The cat shakes its head and scratches its ears
As a rule, a cat scratches its ears when various diseases appear. Knowing their symptoms will allow you to recognize the disease and begin treatment as early as possible.
If your cat scratches its ears, examine it carefully.
Why does a cat shake its head and scratch its ears
If immediately after bathing the cat scratches its ear, then it’s okay. This means that water got there during water procedures. It also causes discomfort. Place cotton balls in her ears before the next swim.
If the pet shakes its head and combs its ears for several days, then the reason may be:
- ear mite. In this case, there is a brown bloom or liquid, a purulent mass, an unpleasant odor, rash and redness;
- otitis media, or ear inflammation. With inflammation, serous fluid, purulent masses, an unpleasant odor, fever, blood and serous discharge appear, and when you press on the ear, a squelching sound;
- dermatitis. The pet has a decrease in appetite and fluid secretion. The ears turn red, a rash appears, the animal combs itself and loses its hair;
- abscess. A slight swelling filled with pus appears in the ear.
An accurate diagnosis will be made by the veterinarian after examining the pet.
What to do if your cat shakes its head and scratches its ears
Ear mites, or otodectosis, can damage and rupture the membrane, inflammation, and even meningitis. Therefore, the animal needs professional treatment. The ears are cleaned of purulent masses, and then a medicinal preparation is applied. You need to treat two ears at once. Spray your pet’s bedding and toys with a protective spray.
For ear infections, topical treatment and an antibiotic are used. In order not to cause inflammation of the ear, carry out the prevention of the formation of sulfur plugs. The ears of the animal are cleaned in a veterinary clinic. Also, using hydrogen peroxide, it is removed at home. Also, avoid hypothermia and treat any illness.
Do not shorten the treatment period prescribed by the doctor, even if there is improvement.
To relieve a cat with dermatitis, the skin is treated with an ointment that relieves itching. However, see your veterinarian to heal your cat completely.
Only a doctor can open an abscess and release pus. He will clean the wound, use antimicrobial agents, and put in a drain to drain any remaining pus. If the disease is started, then in addition to local treatment, antibiotics and infusion therapy are used.
Examine your pet’s ears regularly and contact your veterinarian right away if you experience alarming symptoms.
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