The blanket, psycho side

Between Doudou and Mom, Baby’s heart swings …

Who has forgotten the warmth, the comfort brought by the blanket? Simple piece of cloth, teddy bear or rabbit, it remained synonymous with our early childhood. He smells like mom, he belongs to us and no one has ever understood how heartwarming he can be. And then, the memory of the many tragedies: the loss of the blanket at the airport, the blanket no longer has the same smell because mom washed it … Mini-dramas that every young child has known! 

The blanket, this transitional object

– The blanket is called a transitional object by psychologists, because it allows Baby to keep in touch with his mother when he is separated from her.

– Around 8 months, Baby is starting to be afraid of being separated from his mother. This is usually where the famous blanket takes on great importance … 

– True intermediary between the world “with mum” and the outside world where mum is absent. Some nurseries ask parents to bring it every morning. This is to say if your little one needs it to feel safe!

Baby needs it … But by the way, what is the blanket for?

– The blanket allows Baby to relax when he is tired, anxious or angry. In short, to feel safe.

– He is Baby’s first companion. What a pleasure, a blanket: you can talk to it, mistreat it and… make it dirty at will!

However, some children do not need it. For example, they suck their thumbs more, or their pacifier. Don’t worry, these kids are growing up just as well as everyone else!

Choosing the right baby blanket

– There is no bad blanket! But there are simple ones… and more complicated ones. An advice choose those that can be easily cleaned, and replaced if lost!

– The blanket is chosen by your child. Most often, it is associated with the bed, it is very soft. Touch and smell are essential to have a good quality blanket!

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