The birth of the cat, how is it going?

The birth of the cat, how is it going?

In order for the birth of a female cat to go smoothly, it is necessary to be well prepared beforehand in order to know how to react in the event of a problem. In the majority of cases, the mother will give birth naturally without needing any help, but sometimes difficulties arise. In all cases, a prior visit to your veterinarian is necessary so that he can give you personalized advice based on your animal.

The course of childbirth in cats

Childbirth is also called parturition. When it takes place normally, this childbirth is said to be eutocic. In the cat, the gestation period is about 2 months (60 to 67 days).

Physical and behavioral signs announce an imminent birth. Thus, in the cat, we can notice the following signs:

  • Isolation: the mother will seek to isolate herself in peace in a corner hidden from view such as a closet or a place in the garage or in the garden;
  • Preparation of her nest: the cat seeks to prepare a nest to accommodate her young;
  • Restlessness: it can be more or less agitated according to the cats;
  • Possible loss of appetite.

When childbirth begins, the cervix will dilate and the uterus will begin to contract. Liquid secretions will come out of the vulva, corresponding to the “loss of water”. However, they are quickly licked by the pussy and you may not see them. This first stage lasts several hours. Then the contractions will become more intense and closer together. The cat, lying on its side in an arc, will make efforts to expel the kittens. Usually, the head will appear first. The little ones will come out one after the other surrounded by an envelope, called the amnion, that the mother will lick, tear and eat. This is normal behavior and you have to let the cat do it. It is also by licking the young that the mother will stimulate their breathing. Likewise, it is she who will tear the umbilical cord. Each kitten expulsion is followed by the expulsion of the placenta that contained the young. The total duration of childbirth is long and lasts several hours, especially if the size of the litter is large.

Birth problems in cats

An abnormal or difficult delivery is said to be “obstructed”. The dystocia can come from the mother (insufficient uterine contractions or the pelvis too small) or from the small ones (poorly placed fetus or too large).

If the efforts to expel are very important and no kitten comes out after 30 minutes, you should contact your veterinarian. Likewise if more than 2 hours elapse between the release of 2 kittens. Normally, it takes 30 to 60 minutes between 2 kittens. After the expulsion of each of the little ones, it is important to check that the placenta of each kitten has also been expelled. Usually the mother will ingest them. The non-delivery of a placenta is an emergency.

In any case, in the event of a problem, it is very important not to intervene yourself (do not try to pull a kitten to get it out for example) and to contact your veterinarian. If the situation represents an emergency, you must quickly take your cat to your vet. In order to see if the little ones are alive, an ultrasound of the abdomen can be done in order to know the heart rate of the little ones. If obstructed labor is present, in the vast majority of cases, a cesarean section is performed by the veterinarian.

Good gestures

About a week before the expected birth date, it is important to prepare a suitable space for the birth of the cat and get her used to it. This place must be quiet, comfortable, warm, out of sight and out of drafts. Prepare a farrowing crate (cardboard or transport crate bottom) with old sheets. It is important to keep in mind that the mother should stay in a quiet place. This is fundamental because at the slightest stress, childbirth can be stopped.

A consultation with your veterinarian will also allow you to know how many babies the mother has and if she is in good health for the birth. The veterinarian can also tell you the expected date of childbirth and give you personalized advice. During the presumed birth period, plan to write down the number of your veterinarian or an emergency department so that you can bring your cat there quickly for treatment in the event of obstructed labor.

At birth, kittens weigh around 100 g. It is important to weigh them daily to see if they are gaining weight correctly and if they are getting enough nutrition. Also observe that the mother takes good care of her young and does not neglect them.

Moreover, after childbirth, the cat will continue to have reddish discharge from the vulva, they are called lochia. This is normal and there is no need to worry. On the other hand, if these losses are very abundant or smelly, the mother should be taken to your veterinarian.

In addition, during pregnancy and lactation, the cat’s energy needs increase. It is therefore recommended to feed the mother with kitten food from the start of pregnancy and to continue with this same food after birth until the kittens are weaned. Ask your veterinarian for advice on how much to feed your cat.

Anyway, any doubt deserves a call to your veterinarian because several situations can represent an emergency and only he will know how to guide you.

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