The body sends out five warning signs. It could be cancer

Time is of the essence in the treatment of neoplastic diseases. The sooner it is diagnosed, the better the chances of survival and recovery. Cancer can reveal itself in an inconspicuous way. It can be one of five signals. Pay special attention to them. If you notice them at home, don’t wait to see your doctor. Work.

  1. In Poland, an average of 300 people die from cancer every day. Annually, it is over 100, and 10 million in the world
  2. The data collected in the 2022 National Health Test show that cancer has ever been diagnosed in 5 percent. adult Poles
  3. The sooner the disease is detected, the better the chances of a longer life
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Don’t ignore these symptoms

When detected in time, tumors can be cured. However, we must be vigilant and not ignore the signals that our body sends us. These can be very inconspicuous signs.

The rest of the text below the video.

Bruises do not know from what

Do you have the impression that your body is bruising out of nowhere? You don’t remember when you hit yourself, and that distinctive mark is there. Besides, it doesn’t take much to get them to come into existence. Hitting a table can actually cause a bruise, experts say, but some blood cancers also make them appear all over the place.

Sudden fatigue

Each of us sometimes has a bad day. He gets tired faster. This is perfectly normal. But sudden fatigue, a drop in energy, no matter if you get enough sleep, could be a sign of leukemia or lymphoma.

Lump, swelling

Experts caution not to underestimate the tumor or the swelling on the body.

“Most malignant breast lumps are not painful, and sometimes it is difficult for a woman to tell a cancerous from a noncancerous lump, so the breast needs to be examined,” said Dr. Beth Overmoyer, quoted by

Itchy mole

Watch for changes in the skin, especially moles. If they change color and start itching or bleeding, this could be a sign of something serious.

“We believe that some of these irritations – itching, bleeding – are a sign that the body is actually starting to recognize the cancer and attacking it a little, which causes irritation to the lesion on the skin,” said Dr. Elizabeth Buchbinder, an oncologist at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Boston.

You have moles and warts on your skin. This is an indication for a visit to a dermatologist. Make an appointment at Medonet Markiecie.

Sudden weight loss

Doctors say sudden, unexplained weight loss is a common symptom of cancer. As noted by Dr. Richard Levine, medical director of the Moffitt Cancer Center at International Plaza, in a study that investigated the causes of unintentional weight loss, 5 to 37 percent of patients were eventually diagnosed with cancer.

“But it doesn’t always indicate cancer, and there are many other causes,” concludes the doctor.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time our guest is Marek Rybiec – businessman, as one of 78 people from all over the world, he completed «4 Deserts» – ultramarathon taking place in extreme places around the world. She talks to Aleksandra Brzozowska about the challenge, mental strength and mindfulness training. Listen!

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