The cause of cystitis in women
You are afraid to drink an extra glass of water, because after a few minutes you will really want to use the toilet. But going there will bring continuous torment. Blame cystitis. found out the reasons for its appearance and methods of treatment.
The cause of cystitis in women
The first step is to debunk the myth that hypothermia is the main cause of cystitis. But this is only a provoking factor. What is really going on?
Acute infection
Sharp pain in the genital area, going to the toilet every 10-15 minutes, and not a minute of calmness? This is acute cystitis.
From: an infection has entered the bladder. The reason could be non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, stress, hypothermia and even improper diet. When opportunistic bacteria begin to develop actively, they are sent along the ascending pathway into the urethra, and from there into the bladder.
However, bacteria can get there along a descending path – from diseased kidneys. Also, the cause of the disease can be fungi that have multiplied during prolonged use of antibiotics. Bacterial cystitis is not transmitted from person to person, but infectious can.
What to do: give up spicy, salty and sour, as well as alcohol and consult a doctor. Nephrologist consultation, ultrasound and X-ray may be needed. If the cause turns out to be infectious, antibiotics will be prescribed for treatment. With non-bacterial cystitis, they will not help.
What not to do: prescribe drugs to yourself. There are several types of cystitis, and without a doctor it will not be possible to determine the nature of the disease. In addition, there is a risk of not completing the treatment, and then it will begin …
Read next: What does untreated cystitis lead to?
Hypothermia is only a provoking factor. There are several causes of cystitis, including stress.
Chronic inflammation
If you have already been ill and have been treated several times, but cystitis occurs again, it means that it has passed into the chronic stage.
From: most often it is a disease that has not been treated in the past. The infection was not completely destroyed, it lurked and now, at the slightest opportunity – a decrease in immunity, stress, excessive exertion – it manifests itself again.
What to do: check the causative agent for resistance (resistance) to antibiotics. This, of course, can only be done by a doctor, who will also select an effective drug suitable for your case.
What not to do: postpone going to the doctor. If treatment is started, the infection can move further and reach the kidneys.
What to do: cystitis is a common female problem, but it can be avoided by dressing warmer in cool weather, especially taking care of the pelvis, lower back and legs. Observe intimate hygiene, treat teeth on time, do not start caries. Drinking more water will keep fluid from stagnating in your bladder.
What not to do: wear a thong in combination with tight jeans. Constant overflow of the bladder should not be allowed. If you are used to running to the toilet often because of nervousness, this also increases the risk of developing cystitis: in this case, the bladder is in hypertonicity. It is normal to visit the restroom no more than once every 3-5 hours.
Unusual cystitis
The illness may be an allergic reaction to vaginal deodorant or latex condoms.
Irritation in the urethra can be caused by fragrances or dyes in bath products.
There is also “honeymoon” cystitis, when a woman becomes ill after the first intercourse. The damaged vaginal mucosa becomes at this time a favorable environment for the development of infection.
Postcoital cystitis is a chronic exacerbation after intercourse. It can be caused by a displacement of the urethra into the vagina or an individual feature of the genitals. In half of these cases, a small operation helps.