The causes of infertility in women: treatment. Video
For many women, the information that they are infertile becomes tragic. Plans for a happy family life are crumbling, the thought of inferiority comes. Depression begins, which often affects physical health.
The causes of infertility in women
Causes of female infertility
The causes of female infertility are varied. In some, it is genetically determined, while others cannot have children as a result of past diseases. And to the third, doctors cannot explain at all why they are infertile. For medical reasons, everything is in order, but the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur.
Women who really want to have children do not give up hope. They try the most modern methods of dealing with infertility. Every year there are more and more of them. Diagnostics is also improving. After all, many diseases proceed practically without symptoms, and identifying the main cause of infertility is already a success. Knowing what to fight with, the doctor will choose the right method of treatment, and the chances of defeating the disease will increase several times.
After the IVF procedure, the woman is in the clinic for some time, under the supervision of doctors. When she is confident that the embryo has taken root, she is allowed to go home, prescribing supportive therapy.
Pregnancy does not occur. The main thing is not to lose hope.
Women are considered infertile if they are physically healthy and cannot get pregnant for a year. But not everything is so simple.
It happens that psychological reasons interfere with fertilization:
- stress
- nervous work
- agitated emotional state
And women who have not been able to get pregnant for a long time become happy mothers soon after they change jobs for a more relaxed one or find a way out of a difficult life situation.
Psychological causes of infertility were identified in 10% of women. To become pregnant, they had to completely change their lifestyle, and some had to undergo treatment with a psychotherapist.
If all types of treatment have already been tried, but the desired pregnancy has not come, many women decide on surrogacy. It is allowed in Russia. There are even specialized centers for the selection of surrogate mothers.
These are commercial organizations, you cannot use their services for free
But you can go through the IVF procedure under the state health insurance policy. In this case, the material is taken from the future parents, and the embryo of the surrogate mother is implanted. She can be a relative, such as a sister. In this case, it will be possible to save money without paying for the services of an unfamiliar woman. And they are quite expensive. In Moscow surrogacy centers, the gestation contract starts from 800 thousand rubles. At the same time, it does not include IVF (if you decide to do it for a fee, without waiting in line), medical care during pregnancy, monetary services in the maternity hospital, etc.
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