The causes of dandruff on the head: how to remove folk remedies? Video
Few can boast that they have never suffered from dandruff. This ailment is very common. Itchy scalp, increased fat content of the roots, white “powder” on the shoulders – these are the main unpleasant symptoms of dandruff.
The causes of dandruff on the head
The main cause of dandruff on your scalp is Malassezia Furtur fungus. This fungus can live on the skin for a long time and harmlessly, but it manages to express itself only after changing the functions of the sebaceous glands. The main food product of the fungus is sebum. Therefore, with the increased work of the sebaceous glands, the fungus actively multiplies and leaves “waste” – dry skin scales. The disease is called seborrheic dermatitis.
The reasons for the appearance of seborrhea are a lot: improper scalp care, changing shampoo, changing water, abuse of cosmetics – varnishes, foams, mousse, gels
Dandruff can even cause hypothermia of the head, stress, chronic fatigue, poor nutrition, chronic and infectious diseases.
It is not difficult to get rid of this ailment at home. You can also use folk remedies.
How to remove dandruff at home using folk remedies
Burdock is a great way to get rid of dandruff. Finely chop three or four dry burdock roots and mix with two tablespoons. dried celandine in a small enamel saucepan. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and simmer for 30 minutes. Cool the broth and strain through cheesecloth. Use it as follows: wash your hair in your usual way and rinse clean hair with the prepared broth. Pat dry with a towel and dry without a hairdryer. Use the decoction every time you wash your hair. Dandruff should go away forever.
Tansy is also a great anti-dandruff remedy.
Take 100 g of tansy flowers, pour three liters of boiling water and keep on fire for 10 minutes. Leave the broth to infuse overnight at room temperature. Strain the broth in the morning and warm it up to a warm temperature that is pleasant for the head before use. Wash your hair not with ordinary shampoo, but with a special composition. To do this, take 2 raw yolks and dissolve them in 5 liters of warm water.
Prepare the egg mixture directly in the bowl where you will wash your hair. Whisk the solution until foam forms. Rinse your hair thoroughly with this compound. Hair will become clean and start to squeak. After that, thoroughly rinse the strands in the tansy broth. Repeat this procedure several times as your hair gets dirty. Soon you will see that you have finally got rid of dandruff and acquired well-groomed and beautiful hair.
Egg yolk is known to help cleanse hair from dirt and can be used in place of shampoo.
Nettle has also long been used as an excellent remedy for dandruff and for strengthening hair roots. A medium bunch of fresh nettles or 7 tbsp. l. Pour dry chopped nettle with 1 liter of boiling water and keep for ten minutes in a water bath, then strain through cheesecloth. After shampooing, rinse your hair with this broth. There is another option: make a more concentrated decoction of nettle (5 tablespoons of nettle in 1 cup of boiling water) and rub into the scalp every night. It will also help you get rid of dandruff.