The bite of the wasp
Wasps are waiting for us everywhere – in cities, parks, in the country, near shops and garbage cans. Their bite is very painful and can be deadly. How to avoid a meeting and what to do if the wasp did bite?

4 species of wasps and hornets live in Russia. Their differences are not insignificant, there is no need for the layman to understand them – the poison of these insects acts in the same way and the consequences of the bite are identical. And they bite quite often – hundreds of victims turn to hospitals every year.

Signs of a wasp sting

A wasp sting can be recognized by three main signs:

  • there is a very sharp pain;
  • the bite site swells;
  • redness of the skin appears around the bite site.

And for most people, this is where it all ends, soon the discomfort disappears – usually after 2 – 3 hours. But in 1% of those affected, a severe allergic reaction occurs, which can be fatal. Symptoms of a dangerous condition look like this:

  • swelling is very strong and increases rapidly;
  • rash and itching appear all over the body;
  • nausea and vomiting begin;
  • it becomes difficult to breathe;
  • the pulse is unstable – either too frequent, or, conversely, slow;
  • dizziness occurs.

Ultimately, the person may lose consciousness.

First aid for a wasp sting

First of all, inspect the wound – if there is a sting left there. In wasps, unlike bees, the sting does not have notches, it is smooth, so insects pull it out and can bite several times in a row. But sometimes it happens that the sting still remains. If it’s in the wound, take it out. Best with tweezers or something similar. But in no case do not try to squeeze it out like a pimple – this way even more poison will enter the body, or you can even bring an infection.

The next steps are:

  • disinfect the wound with hydrogen peroxide or vodka;
  • wrap the bite site with a sterile bandage – the bandage will not allow the poison to spread throughout the body;
  • apply ice – it will relieve pain;
  • take any antihistamine;
  • drink plenty of water and go to the toilet more often – so the poison will quickly leave the body.

Consequences of a wasp sting

The worst thing that can happen is a severe allergy.

Wasp and hornet venoms are very strong allergens and often cause anaphylactic reactions that can develop from a few seconds to several hours
Elena TimoshinaAllergist-immunologist

The most dangerous bites are in the area of ​​​​the face and neck – they do not go away for a long time and can lead to swelling of the tongue and larynx, and for a short time and suffocate.

This is a bite prevention

A wasp can bite anywhere – both in nature and in the city. You need to be especially careful in the following cases:

  • when you throw garbage into a street container – there are often food there, and where there is food, there are wasps;
  • near grocery stores and street food outlets – wasps flock there, attracted by the smell of food;
  • at a picnic in nature – before putting a piece of food in your mouth, especially barbecue or sweets, carefully inspect it;
  • in the garden, at the end of July – August, when fruits begin to ripen – wasps often feed on them;
  • in a country house – wasps often fly inside, again, attracted by the smell of delicious: hang mosquito nets on doors and windows;
  • in baths, sheds, attics – in these places wasps build nests;
  • when weeding grass and pruning shrubs – some types of wasps arrange nests on the shoots of plants and in the crown.

Popular questions and answers

How to avoid a wasp sting?
– It often happens that a wasp circles around a person, attracted by the smell of food or even perfume. At this point, it is important not to wave your arms sharply – the insect may perceive this as aggression against itself and begin to defend itself.

And again, most importantly, carefully inspect all food when having picnics on the street – a bite to the tongue is much worse than to other parts of the body and can end sadly.

In the country, inspect attics and other secluded places where wasps build their nests in the spring – they must be destroyed in a timely manner. In the garden, in secluded places, you can hang bottles of sweet water – wasps climb there and drown. So you can significantly reduce their number.

Can you die from a wasp sting?
“Maybe,” he says. allergist Elena Timoshina, – if an anaphylactic reaction develops.

The statistics, by the way, are sad: 3 times more people die from the bite of wasps and bees in the world than from snake bites!

Many wasp stings can cause a lot of trouble. It is generally accepted that the lethal dose of poison for a person is 500 – 1000 bites, but even if you were bitten by 2 wasps, doctors advise not to self-medicate, but to go to the hospital. And if an allergy begins, urgently call an ambulance.

How dangerous is a hornet bite?
It is popularly believed that a hornet’s bite is much more dangerous than a wasp’s, supposedly only three bites can be fatal. In fact, hornet venom is not more toxic than wasp venom, and the hornets themselves are much calmer, why don’t they bite in vain. They can show aggression only near their nest, but not immediately. If you approach their colony, the guard hornets will first make warning flights around the person – they will begin to curl in circles. If you ignore the warning, they start to beat their head on the opponent’s body. But they don’t bite! And only if you come close to the nest, insects can move on to drastic measures.

If a hornet flew into the house, do not try to catch it – just open a window or door, and the uninvited guest will fly away by itself. In this regard, they are smarter than wasps and quickly find a way out.

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