The better to eat or drink – have a bite

Yes, yes, that’s how it works for us. Moreover, folk traditions are so rooted in the minds of ordinary fellow citizens that no one even thinks about the benefits of a snack, and even more so about its need. I’m not talking about the famous phrase “if there was a reason …”. But eating right is a very important moment of any drinking bout, because our health, comrades, depends on it. Meanwhile, the doctors at the expense of the phrases: “Drink a snack”, “You need to have a snack!”, “A snack steals a degree”, there was their own, professional opinion.

This article was written as an addition to the article: how to drink and not get drunk, which, by the way, has now gained considerable popularity on the Internet.

How best not to snack

Of course, before telling you about the right snack, or rather about its technology, I will first tell you how best not to have a snack at all. By the way, some aspects were considered by me from a completely different angle, and the following does not quite coincide with my previous views, in particular, those described in the above-mentioned article on ways not to get drunk.

Don’t eat too much

The following can be included in the same paragraph: do not snack on fatty and indigestible protein foods. The latter include mushrooms, peas, sausage, meat, pearl barley (muck), poultry. As it turned out, such products will only worsen your general condition in the morning, and not vice versa, as I thought before. Of course, you can’t pour a lot of beer or wine into a clogged stomach, but there’s plenty of vodka to fit in there. So, let’s take a closer look at this point:

  • The presence of food in the stomach and intestines does not reduce the effect C2H5OHbut only delays the moment of truth. Sooner or later, the food will give back everything it has absorbed. It turns out that with a full stomach you can drink much more than a living organism is supposed to – so you can catch a lethal dose.
  • Food stresses the liver, which is already busy with the overwhelming task of processing alcohol. A large amount of protein food is poorly digested in principle, and together with alcohol, it leads to tragic results.
  • Blood is filtered through the walls of the intestines and stomach, and the presence of a lump of food in them will only stall this process. As a result, a large amount of food only accelerates intoxication, and poisoning with poisons will be even more painful.

As sad as it is to write this, most of the deaths from alcohol were accompanied by a hearty snack. The ideal solution in this case: the rejection of protein foods one day before the binge and, accordingly, the rejection of its intake on this significant day. It’s pretty easy to plan things like this.

Don’t eat spicy

An important step in the breakdown of alcohol is its oxidation. This process is slowed down by dishes containing: onion, horseradish, garlic, mustard, vinegar and pepper.

Separate meals and snacks

Many people have heard about separate meals. Everyone has the right to treat this principle at their own discretion, but doctors are sure that you should not eat poorly compatible products. For example, you should not combine meat and starchy foods: meat is processed in an acidic environment, starch in an alkaline one. As you know, alkali neutralizes acid. So stewed duck with potatoes is not the best snack.

Be careful with mushrooms

Oh, how mean, you say. Of course, eating pickled mushrooms is just wonderful. But, there is such a group of fungi, the harmfulness of which is determined by the individual tolerance or insensitivity of the organism. For example, many will not even experience discomfort as a result of eating: morels, red fly agaric, old raincoats, some types of russula, etc. But alcohol has a very insidious property – it creates an extractive effect that enhances the release of poisons from the pulp of mushrooms and simplifies their absorption. By the way, muscarine, which is found in pigs and fly agarics, cannot penetrate the blood-brain barrier for a sober person, but it can for a drunk person. As a result, you can experience very terrible hallucinations.

Among other things, some mushrooms, together with alcohol, can form chemical bonds that will greatly affect the well-being of the drinker. For example, vodka + morels = toxins harmful to the liver. Another interesting fact: some mushrooms, again, can cause LSD-like hallucinations. So be careful those who did not plan to trip =)

How and what is better to eat

Snack should be moderate.

See the first paragraph of the first subsection.

The snack should contain enough pectin and dietary fiber..

The best snacks are fruits and vegetables that contain both. Perfectly – apples, as well as: viburnum, currant, pineapple, banana, mountain ash, gooseberry, wild rose, beetroot, pumpkin, watermelon, sweet potato. But the most interesting thing is that a lot of pectin is found in the zest of citrus fruits, that is, the peel that we usually throw away. So if you eat lemon (and this is also vitamin C, which neutralizes the effects of alcohol), then eat it completely.

Krebs acid cycle

The Krebs cycle is the central moment of metabolism, as a result of which our body receives energy. If you snack on alcohol with food that contains these same acids, you can quickly accelerate your metabolism, and this is: the rapid processing of alcohol, poisons obtained as a result of its processing, poisonous “fusel oil” (impurities), as well as aromatic impurities contained in noble drinks – tequila, whiskey, gin, etc. By the way, all aromatic impurities in the “elite” load the liver very heavily. Products containing the above acids include: juicy berries and fruits, honey, lemons, apple and grape juice. There are also foods that themselves speed up metabolism.cashew nuts and pine nuts, rosehip decoction, ginger, grapefruit, egg yolk, etc..

Support Your Liver with a Snack

In general, there are substances that, roughly speaking, tone the liver (inducers of microsomal enzymes). These substances include caffeine and quinine. Quinine contains tonics (Schweppes, for example), so the wonderful gin and tonic cocktail is somewhat beneficial to health, not for nothing that it was used as a prophylactic against malaria. Caffeine can be found in coffee and tea, and let’s not forget about mate, which contains matein.

Help with a snack to remove harmful substances from the body

In this case, any products that have a diuretic effect will fit. These include: zucchini, watermelon, melons, strawberries or garden strawberries, green tea, dandelions, infusions of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dill, parsley, celery, green onions, cumin, carrots, cucumbers, spinach, pumpkin, tomatoes, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese combined with greenery .

A little trick

Let’s call it the 26th way to drink and not get drunk. Before the feast, drink a couple of mezim-forte tablets, which can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription. It will help digest a heavy snack, thereby reducing the load on the liver and pancreas. It is very important to drink mezim and not festal, which many consider the same. The composition of the festal includes bovine bile, which will slow down the production of our own, and it is better for us to arm ourselves with our own bile acids during the infusion of alcohol. Mezim can also be replaced with Creon and Wobenzym, but these drugs are quite expensive, and their effect is no different from the action of Mezim, at least in this case.

Well, now you know the best way to snack on vodka and other alcoholic beverages. Remember these products, but rather write them down. And, of course, do not forget to share this article with your friends and family, whose health you care about. To do this, you can use the social bookmarking buttons below. Of course, do not forget to subscribe to the updates of the Rum Diary – there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.

And this video is an example of Russian unconsciousness =)

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