Celebrities are people too. They understand perfectly well that they are always expected to take perfect pictures, so they are a little cunning.
“But why! Why did they give birth – and already immediately thin, but I – no! ” – regrets my friend, who became a mother some two months ago.
Looking at Instagram, it’s really easy to earn yourself a couple of complexes. And even neurosis. Beauties who, on discharge from the hospital, look like they have just left a beauty salon, can make anyone feel like a crap. Especially if you have gestational diabetes, weight gain, hormonal burst, and the joys that come with it.
No, some stars are sincerely trying to save women from complexes by taking pictures immediately after giving birth from a not very favorable angle. But how many are there compared to the number of incredible beauties we see every day on social networks ?!
The same woman may look different.
The same woman may look different.
A blogger from Sweden Sandra Wardine joined the army of women “for naturalness”. It was she who showed that she can actually be behind the ideal photographs of the stars. Sandra is the mother of two boys. The snapshot, designed to resurrect our self-esteem from the ashes, was taken just 11 days after the second birth.
For the first photo, Sandra pulled up a wide belt of leggings higher. For the second, on the contrary, she lowered it lower. The difference, as we can see, is obvious. And this is not the only secret of gorgeous selfies in the style of “I just gave birth, and I’m a fairy.” After all, nobody canceled Photoshop either.
And they heard Sandra’s message: almost 20 thousand likes under the picture confirm this. “Thank you for your honesty. It’s great to know that you don’t have to look perfect. After all, it takes as long as nine months to carry a child. Nobody has the right to wait for a woman to get back in shape in a couple of days, ”subscribers wrote to Sandra.
And a little later Sandra showed another collage. The first photo was taken before pregnancy. The second – two weeks after giving birth, with stretch marks and a tummy that was not quite drawn in yet. Sandra is sure: she is beautiful in both pictures. And she’s right.