The biggest health problems of refugees from Ukraine. Explains the family doctor

– We family doctors help refugees from Ukraine in their practices and as volunteers, but we do not know what the scale of the needs will be. Maybe there will be twice as many refugees, maybe health problems will increase, maybe there will be more coronavirus and infectious diseases – said the drug. Michał Sutkowski, president of Warsaw Family Physicians, in the program “Onet Rano.”

Michał Sutkowski, president of the Warsaw Family Physicians, was a guest of the “Onet Rano” program. He talked about the greatest challenges faced by Polish doctors who deal with people who fled to us from Ukraine.

Healthcare has a huge problem

– We know that we have 2 million refugees in Poland. Some of them are already outside our country, but health care damaged and tired by the pandemic, with its limitations and shortcomings, is in a huge problem. Today we are solving this problem simply by very much commitment – says Sutkowski.

As the doctor points out, the help of medical services is very wide. Help is provided to a very large group of people in Polish institutions, and people who have suffered as a result of hostilities are also treated in Poland.

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“We are family doctors in our practice, but we also act as volunteers outside of our working hours, helping in the full range, not only in health, where everyone can,” added the doctor.

We do not know what the scale of the needs will be

– These are not systemic actions, the system was not able to fully answer a number of doubts, the special act improved a lot, but whether it is enough, we do not know – said Sutkowski.

The family doctor emphasizes that it is not known what will be the scale of the needs related to the number of refugees and potential diseases.

What are the most common challenges for Polish doctors?

—Today, these are mainly problems of exacerbation of chronic diseases in the elderly and gynecological and obstetric diseases in some of the women who come. A very large scale is children’s diseases, infections, including the coronavirus, and a lot of gastroenteritis – Sutkowski enumerated.

See also:

  1. Waleria: where my mother lives, no emergency transport arrives
  2. WHO, medics and volunteers fight for health care in Ukraine
  3. Not only the hospital in Mariupol. The s are also attacking other health care facilities in Ukraine

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