The causes of winter depression

Depression is a serious disease, most often its symptoms worsen in the fall and winter. Meanwhile, periodic depressed mood does not have to be a symptom of depression, but may result from chronic fatigue and bad habits in everyday life. Certain chronic diseases can also cause fatigue and irritability. See what causes malaise in winter.

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1/ 10 lack of sleep

An adult should sleep at least 7 hours a day, but not longer than 9 hours. In winter, regular sleep is especially needed. Insomnia causes disorders of the immune system, chronic fatigue and irritability. Find out more about the causes of insomnia.

2/ 10 bad diet

Vitamins and trace elements are needed especially in winter. Therefore, you should eat more vegetables and fruits during this time. In winter, we usually leave the house less and move less often. Our body does not need such a large amount of simple sugars consumed in the form of sweets. Too much sugar in the blood promotes diabetes. This disease can cause chronic fatigue, blindness and obesity. Read more in Diabetes Hiding.

3/ 10 dehydration

Central heating, cold, temperature fluctuations quickly evaporate water from the surface of the body. Therefore, paradoxically, in winter we should often drink sufficient amounts of water to prevent dehydration. Read more about the properties of water.

4/ 10 too much coffee

Drinking large amounts of caffeinated beverages can make you feel depressed, increase your heart rate and sleep problems. Frequent coffee drinking irritates the digestive system and may aggravate irritable bowel symptoms. Read more…

5/ 10 hidden infection

In winter, we are exposed to frequent infections, especially of the respiratory tract. Especially dangerous are those whose symptoms worsen in winter and are asymptomatic. Such infections are manifested not by pain, but by chronic fatigue and irritability. Urinary tract infections, adnexitis and even pneumonia can be asymptomatic.

6/10 anemia

Anemia is the lack of enough iron in the blood. Iron deficiency problems are more common among women than men. Common symptoms include pale skin and conjunctiva, fatigue, brittle hair and nails, mouth corners, burning sensation in the mouth and esophagus. General symptoms include irritability, rapid breathing, headaches and dizziness, apathy, difficulty concentrating, feeling cold. Read more about anemia.

7/ 10 thyroid disease

Depressed mood can also result from thyroid disease, mainly due to hypothyroidism. The primary symptoms are depression, as well as a decline in intellectual performance. Other symptoms include dry skin (especially on the elbows and knees), swelling, weight gain, and sometimes hair thinning. What does the thyroid gland suffer from? – read more. photo of BE&W

8/ 10 heart disease

Heart disease can cause physical fatigue, as well as depressed mood and a feeling of powerlessness. Therefore, it is important to treat a sick heart. Read more in Stress breaks the heart.

9/10 fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a mysterious disease of civilization. The disease manifests itself with pain, mainly in the area of ​​the lower back. The pain radiates upwards along the spine to the back of the head (sometimes in the jaws) to the shoulders, elbows and hands, or down to the hips, knees and ankles. In addition to muscle pains, patients complain of general fatigue, a constant feeling of anxiety, lack of energy, weakened immunity, and disturbed vision, concentration and sleep. Read more about this disease …

10/ 10 depression

The main symptoms of depression are irritability, low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness, decreased ability to concentrate and think, decreased or increased appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia. Typical of depression are repeated thoughts of death and suicide. Depression is diagnosed when a certain number of the above symptoms are observed for more than two weeks, and when these symptoms disrupt normal social and professional functioning. It is important to quickly recognize the disease and implement treatment. Read more about this disease …

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