The causes of the formation of kidney stones

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Nephrolithiasis is quite a common ailment, because in Europe it affects as much as 5-10 percent. population. In many cases, easily eliminated factors are responsible for the development of the disease. What causes kidney stones and what is its prevention?

We talk about kidney stones when insoluble, hard deposits form in these organs and urinary tract. It is often “sand” that can be easily and painlessly excreted in the urine. However, if small stones are not removed spontaneously, subsequent layers begin to crystallize on them and the problem becomes so serious that it is necessary to start pharmacological treatment, and in extreme cases – surgical treatment.

Kidney stones are almost never the result of just one factor – there are many overlapping causes that lead to kidney stones. What’s more, stones of various types can be formed in the kidneys, the main “building material” of which is a different compound. Such stones will also form differently. The general rule, however, is simple: stones are formed when the concentration of a given ingredient in the urine exceeds the norm.

The most important thing is water

Nephrolithiasis is also very often the result of common neglect consisting in taking too little fluid. This, in turn, causes the urine to concentrate, which favors the crystallization of the compounds present in it. Therefore, remember to consume a total of about two liters of fluid every day.

Fluid supply can take place with the use of herbs, which additionally support the proper functioning of the kidneys. We recommend, for example, phosphate and carbonate kidney stones – a mixture of herbs or oxalate kidney stones – a mixture of herbs, whose regular drinking in the case of a specific disease can bring real positive effects.

Organic tea for healthy kidneys with birch and juniper may have a positive effect on the excretory function of the kidneys.

Key diet

Diet plays a very important role in the diagnosis of kidney stones. Depending on whether it is calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate, gout or cystine stones, products that are rich in substances that form deposits should be eliminated from the diet. In all types of urolithiasis, salt intake should be limited and the diet should be balanced.

  1. As an auxiliary, it is worth drinking Klimuszko’s Tincture Supporting Proper Kidney Function, which has a positive effect on the kidneys and the entire urinary system.

Factors contributing to the development of kidney stones

An important factor contributing to the formation of urolithiasis are various types of urinary tract infections. They cause exfoliation of the epithelium, which becomes a great “basis” for stone building – urine components are deposited on the tissue fragments, creating deposits. With infections, stones are often formed that contain struvite, i.e. magnesium ammonium phosphate. This phosphate is formed when there are large amounts of ammonia in the urine due to the breakdown of urea by bacteria.

To reduce the risk of kidney stones, it is worth drinking an infusion prepared on the basis of Kidney – a herbal mixture according to Andreas Moritz’s recipe.


One of the diseases that promote the development of urolithiasis is gout. It is called when uric acid levels are high in the blood. This, in turn, is also associated with increased amounts of this compound in the urine. In the case of gout, the first treatment course is the administration of drugs that lower the level of uric acid in the body.

To support your body with gout, you can try Urolithiasis, a herbal blend available on Medonet Market.

Prophylaxis in kidney stones

Of course, the most important role in prophylaxis is consuming the right amount of fluids. This should be remembered even when we do not feel thirsty – it is a state that occurs when there is not enough water in our body. It is worth drinking, for example, freeze-dried organic nettle tea, which you can find at Medonet Market.

All kinds of urinary tract infections should also be treated effectively. It is worth drinking more fluids than usual and taking diuretics. The same recommendations apply to people whose families have had cases of urolithiasis.

It is good to take care of the correct body weight. Obesity is conducive to metabolic disorders, which in turn can lead to an increase in the concentration of compounds that are the “building blocks” for kidney stones in the body.

For prophylaxis and as an aid during the treatment of kidney problems, try Nefrolfix – herbal tea from the Herbapol brand in Krakow. You can also reach for NefroTabs BIO sachets or NefroTabs capsules.

Worth reading:

  1. Nephrolithiasis – types, symptoms, treatment
  2. How to avoid kidney stones?
  3. Diet for kidney stones

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