The bride asked her friends to lose weight for the wedding, and they were offended

Every bride dreams of a perfect holiday: an expensive wedding, elegant guests, valuable gifts… However, in pursuit of a dream wedding, it is easy to overstep reasonable boundaries and start making absurd demands on guests. Our heroine knows this firsthand: she invited her friends to lose weight for the event, but did not understand what she was wrong about.

Like all responsible newlyweds, the bride and groom began to prepare for the wedding in advance. The girl chose her sister as a witness, asking her to help organize the event and create a chat for all the bridesmaids.

The heroine of the story posted a list of requirements for guests there. She invited her friends to choose one of two options for dresses, and at the same time … lose weight for the celebration. “I would be grateful if you decide to lose weight for the wedding. Of course, I do not insist on a diet. This is not a strict requirement, but just a suggestion, ”the girl explained.

Naturally, many friends were outraged by this “friendly request.” Everything was complicated by the fact that the dresses that the bride found turned out to be very expensive, and the girl refused to make concessions to her friends. In addition to buying dresses, the bride wanted the guests to pay for the services of a makeup artist and hair stylist at the wedding, all expenses during the bachelorette party, as well as flights and hotel accommodation at the resort where the newlyweds plan to get engaged.

As a result, some of the friends refused the invitation to the wedding and bachelorette party

The bride was offended by them. The remaining girls tried to comfort her and convinced her that those who refused were “fake” friends. Her sister advised her to ignore them and move on. “I feel very sad that my wedding started with drama because of my requests,” the girl shared and asked users to comment on the situation.

However, the commentators refused to take the side of the bride and considered her requests to her friends insane. They noticed that the girl demanded too much from them and refused to put herself in their place. After all, the friends had to spend a few days from their vacation to attend her wedding, buy her gifts, and to top it off, pay almost all the expenses.

One user calculated that attending the narrator’s wedding would cost her friends several thousand dollars. Here is an approximate list of what they would have to spend money on.

  • Wedding: airfare and hotel accommodation
  • Bachelorette party: airfare and hotel accommodation
  • Food
  • Transportation costs in the city
  • Bridesmaid dresses, shoes, jewelry
  • Hairstyling and makeup

“You hung large expenses on them, and also demand to lose weight for the wedding”, “You want a dream wedding, which means you have to pay for it yourself. Guests are not required to spend a lot of money to prepare for your wedding, and even more so to lose weight, ”criticized her caring commentators.

By tradition, the newlyweds take on most of the guests’ expenses if they plan on-site registration. “If you can’t afford it, then celebrate in your city!” users were amazed.

Obviously, the bride in this whole story proceeded from selfish considerations: she thought only about herself and her wedding and did not take into account the interests of her friends at all. In turn, the girls who refused to come to the event were able to defend their personal boundaries by choosing their own comfort instead of satisfying the whims of a friend.

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