and the second lumbar vertebrae.

Symbols : It is the seat of emotions, especially fear and anger. It relates to assertiveness, power, ego, and negative emotions like anger, hatred, and aggression.

The heart chakra (Anahata).

Colour Pink or Green. Note Fa. Its Yam.

It is located at the level of the cardiac plexus and the chest. It harmonizes at the level of the fourth dorsal vertebra.

Symbols. It relates to love of self and others, peace, sympathy, indulgence, forgiveness, trust, compassion and even unconditional love.

The gorge chakra (Vishuda).

Colour Blue. Note Salt. Its Where.

It is located at the level of the carotid plexus (the throat) and corresponds to the 7st cervical vertebra.

Symbols. It relates to communication, creativity, the ability to guide others, individualization but also the voice that can guide or destroy expression and judgment.

The 3rd eye chakra (Ajna).

Colour Violet. Note La. Its Sore.

It is located at the level of the pineal plexus between the two eyebrows.

Symbols. It relates to self-knowledge, intuition, clarity, unity, discernment, inspiration, enlightenment and meditation.

The coronal chakra (Sahasrara).

Colour White. Note Si. No sound.

It is located on the top of the head, at the level of the cerebral plexus.

Symbols. It relates to beliefs, spirituality, wisdom, self-knowledge, purity, soul consciousness. 


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