
Armed with modern instruments and methods, scientists from all over the world — psychologists, sexologists, physiologists, philosophers — have measured and comprehended the most mysterious human feeling. And, having collected the results of their work, condensing it to brief conclusions, the popularizer of psychology Leo Bormans, the author of The Big Book of Happiness, created a new big book — this time about love.

And we got the opportunity to make sure that lovers do not think like everyone else (but it looks like patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder), morality has a chemical basis (oxytocin), people are not the only primates prone to monogamy (there are, for example, marmosets and tamarins) and learn that in medieval Wales, young people urinated on the dress of the chosen ones to express love; that in today’s strip club, customers expect strippers to be caring and interested, and most conflicts in a couple’s life have no solution. How to live after this? Fortunately, each chapter is provided with brief guidelines to help us answer this question.

Eksmo, 384 p.

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