The best vitamins for the skin of the face and body

How to provide the body with vitamins is more or less clear – balance the diet, take dietary supplements. But how to get enough vitamins for the skin of the face and body? Let’s talk about it right now.

Why skin needs vitamins

The family of vitamins and vitamin-like substances is gradually expanding. And we will not exaggerate a bit if we say that these compounds are very important for beauty and health. Some of them significantly affect the condition of the skin.

Experts like to say that we do not feel the presence of vitamins in the body, but we acutely feel their deficiency.

Do you want to know which cosmetics with which vitamins are relevant for you? Take the test:

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What vitamins are needed for the skin of the face and body

We list the best vitamins for the skin, without which it is threatened with dullness, dryness and premature aging. We tried to make a brief description, but the list still turned out to be impressive.

Vitamin A (Retinol)

Accelerates cell renewal, promotes tissue regeneration, provides skin and hair elasticity. With its deficiency, the skin becomes dry, rough, and the protective properties of the lipid barrier are reduced.

Retinol can be conditionally called – “vitamin for the face.” It is widely used in anti-aging products. Retinol derivatives have proven themselves in the treatment of acne.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Necessary for the normal functioning of the human nervous system, which is closely related to the condition of the skin. Stress often causes redness or breakouts.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Involved in the processes of growth and renewal of tissues in the body. When it is deficient:

  • cracks appear on the lips, and in their corners the so-called “jams” are formed;

  • the skin becomes dull;

  • there is peeling around the lips and on the wings of the nose;

  • dandruff appears.

With a significant lack of riboflavin (vitamin B2), dermatitis may develop.

Vitamin B5 (panthenol)

Known as an effective wound healing agent:

  • stimulates regeneration processes;

  • reduces inflammation;

  • relieves dryness;

  • helps to remove puffiness.

It is used in healing products, as well as in anti-aging cosmetics and for the treatment of acne (in high doses).

V6 vitamin (pyridoxine)

Participates in almost all metabolic processes, promotes the absorption of protein and unsaturated fats, especially beneficial for the skin. Hypovitaminosis is manifested by peeling and dermatitis above the eyebrows, in the nasolabial folds, cracks in the corners of the lips.

Vitamin B7 (H, biotin)

Stimulates tissue repair, makes the skin firmer and more elastic, improves complexion.

Deficiency is manifested by unhealthy pallor, hair loss, inflammation on the skin, peeling.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Vitamin of growth and development, it stimulates cell regeneration. Folic acid is a vitamin for skin elasticity, it is also responsible for strong nails and hair. With a lack of vitamin B9, hair falls out, and the skin fades.

With a lack of vitamins, peeling and cracks may appear on the skin.

Vitamin B10 (H1, para-aminobenzoic acid)

Useful in after-sun products as it helps reduce the negative effects of UV exposure. Its properties are also used for severe photosensitivity of the skin, to stop hair loss and to treat vitiligo.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Participates in the process of cell respiration, helps to provide oxygen to all tissues, including the skin. A fresh complexion directly depends on this. So cyanocobalamin can also be considered another “vitamin for the skin of the face.”

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Perhaps the most popular vitamin in the world – and deservedly so. Ascorbic acid is involved in thousands of processes in the body, and for the skin this substance is of particular interest as an antioxidant and stimulator of collagen production. In this role, as well as as a bleaching agent, vitamin C is widely used in cosmetics.

Vitamin D (calciferol)

In fact, it turned out to be a hormone, so its predecessors are used in cosmetics. Entire studies have been written and are still being written about its merits. For the skin, vitamin D provides:

  • healthy cell life cycle;

  • strengthening local immunity;

  • protection against infections and inflammations;

  • cancer prevention.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Powerful antioxidant. Slows down aging, smoothes wrinkles, nourishes the skin. Widely used in cosmetics.

Vitamin F (linoleic acid, omega-6)

A very important vitamin for the skin. Linoleic acid is a good old remedy for healing wounds, getting rid of inflammation on the skin – even the most delicate and sensitive (in newborns). Vitamin F deficiency is manifested by an acute reaction of the skin to temperature changes – severe dryness, peeling, micro-inflammation.

This substance is widely used in nourishing and baby creams, especially relevant in the cold season.

Vitamin K (menaquinone)

Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation and microcirculation. The first sign of deficiency is the vascular network on the face. With the optimal dosage, the manifestations of redness and rosacea are reduced.

Vitamin N (lipoic acid, thioctic acid)

It is often included in beauty products because it is an antioxidant and, in combination with other free radical fighters, creates a synergistic effect. For cosmetic applications, it is important that lipoic acid is active in both aqueous and fatty media, unlike water-soluble vitamin C and fat-soluble vitamin E.

As a powerful antioxidant, this substance can act as a kind of preservative in cosmetics.

With a lack of lipoic acid, the process of glycation is enhanced – the gluing of collagen and elastin fibers, so that vitamin N can to some extent be considered a vitamin for skin elasticity. With a sufficient amount of this substance, the aging process slows down.

Vitamin N is included in the funds:

  • for the treatment of acne and post-acne;

  • sun and after sun;

  • rejuvenating and nourishing.

Vitamin P (rutin, citrine C-complex, bioflavonoids)

Included in the same products as the famous vitamin C, has a similar effect. The lack of vitamin P is also manifested by the vascular network, so the substance is used not only in anti-aging products, but also in cosmetics for the treatment of rosacea.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid, niacin)

It improves cellular respiration, gives a healthy tone and smoothness to the skin, is widely used in caring and anti-aging cosmetics. Deficiency is expressed in micro-inflammation, peeling.

The best vitamins for skin problems

  • Acne, oily skin – A, groups B, C, E.

  • Dry skin – A, groups B, C, E, D, F, N, PP.

  • Couperosis (vascular network on the face) – C, K, R.

  • Skin aging – A, groups B, C, D, E, F, K, N, P, PP.

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Ways to deliver vitamins to the skin

There are four ways to deliver vitamins to the skin of the face and body:

  • with the food we consume daily;

  • as part of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements;

  • as part of cosmetics with formulas based on vitamins (most often these are creams and serums);

  • using injectable cosmetic techniques such as mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

Vitamins are needed for skin suffering from rashes, dryness, rosacea and early aging.

Proper nutrition

It is no coincidence that the complexion is judged on the state of health. The internal processes of the body cannot but affect the state of the largest organ of the human body – the skin. One of the main conditions of beauty is good health.

The main components of the beauty diet:

  • multi-colored fruits and vegetables at least five servings a day (vitamins A, C);

  • moderate but obligatory consumption of vegetable oils (E);

  • cereals (group B) and nuts (E, group B);

  • fermented milk products (some B and K vitamins are synthesized by healthy intestinal microflora).

Vitamin complexes and bioadditives

It is convenient to receive a daily dose of a vitamin in one capsule, and the main plus of vitamin preparations is in the optimal method of application.

On the other hand, the question of bioavailability remains open: will the drug declared on the package get into the blood, and from there to the organs that need it? From this point of view, natural products are more reliable. However, they are not always rich in useful substances.

It is known that the content of vitamins directly depends on the period and storage conditions of vegetables and fruits, the soil on which the gifts of nature grew, the quantity and quality of fertilizers.

In terms of lifestyle, a modern person is radically different from his ancestors, he needs much fewer calories and food in general. Therefore, the medical community was puzzled by the “reformatting” of vitamins into tablets and capsules. As well as the creation of functional products enriched with compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

A complex of main vitamins for the skin: A, C, E.

Now, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get the optimal set of nutrients from food. Therefore, a balanced diet does not exclude the intake of vitamin complexes. Manufacturers develop products to solve a variety of problems, including those related to skin and hair, and take into account the compatibility of the components for their greatest effectiveness.

Cosmetical tools

Creams and serums saturated with vitamins a few years ago caused skepticism. It was believed that they could not penetrate deep into the epidermis in order to participate in the processes of respiration, nutrition, cleansing, healing, and cell restoration.

How effective are cosmetics based on vitamins

Unlike the vital compounds that we get from food, vitamins for the skin contained in cosmetics act precisely on the site where you applied the cream or serum. So why not take advantage of the skin doping benefits? For example, face products with vitamin C get rid of dull color after a week of use, and after a month or two, the skin becomes smoother and more uniform.

Water- and fat-soluble vitamins are quite difficult to combine in one product, so the most popular vitamins C and E in cosmetics are extremely rare in one bottle.

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Review of cosmetics with vitamins for women

Let’s not dissemble: most cosmetics for women are perfect for men with the appropriate skin type. However, women’s collections are traditionally many times richer than men’s.

Vitamin masks

  • Soothing Mineral Mask, Vichy – a product based on vitamin B3 soothes and softens the skin, saturates with moisture, restores mineral balance.

  • Sheet mask fresh-mix “Concentrate with vitamin C”, Garnier intensively moisturizes and energizes the skin, giving it a natural glow. The mask is designed in such a way that immediately before use, right in the package, we impregnate the fabric base with the concentrate and get a fresh mix. The main components of the composition are moisturizing hyaluronic acid and vitamin C.

Creams with vitamins

  • Crem Rénergie Multi-Lift Ultra, Lancome — The composition of an impressive, highly effective formula as one of the active ingredients includes a powerful antioxidant vitamin E, which helps slow down the aging process in the skin, smoothes wrinkles, and rejuvenates the skin.

  • Line of funds RevitaLift, L’Oréal Paris designed for mature skin. The main active ingredients are proretinol A (a derivative of vitamin A) and fibroelastil. The complex of active substances activates the skin’s own antioxidant protection, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and smoothes the already outlined ones.

  • Age Expert line, L’Oréal Paris corrects wrinkles, restores skin elasticity, tightens the oval of the face, improves skin elasticity, including due to the combination of vitamins E and B5 in the composition.

Vitamin Serums

  • Anti-wrinkle treatment to improve skin firmness and elasticity Hyalu B5, La Roche-Posay contains a complex that includes hyaluronic acid to moisturize the skin, vitamin B5 to restore the protective barrier, as well as La Roche-Posay thermal water.

  • Vitamin C10 Antioxidant Serum, La Roche-Posay – a real vitamin superconcentrate. It contains 10% ascorbic acid for active antioxidant care, skin renewal and radiance.

  • Everyday microdose retinol serum to fight the signs of skin aging Retinol Skin-Renewing Daily Micro-Dose Serum, Kiehl’s contains pure retinol, but due to the verified composition, it is devoid of side effects in the form of dryness and flaking. The skin is renewed day after day and looks visibly firmer and smoother.

The best vitamin products for men’s skin

Vitamins are essential for the health of both women and men. These substances perform many tasks in our body, from energy production to ensuring the smooth functioning of all systems. The lack of certain vitamins for the skin of the body can adversely affect its health.

What vitamins do men need for skin? Very important question. We have prepared a list of the best vitamins and minerals.

  • Vitamin A: necessary for the health of the skin, eyes and immunity, and in cosmetics it is used to reduce the manifestations of photoaging, wrinkles as an anti-aging component.

  • Vitamin C: good for the immune system and collagen production. It is used in products for the care of aging, as well as oily and problem skin.

  • B vitamins: involved in energy metabolism and the production of red blood cells. In cosmetics, they play a huge role in the care of hands, nails and hair.

  • Calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K and zinc: Vital for bone health. In men’s skin care products, they show themselves as excellent anti-aging ingredients.

  • Vitamin E and selenium: help protect cells from damage, and in cosmetics perfectly soften the skin.

Because men don’t lose blood every month like menstruating women do, they have a lower risk of iron deficiency anemia and therefore less need for iron.

Funds overview

Men’s multifunctional anti-aging cream Age Defender Moisturizer, Kiehl’s

The multifunctional cream not only tightens the skin and has an anti-aging effect, but at the same time fights against loss of elasticity and enlarged pores. Contains caffeine, flaxseed extract, vitamin C.

Night antioxidant gel care Resveratrol BE , SkinCeuticals

The formula is based on the antioxidant resveratrol. Plus baicalin and alpha-tocopherol, which add antioxidant properties to the light gel.

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