The best weight loss diets from the stars

In the fall, there is less fruit, and you want to eat more. How to deal with this? How to maintain weight? To answer these questions, we invited five famous women, discussed five problems, and received a lot of advice.

The best diet for weight loss

Natasha Koroleva Singer, 37 years old “I love borscht and dumplings with cherries!”

My ideal weight is 49 kg with a height of 160 cm. To keep it, I try not to eat flour, potatoes, I almost completely abandoned salt and various sauces such as mayonnaise and ketchup. I eat often, but little by little. Sometimes I arrange hungry days – I drink only tea and water. I do not subject my loved ones to such torments, I like to pamper them with my own dishes – okroshka, dumplings. I also often prepare drinks myself – best of all I get mojitos and iced coffee.

If I allowed myself to have a delicious lunch or dinner, then I will have to sweat a lot in the gym and go for several massage sessions or SPA wraps. I was lucky in this regard, because I have my own beauty salon, where I can come at any time and put myself in order.

There are also many temptations on tour – in the summer I was with a concert in Uzbekistan, so we were met there in full: pilaf, flat cakes, lamb. I had to give up everything and instead of national dishes there is baby food, so that later I could fit into a concert costume.

Specialist’s word

Marianna Trifonova, nutritionist, author of the “psychological diet”:

– We see Natalia’s agonizing struggle with genetics and taste preferences! It seems that there is nothing terrible in the description of her diet, if not for one proviso – “I do not subject my loved ones to such torments.” That’s where, as they say, the dog is buried! It is impossible to live in a state of achievement for a long time! The slogan “Love the tasteless food” is deeply flawed !!! It seems to me that Natasha urgently needs to rebuild her relationship with food, otherwise she runs the risk of becoming a member of the team called “I lose and gain weight again.”

Read more: Tips from actress Maria Poroshina

At any time of the year, I do body flex gymnastics in the morning.

Maria PoroshinaActress, 36 “We have a big family, we love guests and feasts”

When my mother prepares pilaf, I am powerless with all my theories about proper balanced nutrition! But on the other hand, precisely because we have a large family, in the fall, unlike many others, I do not get better, but, on the contrary, lose weight. Like any other mother, my workload increases – kindergarten, school, circles, and even more work – the theater season begins, there are more filming in the fall. This rhythm helps me to be in good shape.

I have no secrets of how to be in good shape, I have a life strategy. Firstly, I adhere to a separate diet. Moreover, if pasta, then only from durum wheat, I cook them for about ten minutes, I like to eat them with vegetables, especially with tomatoes. And the veal chop can, of course, be eaten, but it will definitely be another time.

Secondly, at any time of the year in the morning I doing body flex gymnastics – depending on the possibilities from 15 to 40 minutes. This set of exercises ensures the best oxygen supply to the body.

And, besides, on the advice of Dr. Volkova, it was in the winter that she accustomed herself to cold douches – only at night, before bedtime. Whoever I say about this, everyone is surprised: “How is it at night?” But imagine, it helps me a lot to fall asleep. But the main thing is not to take a shower, but to pour yourself out of a basin or from a bucket.

Specialist’s word

– Here’s a healthy view of things! A calm attitude to temporary weight difficulties is the key to success in the fight against extra pounds! And although Maria is a young and blooming woman, she is nevertheless an experienced “fighter” of the food and physical education front. The system she chose is dictated by common sense and the principle of a healthy lifestyle. An example of Mary can be embroidered on the tablets of all ideologues of beauty without harm to health, and to tell her only one thing – keep it up !!!

Read more: Tips of the singer Anna Semenovich

I have tried many diets, but none of them helped me as much as separate meals.

Anna Semenovich Singer, 30 years old “I am a girl inclined to be overweight”

My favorite dish is not foie gras and not some delicacies, but fried or boiled potatoes … But I allow myself it very rarely, and in the morning. I have tried many diets, but none of them helped me as much as separate meals. When I limit myself in something, I become nervous, vulnerable, without mood. Therefore, I decided: no mockery of the body, but only proper nutrition! Now I never mix protein with carbohydrates. If I eat meat, then with vegetables. If I use potatoes, then for the next 2-3 hours I do not allow myself dairy products.

I also really like vegetables and freshly squeezed juices, so sometimes arrange body cleansing and all day I eat only them. I especially like to make fresh celery and apple or celery and carrots. They not only help to lose weight, but also remove toxins from the body. I was lucky: I do not like sweets, so eating chocolate at night is not about me. I’d rather eat a few pickles – they are a wonderful dessert for me. But when I lose weight, I do not allow myself any cucumbers or other pickles, I eat only fresh vegetables and steamed or grilled meat and fish.

Specialist’s word

– Although separate nutrition has no scientific confirmation, nutritionists do not stigmatize it and classify it as non-harmful gastronomic preferences. Moreover, it is possible that for Anna such a system is the only correct one, as long as she does not complain! But this is the notorious “cleansing the body of toxins” … The fact is that our body is rather well freed from decay products with the help of excretory and filtration organs, namely the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract! So only a doctor can prescribe cleansing procedures. As for the rest, Anna’s food system can only be applauded!

Read more: Tips from TV presenter Olga Kokorekina

I regularly go to the gym, and I also arrange fasting days – on kefir and apples.

Olga Kokorekina TV presenter, 37 years old “During pregnancy, I gained 20 kilograms”

My average weight is 56 kg, but while expecting a baby, I got hooked on cakes, chocolate, and leaned on flour. To lose those extra pounds, after giving birth, I pulled myself together and began to clearly regulate everything that I ate. Then I realized: it is better not to touch the sweets at all. And it’s hard to hold on – one candy is followed by another, then the third, and so on. Now I regularly go to the gym, and I also arrange fasting days – on kefir and apples. I love these foods, so I don’t think I’m torturing myself with this diet. Also, I forgot what fried food is. I prefer steamed fish and meat. And most importantly – I don’t eat at night!

After all, as usual: people turn on a movie that they have wanted to watch for a long time, and start pulling nuts, chips, chocolates into their mouths … And then they sit in a heap of wrappers, and in the morning they get on the scales and understand how the evening in front of the TV ended yesterday. I don’t allow myself that. If I want to eat in the evening, then making green tea and have a few mugs. It fills the stomach and suppresses appetite. This is similar to the now popular procedure in which a silicone cartridge is placed in the patient’s stomach and filled with liquid. This creates a feeling of satiety.

Specialist’s word

– A very reasonable approach to the problem of eliminating extra pounds! Olga quite rightly removed the “source of food irritation” in the face of sweets from her diet! Since she honestly admitted to herself that at the sight of sweets, cakes and chocolate she loses her will. What to do, as they say, “in the house of a hanged man they don’t talk about a rope.” The rest of the principles that Olga now uses in her relationship with food fit well into the concept of “rational nutrition”. The main thing is that Olga has correctly built a balance between food and adequate physical activity, since this is the key to consolidating the achieved results for a long time.

Read more: Tips from TV presenter Svetlana Masterkova

The main thing is to refrain from snacking 2 hours before bedtime. If you go to bed on an empty stomach, you lose weight.

Svetlana Masterkova TV presenter, 42 years old “It is difficult to lose weight after 40”

You need to think about what to eat. If you like hamburgers, you will be like a hamburger – blurry and shapeless, and if you lean on fruits and vegetables, you will be fresh and with firm skin.

But the most important thing that I understood and I advise everyone to remember: from 11 pm to 2 am in the human body, the hormone of youth is produced. If during this period you eat, drink, do not sleep, do not follow the regime, then it ceases to be effective. I host the Food Without Harm program on Channel One. World Wide Web ”and I know that not eating during the day is very harmful, the body“ processes ”itself. The main thing is to refrain from snacking 2 hours before bedtime. If you go to bed on an empty stomach, you lose weight.

Already many years ago, I have developed for myself rules of food intake that allow me to stay slim and young. At lunchtime, I never eat the first, second and third at once, but stretch the dishes for the whole day. In the morning “dessert” is tea with cookies, in the afternoon – the first – soup, and in the evening – fish or meat with vegetables – this is the second. I never reproach myself for sweets, but I eat them in the morning and consider them a “gift” to the body, not a “breakdown”.

In order to live long and remain beautiful, so as not to be a burden in the future to your children and grandchildren, you need to think about it as early as possible. How we treat ourselves in youth, so we will look in old age.

Specialist’s word

– You can find fault with the medical inaccuracies in Svetlana’s explanations and tell the readers that the “youth hormone” is actually a growth hormone. And it is to him that we owe weight loss during sleep, if, of course, we observe the correct regime … However, I do not want to do this at all, because Svetlana looks great. And three meals a day with two snacks is the canon of dietetics.

Sweets in moderation are also not poisonous, the main thing is to understand what place they occupy in your diet. But with this, Svetlana is in complete order!

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