The causes of bad breath

Bad breath can be a problem for anyone and can effectively hamper interpersonal relationships. This symptom does not necessarily result from careless hygiene, sometimes the problem is much more serious and may be the result of diseases. See what.

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1/ 9 Dental diseases

The main cause of bad breath are dental and periodontal diseases, resulting mainly from the lack of care for oral hygiene. On unwashed teeth, food remains are a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. As a result, tooth decay and gum disease develop, accompanied by bad breath. photo: Shutterstock

2/9 It does not charge

The cause of a condition called halitosis is an excess of volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth. The source of the smell is mainly the tongue, gums and saliva, secretions from the nose and throat. photo: Shutterstock

3/ 9 Diseases of the respiratory system

Chronic tonsillitis and chronic sinusitis are diseases caused mainly by bacteria. The proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the respiratory system may be accompanied by the release of an unpleasant odor. photo: Shutterstock

4/ 9 Metabolic diseases

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease accompanied by a disturbance in sugar and amino acid metabolism. One of the symptoms of this disease may be a bad smell from the mouth. Also read: This disease leaves ugly scars

5/ 9 Diseases of the digestive system

Digestive disorders and acid reflux problems, constipation can cause bad breath. This symptom may also accompany gastroenteritis and gastric ulcer disease. photo: Shutterstock

6/ 9 Kidney failure

The smell of ammonia coming from the mouth may accompany kidney failure. photo: Shutterstock

7/ 9 Infection with the herpes virus

The herpes virus causes inflammation of the mucous membranes, which may be accompanied by bad breath. photo: Shutterstock

8/ 9 Smoking cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes, including passive smoking, in addition to the smell of an excessive amount of coffee drunk, can effectively scare our interlocutor. photo: Shutterstock

9/ 9 Eating garlic

Eating too much garlic for breakfast may not combat a cold or flu, but it will put our coworkers off. After decomposition, alliin contained in it forms allicin – a compound with a characteristic garlic smell that remains in the body for a long time. photo: Shutterstock

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