The cause of nickel allergic reactions has been discovered

Nickel causes an allergic reaction in the body because it binds to the TLR4 receptor, which is responsible for the detection of pathogens in the immune system, according to scientists from Germany in the journal Nature Immunology.

Nickel is a chemical element from the group of transition metals. Due to the widespread use of this metal for jewelry making and finishing cell phones, it is the most common allergen. Allergy to this metal is found in about 17 percent. adults and 8 percent. kids. Nickel allergy may present as contact dermatitis (redness, burning, etc.), conjunctivitis, rhinitis, asthma and systemic nickel allergy. Nickel allergy can even lead to rejection of orthopedic and dental implants.

Matthias Goebeler and colleagues at the University of Giessen showed that nickel binds to a receptor called TLR4, which normally serves the immune system to detect pathogens. Binding nickel to the receptor causes an inflammatory response which results in allergy symptoms.

The authors of the study observed that nickel binds to two specific sites of the TLR4 receptor, and the mutation that changes the structure of these sites abolishes the ability of TLR4 to recognize and bind nickel, without affecting the receptor’s ability to recognize pathogens (viruses and bacteria).

According to the researchers, blocking these nickel binding sites in TLR4 receptors could become an effective treatment for nickel allergy. (PAP)

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