The best way to gargle with sore throat and ARVI: folk recipes and doctor’s advice
We understand the features of the procedure together with a specialist.
Gargling is necessarily included in the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections and tonsillitis. Healing solutions rinse out pathogenic bacteria, preventing complications and speeding up recovery. It is not difficult to carry out the procedure, and there are antiseptic products for it in the kitchen of every housewife.
Home remedies for gargling your throat: doctor’s advice
The better to gargle a sore throat
1. A mixture of salt, soda and iodine – An effective and time-tested method of treating a sore throat. To prepare the solution, products are taken in the following proportions:
iodine – 3 drops;
soda – 5 g;
salt – 5 g;
a glass of warm boiled water.
The method is especially effective at the initial stage of the disease at the first signs of inflammation. The sooner you start gargling, the sooner the results will appear.
2. Gargling is recommended to relieve pain and facilitate swallowing lemon juicediluted with clean water in a ratio of 2: 3.
3. Strong infusion of chamomile or marigold also helps to reduce inflammation and soothe the throat.
The better to gargle with a cold
1. Green tea – an excellent remedy for ARVI. To prepare the solution, you will need a strongly brewed drink – preferably from leaves, not a sachet. Instead of sugar, salt is added to the tea (one teaspoon). You need to gargle 3-4 times a day.
2. Dry mucous membrane and destroy germs helps potassium permanganate… To prevent burns, crystals (1-2 pieces) must be very carefully dissolved in a glass of warm water. It is advisable to drink a teaspoon of vegetable oil before rinsing.
3. Apple cider vinegar – another reliable helper for colds. A tablespoon of the product is diluted with a glass of water and gargled half an hour before meals 3 times a day.
The better to gargle with sore throat
An acute infection is most often treated with antibiotics, but not everyone can take them. The next method is suitable for children and pregnant women who are not recommended to take medication.
200 ml of warm clean water;
egg white;
5 g of salt and soda.
Beat the protein a little, add the rest of the ingredients to it. It is important that the water temperature does not exceed 40 degrees, otherwise the egg will boil and flakes will appear in the solution. Gargle 5-6 times a day.
In order not to get confused in the variety of folk recipes, it is recommended to consult a doctor before treatment.… He will help identify the cause of the inflammation, tell you what is the best way to gargle, and prescribe concomitant treatment.
Expert Tips
Psychologist, specialist in health improvement and psychosomatics. Author of the method “System of Conscious Healing-CO2”, the psychological technique “Photology”, the course “Formula of Health”
– Natural remedies for treating and helping the body have been successful since ancient times. They act on the body gently, without harm to other organs, which cannot be said about chemicals.
One of the most common procedures that a person performs with an illness is gargling with soda… Why does the procedure give a good result? Because soda is a highly alkaline agent, and not a single virus and bacteria can survive in an alkaline environment. Any inflammation always occurs in an acidic environment and the products of inflammation themselves are acids. Acid is neutralized by alkali than soda and is in its pure form. Therefore, the more often you gargle with soda (a teaspoon in a glass of warm water) with a cold, the faster the inflammation will decrease. Important: after rinsing your throat, it is not recommended to eat or drink anything for the next 30 minutes, so that the alkaline solution will have the maximum benefit.
The second very effective, but very unusual folk method for everyone is throat lubrication with pure kerosene… Pure kerosene (transparent aviation gasoline) is one of the best remedies for relieving severe sore throat, but it is extremely difficult to get it in its pure form. It is necessary to dip cotton wool in kerosene, wind it on a spoon or stick and grease the patient proudly from the inside. The tool has an amazing property – it quickly removes any inflammation due to the fact that it penetrates deep into the tissues and causes colossal damage to the pathogenic microflora. And there is no need to be afraid that the remedy is dangerous, it is not. There are even special tinctures based on pure kerosene – walnut peel. This tincture is also used in inflammatory processes from 1 to 3 drops per dose.
Different hot teas, such as viburnum, rowan, linden, lemon, black currant with honey, sea buckthorn is also recommended for sore throat. There is a lot of vitamin C in these berries, from which inflammation will also subside. It is imperative to drink tea hot, because the inflamed area requires heat.
Tinctures of bitter herbs, such as tansy, wormwood, burdock root, field horsetail, oak and aspen bark very quickly relieve sore throat, since the throat is always inflamed due to ongoing inflammation in the intestines, and these herbs restore intestinal function, fight pathogenic microflora, so the throat also begins recover quickly enough.
Daria Vertinskaya, Expert