Acrylic or alkyd enamels – which is better? Does the quality of the product depend on the price? What compositions are more convenient for painting wood? To answer all these questions, we ran a small test.
How to paint a tree
For the experiment, we purchased eight identical stools, four alkyd and four acrylic enamels of different price categories, brushes.
We decided that hardly anyone would buy a primer in addition to the enamel to paint the stool. We also did not do this, although for some formulations, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, this is a violation of technology. So keep in mind that if you need to decorate large wooden surfaces (for example, interior doors), the primer is very useful, and then its acquisition is economically justified.
It is convenient to start painting the stool from below – the back of the seat, legs and crossbars. Then you need to turn the stool over, put it on its legs and paint the remaining sections on the crossbars and the upper side of the seat. Subsequent layers were applied in the same way until the black squares were completely painted over.
Recently, more and more importance is attached to the protection of the environment and human health. That is why in a number of countries by 2010 solvent-based paints and varnishes, including alkyd enamels, will be completely replaced by water-based compounds, in particular, acrylic enamels.
The better to paint a tree
The enamels were evaluated according to the following parameters: ease of use (painting characteristics), smell, quality of the resulting coating. To determine the hiding power of the compositions, we drew a checkerboard with a black felt-tip pen on the seats of the stools. And then sequentially (letting it dry) they applied layers until they completely painted over the drawing.
As a result of this impromptu test, we were able to do the expected, but from this no less interesting findings:
- The price determines the quality of the material. Yes, for good enamel you will have to pay 300-1000 rubles. But the quality of the coating (at least visible) will be much higher: the composition will show itself as more covering, it will be easier and faster to work with it.
- For vibrant colors and accurate matching, you need to use a paint of the appropriate base. In addition, the tinting system of the same manufacturer must be adhered to. There are systems from Beckers (Sweden), Dulux (Great Britain), Caparol (Germany) on the market; Teknos, Tikkurila (Finland), etc.
- If it is written on the packaging of a white composition that it is tinted according to the RAL fan, this does not mean that a bright color can be achieved (it will be lighter). In some cases, after drying, the color of the coating becomes darker by about a quarter tone. Therefore, it is advisable to first try the paint on a small piece of hardboard or plywood.
- The absence of smell makes the work much easier, therefore it is much more convenient and pleasant to use water-based materials (in our case, acrylic enamels).
Hiding power – this is the ability of the paint and varnish composition, when evenly applied to a single-color surface, to hide its original color.
Paint or enamel?
In general, this division is conditional. In Germany, for example, there is no word “enamel” at all – either “paint” (farbe) or “varnish” (lack).
When choosing a material with a high degree of gloss, special attention should be paid to the smoothness and cleanliness of the treated surface, because all the imperfections will appear.
- Краска consists of a film-forming substance (resin, latex or other), pigments or their mixture with fillers, solvent and additives. Pigments are mainly responsible for the hiding power of the material. Titanium dioxide is often used in this capacity. The film-forming agent mainly determines the water resistance and abrasion resistance.
- Эмаль consists of the same set of components. But sometimes there is much more film-forming substance in it, and fillers are the very minimum. Once dry, it creates an opaque finish with varying sheen levels. As a rule, enamel is superior to paint in terms of protective properties, hardness and elasticity.
Alkyd enamels
They consist of alkyd resins, pigments, various additives and a solvent. They can be applied to virtually any substrate. After drying, they create a durable coating that reliably protects the base from the effects of water, alkalis and withstands wet friction. However, this coating has low vapor permeability, which is critical for “breathing” wooden surfaces, from which it often peels off. The disadvantages of alkyd enamels include toxicity and a very pungent odor both during work and during drying (12 or more hours).
Dulux Trade High Gloss (United Kingdom) Alkyd gloss paint
To obtain the orange RAL 2008 color, we used the corresponding Extra Deep base and tinted it twice: once with the Tikkurila machine (this was the equipment in the store), and the second time with the “native” Dulux. The difference in price was quite significant – 40 and 555 rubles. respectively. The properties of the two enamels differed in about the same way.
When tinting on a “foreign” machine, a translucent composition of intense orange color with a liquid consistency turned out. And although the coating turned out to be smooth and mirror-glossy, each layer was thin and translucent – overlapping the structure of the wood, the enamel did not paint over the dark squares even in four layers.
Tinting on the Dulux gave a completely different result. Thick thixotropic enamel was evenly distributed over the surface, spreading over it and almost immediately hiding the marks from the brush. Even the smell during work was less than in the first case. The black squares were painted over with two (!) Layers of enamel. The coating is even, mirror-glossy, without streaks and brush marks.
- Tinting: there are four bases (Light, Medium, Deep, Extra Deep), which allow you to more accurately match the desired color. Enamels in bright white and black are available separately.
- Consumption: 1 liter covers up to 18 m² in one layer.
- Drying: before applying the next layer – 16-24 hours.
- Packing: metal cans of 1; 2,5 and 5 liters.
- Price: from 286 rubles. for 1 liter of Extra Deep base (for obtaining saturated colors) up to 1716 rubles. for 5 liters of Light base (white, for pastel colors).
Dufa Hochglanzlack (Germany) Enamel glossy
Unfortunately, tinting bases are supplied to Russia only on order, and we did not find a Dufa tinting machine. Therefore, we chose white (RAL 9010) from the range. Naturally, as a result of its tinting with the Tikkurila system, a tone lighter than RAL 2008 was obtained. The moderately thick consistency of the paint resembled a soft ice cream sundae. The composition immediately lay down well on the base with a thick, covering layer. However, they had to work quickly, since the film quickly “seized”. The indisputable advantage of the product is the absence of aromatic hydrocarbons in the composition and, therefore, the pungent odor inherent in most alkyd enamels. In three layers, the enamel covered the surface completely, forming a semi-glossy coating without drips, but with slightly noticeable brush marks.
- Tinting: 25 ready-made colors.
- Consumption: about 1 liter per 8-10 m² in one layer.
- Drying: before applying the next layer – 12 hours.
- Packing: metal cans of 0,375 each; 0,75; 2,5 l.
- Price: from 200 rubles. for 0,75 liters.
“Oreol” (Russia) Alkyd universal enamel, glossy
Enamel has a strong specific odor, so you should work in a respirator in a well-ventilated area, and optimally outdoors.
Since Halo is produced only in ready-made colors, we took white for our test and tinted it. It is quite natural that the color turned out to be not as saturated as RAL 2008.
In a jar, the consistency of the composition resembled sour cream. The result is a matte finish that completely hides the texture of the wood, with visible brush marks left on it. The black squares were painted over completely with only four coats of enamel.
- Tinting: 8 ready-made colors – white, black, gray, blue, green, yellow, beige, red.
- Consumption: for white color – 1 kg for 8-10 m² in one layer.
- Drying: before applying the next layer – 24 hours.
- Packing: metal cans of 1; 2,2; 3 kg.
- Price: about 100 rubles. for 1 kg.
Acrylic enamels
Consist of acrylic binder, pigment, water and additives. They practically do not smell, are easy to use, can be easily washed off the instrument with water, and dry quickly. And if several years ago they were somewhat inferior in properties to alkyd enamels, then modern compositions demonstrate the same high resistance to abrasion and water. In addition, they form a vapor-permeable film, which is especially important for wooden surfaces.
Beckers Elegant Aqua Lackfärg Halvblank (Швеция) Acrylic enamel paint, semi-gloss
Two cans of paint of the required base (C – translucent) were tinted in RAL 6018 color. One – with the help of a Beckers tinting machine (cost 120 rubles), the other – with a Tikkurila machine (cost 40 rubles).
In both cases, the color of the finished coating was the same, but the difference in the formulations and the amount of colorants caused discrepancies in the painting properties of the two products.
When using a “foreign” system, too liquid enamel turned out, which practically flowed over the surface. A very thin layer was required each time. However, the result is not bad: the black squares were painted over in three layers. In the process of work, there was almost no smell, which made the work comfortable. Tinting on the Beckers machine provided the composition with a sufficiently thick consistency and thixotropy. The enamel adhered well and tightly to the surface. After two (!) Layers were applied, the black squares were barely distinguishable. In both cases, a smooth finish with a noble shine and visible wood texture without sagging was obtained.
- Tinting: Base A (white) for pastel tones and Base C (translucent) for saturated colors.
- Consumption: 1 liter for 8-10 m² in one layer.
- Drying: before applying the next layer – 4 hours.
- Packing: metal cans of 0,9 and 2,8 liters.
- Price: about 575 rubles. for 0,9 liters.
Sadolin Master Lux Aqua 70 (Sweden) Water-based enamel for wood and metal, glossy
Since this enamel is only white, the tinting results in light colors. It is not surprising that the composition, tinted in RAL 6018 with a Tikkurila machine, turned out to be much lighter than the color promised by the palette.
There was practically no smell during operation. Due to its good consistency and good thixotropic properties, the composition was evenly distributed over the surface in a thin layer.
The finish is glossy, leaving the wood texture visible. After three layers were applied, the black squares were practically painted over.
It is quite probable that when tinting with the “native” system, the hiding power result will be different.
- Tinting: the enamel is available only in white. Tinted according to the Tintorama / Colornorm system.
- Consumption: 1 liter per 8 m² in one layer.
- Drying: before applying the next layer – 12 hours.
- Packing: metal cans of 1 and 2,5 liters.
- Price: about 414 rubles. for 1 liters.
Feidal Acryl-Glanzlack (Russia – Germany) Acrylic universal enamel high gloss
The composition was tinted in color 6018 according to the RAL catalog using a Tikkurila machine.
Naturally, it turned out to be lighter than in the color map. A couple of days later, when the can was opened, it was found that the color had gone upstairs. But after mixing, a uniform, creamy thixotropic material was obtained.
Working with enamel turned out to be very comfortable. The lack of strong odor and optimal consistency ensured ease of application. The black squares on the seat were painted over completely in three layers.
The finish turned out to be glossy, with a visible wood structure and barely noticeable brush marks.
- Tinting: snow-white, tinted according to the color card.
- Consumption: 1 liter for 8-12 m² in one layer.
- Drying: before applying the next layer – 3 hours.
- Packing: plastic cans, 0,75 each; 2,5; 5 and 10 liters.
- Price: from 252,52 rubles. for 0,75 l; RUB 748,12 for 2,5 liters; RUB 1457,3 for 5 liters; RUB 2986,58 for 10 liters.
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