As you call the ship, so it will sail. And it happens that the captain himself does not know exactly under what name his ship is sailing. But if you are a talented entrepreneur and do what you love, even a mistake in the name will play into the hands of your business.
In 2016, Ollie Fawcett from the UK started a company called Green Tea, after accidentally making a mistake in the name. The firm was engaged in the production of music and video for advertising campaigns. Only 5 years later he learned about his oversight, and later that his company is now worth 3 million pounds.
Ollie suffered from dyslexia since childhood, and this was strongly reflected in his studies: reading and spelling were especially difficult for him. “I have a well-developed entrepreneurial streak, and there were always a lot of ideas in my head, but I could never put them on paper. I think any dyslexic can understand me, ”Olli shares.
At 19, he dropped out of college and decided to start his own business. At that time, a novice businessman constantly drank green tea, so the idea for a name for the business came by itself. But Ollie did not notice that he had made a typo in the documents, and colleagues never raised this issue, taking the mistake for a cunning marketing ploy.
This continued until the Englishman and his team became participants in the Edinburgh Arts Festival. One of the organizers spoke to Ollie about the name: then he found out that all this time his company was called not quite the way he had originally intended.
Soon the owner was in for another surprise: just at the moment when he rebranded the center, changing the name to 303.London, he also found out how much the company costs.
“When it dawned on me that my business was now worth £3m, I was stunned! Not bad for a guy who can’t even spell the name of his company correctly and who was told in school that nothing would come of him, ”says the businessman.
Today, giants such as BMW and Herbal Essences and several startups are seen among his company’s clients, and Olli’s brainchild is so successful that even during the lockdown period they had many orders and were recruiting new employees.
Ollie’s story proved once again that our shortcomings can become our trump card, but for this we must not give up and give up on ourselves, even if something does not work out and no one believes in you. You must believe in yourself: find what interests you and do what you love with full dedication. Then everything will work out for sure, and even mistakes will become the very cherry on the cake.