The cat ran away from home and returned to the owner 11 years later

The owners are already desperate and believe that someday they will see their furry pet again.

Once a married couple from New York – Maggie Welz and her husband John – saw a kitten wandering near their house. The couple took the little tramp to them. For the striped color, the baby was named Tiger.

The kitten was chipped: with the help of an injection into the withers, a microchip was introduced under the animal’s skin with its unique number and information about the owner. But three years later, Tiger fled.

“Someone opened the front door and he ran away,” says owner Maggie. – The tiger never left the house, he was very domestic. Perhaps the noisy street scared him. We did not see the Tiger again. We searched for it, but to no avail. It was such a grief. “

Later, the couple moved to another area of ​​the city. Selling the house, Maggie asked the new tenants to look at the street cats. Suddenly one of them is her Tiger.

However, the cat never appeared in those places. But he began to appear in the courtyard of Carol O’Connell, who lived only 2 miles from Maggie.

“He has been coming to my house for the last three years,” says Carol. – I tried to pet him, but the cat did not work. Then my son and I began to feed the cat to gain his trust. Usually he came early in the morning, but it happened that he disappeared for a month. “

Carol noticed that each time the cat looked worse. The woman guessed that this was not an ordinary street cat, that he once had owners.

And it just so happens that Carol works for the animal welfare service. One day she took a scanner from work to check if the cat was microchipped. The device gave a signal, and the phone of the owners of the Tiger was displayed on the screen. Carol immediately dialed their number.

“My jaw just fell out,” John admits when he finds out that his cat has been found.

“It is unlikely that the Tiger remembers us after 11 years of separation, but I want to believe it,” says happy Maggie.

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