The Best Zinc Vitamins for Women
Complexes with zinc help to replenish the reserves of this mineral in the body daily. The Best Zinc Vitamins for Women Support Whole Body Health and Function

You can get zinc from food (shellfish, beef, lamb, cheeses, almonds, sesame and pumpkin seeds, pine nuts), but this is not always enough.

Often there is an increased need for this mineral, for example, during wound healing and recovery after operations, during pregnancy and lactation, with impaired memory and coordination of movements.

Women are four times more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, so they especially need zinc: it contributes to the proper functioning of the brain, normal perception of taste and smell, and the maintenance of cognitive functions.

The use of vitamins with zinc helps in solving women’s health problems.

Ranking of the top 10 inexpensive and effective vitamins with zinc for women according to KP

The body can store zinc, but in small amounts. And these reserves are easily wasted. Depression, stressful situations, medical interventions contribute to the consumption of zinc. The average daily intake of zinc for women, according to various sources, ranges from 15 to 25 mg. Let’s look at what inexpensive and effective vitamins with zinc women can recommend for taking.

1. Arnebia Zinc Depot

The German vitamin and mineral complex Arnebia Zinc Depot is an effective combination of active ingredients, a complete source of digestible zinc and vitamin C. The advantages of the complex:

  • support of the immune system and metabolic reactions in the body;
  • help in overcoming anxiety and stress, with increased physical and mental stress;
  • a special depot formula, thanks to which vitamins and zinc are gradually released throughout the day, without stopping their action;
  • ease of use (1 capsule 1 time per day)

One capsule contains zinc 5 mg, vitamin C 300 mg.

The complex should be taken 1 capsule per day with meals, drinking liquid. Duration of admission – 1 month.

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2. Arnebia Vitamin C + Selenium + Zinc

The most budget complex with vitamins, zinc and selenium, made in Germany. The proven combination also contains selenium, which neutralizes the action of free radicals. Convenient and practical! The advantages of the complex:

  • support of the immune system;
  • comprehensive help with stress, anxiety, fatigue and exhaustion;
  • convenient formula (effervescent tablets) that you just need to dissolve in water.

One effervescent tablet contains 5 g zinc, 0,055 mg selenium and 80 mg vitamin C. Optimal dosage for regular intake.

Take 1 tablet daily, dissolved in a glass (250 ml) of cool water, with meals. Duration of admission – 1 month.

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3. SpiruZinc

The unique composition of the SpiruZinc complex from the German company Sanatur, in which the trace element zinc is combined with biospirulina grown on eco-farms. Taking it, you get a full range of useful substances contained in spirulina, and this, along with B vitamins and carotenoids, is a full range of vital amino acids (20, including 8 essential ones), which are useful for both the immune system and brain function, for the activity of the skin and mucous membranes. Advantages of the complex:

  • along with zinc, B vitamins and carotenoids from biospirulina are present;
  • biospirulina is a source of 20 essential amino acids;
  • high bioquality of the German product grown on bioplantations;
  • Zinc is not added artificially: the microalgae itself grew on the farm in a zinc-rich environment, so this trace element is easily absorbed by the body.

The recommended daily dose (3 tablets) contains 3 mg of zinc.

Adults take 3 tablets daily with food and plenty of liquid. The duration of admission is 1-2 months.

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4. Lady’s formula Antistress

The entire Lady’s formula series is recommended by the Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Indications for taking these vitamins:

  • emotional disorders (increased anxiety, irritability, aggressiveness, lethargy, bad mood, tearfulness);
  • sleep disturbances (difficulty falling asleep, interrupted sleep, early awakening, lack of feeling of rest after sleep);
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

This dietary supplement contains 10 mg of zinc per tablet. It is recommended to take 1 tablet per day for adults. The duration of admission is not limited.

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5. Daily Caps

Vitamin-mineral complex, which is used for daily replenishment of the deficiency of the necessary micro and macro elements. It contains 13 essential vitamins and 9 minerals.

Effect on the body:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • positive effect on the cardiovascular system, nervous;
  • recovery after stress;
  • bone strengthening;
  • recovery after vigorous physical or mental activity;
  • treatment of hypo and beriberi.

1 capsule contains 7,5 mg of zinc. 2 capsules are taken daily for two months. The package is enough for a full course.

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6. Special dragee Merz

A product designed to maintain the beauty and health of skin and hair. It is produced in the form of a dragee, where all components are assembled taking into account their compatibility, released and absorbed sequentially. Made in Germany.


  • prevention of hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis,
  • iron deficiency.

Two dragees contain 5 mg of zinc. Adults appoint inside 1 tablet twice a day (morning and evening). Duration of admission from 1 month.

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7. Arnebia 24 Complex

Universal Complex Formula Arnebia 24 Complex (manufactured in Germany) contains 24 minerals, vitamins and microelements (including zinc), which from all sides support the work of the body and its individual functions. Features of the tool:

  • complex composition – 24 vitamins and microelements;
  • comprehensive support of the body, including the immune, endocrine and nervous systems;
  • help with increased physical exertion, mental overwork and stress;
  • suitable for a comprehensive recovery of the body after illnesses;
  • just 1 tablet a day for a multitude of problems.

1 tablet contains zinc 5 mg, vitamin A 0,8 mg, vitamin B1 1,1 mg, vitamin B2 1,4 mg, vitamin B6 1,4 mg, vitamin B12 0,0025 mg, vitamin C 80 mg, vitamin D3 0,005 mg, vitamin E 12 mg, vitamin K1 0,075 mg, biotin 0,05 mg, folic acid 0,2 mg, niacin 16 mg, pantothenic acid 6 mg, calcium 200 mg, magnesium 100 mg, phosphorus 125 mg, chromium 0,04 mg, iron 5 mg, iodine 0,1 mg, copper 1 mg, manganese 2 mg, molybdenum 0,05 mg, selenium 0,03 mg.

Adults take 1 tablet daily with food and liquid. Duration of admission – 1 month.

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8. Resvega forte

Complex nutraceutical, source of lutein, zeaxanthin, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) omega-3, zinc, copper of natural origin.

It is indicated for the normalization of hemodynamics of the eyes and the prevention of age-related changes in the eyes.

Two capsules contain 12,5 mg of zinc. Adults are advised to take 2 capsules daily with a meal and a small amount of water. If necessary, the reception can be repeated.

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9. Famvital

Antioxidants, trace elements, vitamins and micronutrients are collected in Famvital smart capsules.

This is an anti-aging complex for:

  • protect cells from oxidative stress;
  • body weight control;
  • maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails;
  • improving overall well-being.

Two capsules contain 10 mg of zinc. It is used according to the scheme prescribed in the instructions, after eating, drinking water. The duration of admission is 1-3 months.

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10. Selzinc Plus

German combination drug with antioxidant activity.


  • increased need for trace elements and vitamins for colds, viral and bacterial infections, as well as for radiation and chemical environmental influences;
  • malnutrition, diet;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased physical and psycho-emotional stress;
  • diabetes;
  • климактерический период.

1 tablet contains 8 mg of zinc. Adults – 1 tablet 1 time per day, during meals. The duration of admission is 1 month.

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How to choose vitamins with zinc for women

Before taking vitamins with zinc, women should consult a doctor, he will determine the purpose of the application – prevention or therapy.

In the case of a real zinc deficiency, determined through laboratory tests, the doctor recommends drugs and bioactive supplements, taking into account the actual supply of the substance, the woman’s age, her hormonal status and the composition of the vitamin-mineral complex.

If a woman needs maintenance therapy after surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, during menopause, then a specialist will prescribe a treatment regimen using high-dose vitamin complexes with a maximum concentration of zinc.

Popular questions and answers

Answered the most important questions obstetrician-gynecologist Olga Matveeva.

Which doctor should I contact for signs of zinc deficiency?

Pediatricians and therapists, endocrinologists and neurologists, ophthalmologists, dermatovenereologists and gynecologists – specialists who observe a woman at different periods of her life, pay attention to the symptoms of zinc deficiency.

It is in the lack of this microelement that the cause of frequent colds, disorders of the endocrine and nervous systems, visual impairment, complications during pregnancy, frequent fractures, poorly healing wounds is hidden.

How to take vitamins with zinc?

When taken prophylactically, the dosage of pure zinc is 11 mg for women. Prophylactic reception is not limited in time.

At the first sign of a cold and with severe zinc deficiency, the dosage can be increased to 40 mg of zinc per day. The duration of such a course is no more than 3 weeks.

What is the best way to absorb vitamins with zinc?

The trace element zinc belongs to the class of vital substances, so it is important to follow certain rules for taking.

Chelated forms of zinc can be taken with meals, the rest – one hour before or one hour after a meal.

During the use of vitamins with zinc, it is necessary to limit the use of alcohol, coffee and strong tea.

You should not combine the intake of zinc-containing complexes with very salty and sweet foods.

Some food ingredients found in green vegetables, grains, dairy products and eggs reduce the absorption of zinc.

Are zinc vitamins compatible with other vitamins?

This nutrient is incompatible with some trace elements: calcium, iron, magnesium, copper.

The bioavailability of zinc is reduced by folic acid and vitamin B9, and vitamins C, B2, B6, A increase the absorption of zinc.

The percentage of zinc absorption is affected by simultaneous use with other types of dietary supplements. Take this into account and divide the dose of drugs in time.

Organic zinc salts (gluconate, citrate, lactate, picolinate) are better absorbed than inorganic salts (sulfate or oxide).

If you are taking modern complex vitamin and mineral products, then be sure that incompatible components are separated from each other by film shells. This technology allows not only to separate groups of antagonist substances, but also to make sure that substances are absorbed in certain sections of the intestine for the highest possible level of bioavailability.

And remember that self-medication can be harmful to health. Be attentive to yourself.

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