The boss gave a bottle of blue champagne, what is mixed in there?

Before the new year, I was presented with a bottle of blue champagne at work. At first I thought it was just colored glass. Looking closely, I saw that the bottle is transparent, but the drink is really pearly blue.

Strange, I thought. It seems that I do not work badly, and there were no conflicts … Why do they want to poison me? I put the bottle in the cupboard and forgot about it.

I recently stumbled upon it and wanted to figure out what kind of drink it is. It turns out that this is a very fashionable sparkling wine. Today I will share with you the results of my research.

What is kandurin

Candurin (Kandurin) is a food natural dye with a mother-of-pearl effect, which is used in the confectionery industry to add shine and color to finished products.

It is produced from natural silicates (resins) and, according to the assurances of the manufacturers, has repeatedly passed international safety checks.

There are several colors:

  • gold;
  • pink pearl;
  • blue pearl;
  • silver;
  • fuchsia.

It was thought of adding it to drinks relatively recently, literally 5-7 years ago. First, in non-alcoholic children’s sodas and juices (yeah, all the best for children). A little later, sparkling wines with kandurin appeared.

Is it harmful

Like any alcoholic drink, champagne with Kandurin should not be drunk by pregnant women and children, as well as by persons driving vehicles and working in especially dangerous industries.

Since kandurin is a natural food coloring made from resins, it does not have any side effects.

If you buy this multi-colored wine from well-established producers in trusted alcohol stores that have a license and certificates, then it is difficult to stumble upon a fake.

Important: fake mother-of-pearl champagne may contain: industrial alcohol, water, sugar and dye.

Manufacturers I recommend:

  • Avivo;
  • UP2U Azul (Ап ту ю Азул);
  • Mavam Magic.

Cocktails based on mother-of-pearl champagne

It turns out that by giving me such a drink for the new year, the authorities did not want to poison me. But somehow I, a brutal man with a beard, did not stop drinking such glamorous champagne. So I decided to use it in cocktails for my wife by March 8th.

You can add kandurin to any alcoholic drink, so making champagne-based cocktails with kandurin depends only on a flight of fancy.


Champagne with kandurin of any color is added to the classic Mojito recipe. Personally, I like the look of gold.


  • light rum 40 ml;
  • ice;
  • whole lime;
  • mint;
  • cane sugar.

We crush lime, mint and sugar at the bottom of a wide glass with thick edges, add rum, then ice and top up with champagne.

Northern lights in space

Variation of the classic cocktail. To 50 ml of vodka add 150 ml of champagne of any color. Served in a tall champagne glass. You can decorate with a fruit or berry that matches the color of the champagne.


To prepare Mimosa, all ingredients must be well chilled.


  • 150 ml of pearly sparkling drink;
  • 10 ml Cointreau orange liqueur;
  • 50 ml of orange juice.

Pour all the ingredients one by one into a tall glass. Can be garnished with orange zest.

Hemingway Champagne (Hemingway Champagne)

Variation of the classic cocktail recipe. Mix in a tall glass 50 ml of absinthe and 150 ml of silver or gold champagne. The cocktail is quite strong.

Important: the cocktail was named after the famous writer Ernest Hemingway, who is credited with the idea of ​​​​creating it.

Can I do at home

Kandurin is sold in many special shops for confectioners. It looks like pearlescent powder in a small plastic jar.

Important: you can make a soft drink based on grape or apple juice.

To make an alcoholic drink at home you will need:

  • white wine 0,7 l;
  • 0,5 grams of kandurin of any color;
  • filled apparatus for the preparation of carbonated drinks (siphon).

Add kandurin to chilled white wine and stir thoroughly. After that, you can pour the drink into a siphon, carbonate and pour into glasses

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

Have you tried this drink? Do you think it can become an alternative to traditional celebratory champagne or is it out of competition?

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