The film «Transmission from the Echo of Moscow»

How the human brain works

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The female brain is different from the male brain. They are sharpened for different tasks, differ in their functions and function differently. Men have larger brains, but in this case, «bigger» does not mean «better»: you need to understand the details.

First, the brain of M is only 10% smaller than the brain of M. But the size in this case does not really matter, here it is appropriate to recall the textbook comparison of such a large, very large brain of Turgenev (2021 grams) and such a small, small one — the French writer and famous intellectual Anatole France (1039 grams). Some people may not like his Rise of the Angels, but Frans’ 1921 Nobel Prize for Literature probably means he wasn’t a total moron. Yes, and Einstein, to be honest, the brain had less than average, and nothing, he did it. From these examples it follows that a person with a small brain can be not only quite intellectually developed, but even a genius, which is a strong argument against a rigid causal relationship between brain size and intelligence.

The idea that M has a better developed cortex, and F has a subcortex is erroneous. Rather, the opposite is true: in M, the amygdala (amygdala) is especially active — an ancient part of the brain, a subcortical structure associated with instinctive emotional reactions, such as rivalry, activity, aggression and fear. Men need this more because of their relentless concern for dominance and competition within the male hierarchy. So, the male and female brains differ primarily in the size of this very amygdala. Men have a larger amygdala, so men are much more aggressive, and women are better than men at relieving stress, achieving a state of calm and negotiating with the world.

Are there parts of the brain that are larger and better developed in women than in men? There is — this is the front part of the brain. And this highly developed front part of a woman’s brain does not make her better, it makes her different: because of her, a woman is prone to anxiety 4 times more than a man.

But the prefrontal cortex, which is larger in women and matures faster than men, helps a woman avoid rash, impulsive decisions. The prefrontal cortex is where we make intelligent decisions. It makes it possible to look for a solution to situations (which follows from our actions), and not to act impulsively. Therefore, boys are initially more impulsive, and girls tend to think about the situation and act more carefully.

The natural impulsiveness of boys is also facilitated by the fact that boys, in comparison with girls, have less serotonin and oxytocin in their bodies.

It is important to understand that what is more important in the brain is not the size of one or another of its “details”, but the way they function. So, the female brain works much more efficiently than the male. How is this provided?

  1. Compared to men, women have significantly more gray matter in the brain, which provides thought processes.
  2. The cerebral hemispheres of Zh are connected by a significantly larger number of connections than those of M.
  3. Women work with both hemispheres of the brain, and in men, the hemispheres of the brain often function separately, without obvious connections with each other. When a man speaks, only the left hemisphere works for him. If a woman speaks, both hemispheres are involved in her work
  4. A woman’s whole brain works, men usually use only the back of their brain. The rest of their brains tend to be dormant.

However, even here he talks about something “better — worse” — it’s difficult. If men’s brains are specialized and women’s are integrated, which is better? The high specialization of the hemispheres and individual brain areas of M is the reason for his ability to concentrate on one task, while the attention of M is much easier to distract. On the other hand, this same specialization has its own unpleasant sides: perhaps it is precisely this specialization that prevents men from expressing their feelings verbally. So is the integration of the brain of women: this gives them a developed intuition, but makes it difficult to think clearly.

Studying the brain —

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