The better to feed the laying hens for good egg production, so that they fly
The quality of the feed directly depends on how well the chickens will lay. A properly formulated laying hen’s diet will provide the owner with eggs both in summer and in winter. If you stick to the correct feeding, you can get more eggs from each bird regardless of the season.
How to feed laying hens to run well
An egg-laying hen should eat about 130 g of quality feed daily. If this does not happen, you cannot count on good egg harvests. Therefore, the amount of feed can be calculated using a simple formula: multiply the daily weight of food for one chicken by the number of layers walking around the courtyard. In winter, you can give 20 g more feed to compensate for natural heat loss.
Secrets of feeding laying hens so that they are carried more regularly and more.
Farmers know very well how to feed laying hens for good egg production. So, the diet should consist of different types of food:
- A mixture of quality grain, consisting of wheat, oats, barley and ground corn;
- Wet mash, that is, boiled finely chopped potatoes and other boiled vegetables;
- Obligatory food components in the form of bone meal, chalk, salt, cake, yeast.
In the summer, laying hens need to be given fresh grass, vegetable tops, fruits, roots every day, if possible, allow them to walk where you can find worms and eat midges. In winter, instead of greenery, it is important for birds to offer hay, grass flour, dried bunches of nettles, clovers, dandelions. If possible, at any time of the year, to increase egg production, the diet of layers can be enriched with sprouted grains.
For a significant increase in egg production, there are special vitamin and mineral supplements. They contain the necessary substances, thanks to which the laying hens will do their job properly.
For normal egg production, not only a properly selected diet is important, but also a feeding regime. Rule of thumb: feed at the same time. As a rule, poultry is fed twice a day: early in the morning and at night.
At the same time, the ration of morning and evening feeding is different:
- in the morning, it is advisable to give chickens a wet potato mash, chopped vegetables;
- an hour before bedtime, the birds are fed whole grain feed, different every day.
Birds must have access to clean drinking water at all times. It is advisable to change it in the drinker daily to prevent the development of diseases and dehydration.
Laying hens tolerate both forced fasting and overeating equally poorly. Therefore, when feeding, it is imperative to observe the regime and calculate the amount of feed given.
The best food for laying hens is a variety of grains, herbs, and roots. Periodically, birds need to be given additional substances in the form of food additives. The egg production of chickens directly depends on the quality of the feed.