The best varieties of yellow pepper

The aesthetic side, that is, their excellent coloring, brings more popularity to the fruits of bell pepper with yellow flesh. The taste qualities of orange and yellow vegetables are nothing special, they even stand one step lower than red fruits. But yellow pepper is best for stuffing and winter preparations. Most often, crops with yellow fruits are of the middle ripening period, but occasionally late or early varieties can be found. When choosing seeds, you need to pay attention to the characteristics on the package, among which there is a description of the beginning of the fruiting time.

Features of yellow fruits

The best varieties of yellow pepper

When choosing the best varieties of a crop that produces yellow peppers, you need to get a little familiar with the characteristics of such fruits. Despite the fact that it is inferior in taste to red peppers, the vegetable has a fleshy pulp filled with phosphorus and potassium. The calorie content of yellow fruits is 27 kcal / 100 g of pulp.

In its composition, the vegetable contains fiber, pectin, as well as a large amount of essential oil. The pulp is saturated with vitamins vital for humans. First of all, ascorbic acid, known as vitamin C, helps to strengthen the immune system and fight the human body against colds. Vitamin B helps to calm the nervous system and strengthens bone tissue. Vitamin PP is very important for people with diabetes, which lowers blood sugar levels and strengthens blood vessels. Even to this list, you need to add vitamins A, E, iron, calcium and other useful trace elements.

Important! In terms of its beneficial composition and the content of the “hormone of happiness”, yellow pepper is able to compete with dark chocolate. But unlike a sweet treat, the low calorie content of the pulp of the fruit does not add extra weight.

The yellow fruits of Bulgarian pepper have gained wide popularity in the preparation of various dishes, as well as winter preparations. The vegetable looks beautiful in preservation, various salads, stuffed or simply grilled.

Variety overview

It is impossible to determine the best varieties of yellow peppers due to the fact that each vegetable grower grows them for specific purposes. Someone needs a vegetable for conservation or just eating, while someone grows it for sale. However, guided by the numerous reviews of vegetable growers, we will still try to rank the best crop varieties with a brief description and photo in the ranking.

yellow bull

The best varieties of yellow pepper

A very good variety brings a medium early crop of large peppers. A traditional cone-shaped vegetable weighing about 200 g can grow up to 20 cm in length. The pulp, 8 mm thick, is highly saturated with sweetish juice. On the skin, prominent 3 or 4 lobes are clearly visible. The culture bears fruit well in cold and heated greenhouses. Only in the first case, the yield will be 9 kg / m2, and in the second – 14 kg / m2. The plant has excellent immunity to diseases.

yellow bouquet

The best varieties of yellow pepper

This variety of pepper is characterized by medium early fruit ripening. The first harvest can be harvested after 115 days. The bush is slightly spreading, moderately covered with foliage. When forming, it is required to remove lateral shoots, as well as the lower tier of foliage. The culture is intended for greenhouse cultivation, but in the southern regions it can grow in the open. The shape of the vegetable is a bit like an elongated rectangle up to 10 cm long. A mature sweet pepper weighs about 150 g. The pulp is of average thickness about 6 mm.

golden swallow

The best varieties of yellow pepper

This outdoor variety of yellow pepper in colder regions is capable of producing a good early crop under cover. The culture has a low, slightly sprawling bush. Peppers are shaped like hearts with two or three seed chambers. The pulp is very fleshy, 9 mm thick. A mature vegetable weighs approximately 130 g. In the garden from 1 m2 you can harvest 1,8 kg of crop, under cover – up to 6 kg of fruit.

golden flashlight

The best varieties of yellow pepper

The culture brings an excellent early harvest in the open air and film shelter. Bushes of limited height with a slightly spreading crown are hung with drooping peppers. The heart-shaped vegetable weighs about 110 g and has 2 or 3 seed chambers. The pulp is juicy fleshy, 9 mm thick. In open beds, the yield is 2.8 kg / m2.

yellow bell

The best varieties of yellow pepper

The early ripening period of pepper matures 75 days after the germination of seedlings. The culture is intended for cultivation on an open ground or under a film. Bushes grow to a maximum of 75 cm in height, which requires a partial garter of branches. Ripe peppers take the form of a cube with distinctly distinguished 3 or 4 faces. The pulp is fleshy juicy, 9 mm thick.


The best varieties of yellow pepper

The variety belongs to the mid-early ripening period, intended for greenhouse cultivation. Harvest ripening occurs 125 days after seedling germination. Tall bushes require the removal of shoots, as well as tying branches to the trellis. The plant continuously bears fruit, bringing 13 kg of peppers from 1 m2. A fleshy vegetable in the shape of a trapezoid weighs about 150 g.

Golden Rain

The best varieties of yellow pepper

Choosing the best varieties for stuffing, you can stop at the choice of this crop. Early ripening of peppers occurs 116 days after seedling germination. The variety is intended for greenhouse cultivation and in the garden. Bushes grow to a maximum of 0,8 m in height, require the removal of the lower tier of foliage, as well as side shoots. The yield is 2,4 kg/m2. The shape of the pepper resembles a flattened ball with clearly defined ribs. The pulp is juicy, up to 7 mm thick. The vegetable weighs about 60 g.

golden anniversary

The best varieties of yellow pepper

The culture belongs to the average ripening period, bringing a ripe harvest 150 days after seedling germination. The bushes are medium, a maximum of 55 cm in height. Ripe peppers take the form of a flattened ball with a diameter of about 9 cm. The vegetable weighs 180 g. The pulp is very fleshy, about 10 mm thick, highly saturated with juice. The yield index is 4,5 kg/m2. Peppers are considered universal.


The best varieties of yellow pepper

A variety of early ripening yellow peppers was bred by Siberian breeders, intended for various types of greenhouses, as well as open ground. A mature crop will be ready after 110 days. Bushes grow up to 0,8 m in height, have slightly spreading branches. The yield is quite high, from 1 m2 you can get about 11 kg of peppers.

Important! The plant variety “Ivolga” stably carries out the ovary in greenhouses with limited illumination and low air temperature.


The variety bears early mature fruits approximately 100 days after seedling germination. Low-growing bushes with a limited length of shoots grows a maximum of 0,6 m in height. The plant is densely covered with barrel-shaped peppercorns 6 cm long and wide. The flesh is thick, highly saturated with juice. The plant bears fruit well in open and closed beds.


The best varieties of yellow pepper

The medium-early ripening period brings a mature crop after 120 days. Bushes tall can grow up to 1,2 m in height. Large ripe peppers are shaped like a cube. The pulp is very fleshy juicy, 10 mm thick. One peppercorn weighs approximately 300 g. The plant is endowed with immunity to viral diseases. From 1 m2 you can get up to 14 kg of crop in greenhouse cultivation.


The best varieties of yellow pepper

Fully mature peppers can be obtained 125 days after seedling germination. A bush of mid-early pepper grows about 0,7 m in height, bringing an ovary of four fruits. The plant does not require human participation in the formation of the crown. Medium-sized peppers weigh about 100 g. The flesh is of medium thickness, about 5 mm, covered with a strong smooth skin. Inside the vegetable, 2 or 3 seed chambers are formed.


The best varieties of yellow pepper

A mid-early ripening variety brings a crop 110 days after seedling germination. Bushes usually grow 0,8 m in height, but can stretch higher. For a good harvest per 1 m2 planted from 5 to 8 plants. Cuboid-shaped peppers weigh a maximum of 200 g. Ribs are clearly visible on the fleshy walls 8 mm thick. The purpose of the vegetable is universal.


The best varieties of yellow pepper

The variety is able to please the owner with early peppers 75 days after planting seedlings in the ground. Cultivation can take place in open and closed beds. The plant is distinguished by the powerful structure of the bush, which holds large peppers weighing about 400 g on its branches. 4 seed chambers are formed inside the cube-shaped vegetable. The pulp is thick, highly saturated with juice.

curious thing

The best varieties of yellow pepper

The first flowers on a plant of the early fruiting period appear at 62 days of age. Ripening of adult peppers is observed 140 days after seedling germination. A bush with a slightly spreading crown grows up to 0,8 m in height. Peppers have a traditional conical shape and a long spout. The fleshy pulp reaches a thickness of 8 mm. The mass of a ripe vegetable is about 140 g. The ripening of the crop occurs alternately unfriendly. One bush can form from 20 to 60 peppercorns, which creates a strong load on the branches. The plant quickly gets used to any weather conditions.


Greenhouse culture refers to varieties of Dutch selection. Peppers ripen early. The bushes are not very heavily leafed and flaunt cube-shaped fruits. The vegetable has a thick juicy pulp covered with a smooth skin. Inside the peppercorns, 4 seed chambers are formed. After harvest, the crop is perfectly stored without losing its presentation.


The best varieties of yellow pepper

The variety of the medium early period of fruit ripening brings the harvest 130 days after the germination of seedlings. The culture is intended for greenhouse cultivation. Bushes grow to an average height of less than 1 m, the crown is densely covered with foliage. Recommended for 1 m2 plant a maximum of 3 plants. For the entire growing season, the bush will bring about 1,6 kg of crop. The shape of the peppers resemble a pyramid with a truncated top. The thickness of the pulp is 6 mm. The mass of a ripe vegetable is about 100 g.

DiCaprio F1

The hybrid brings consistent yields outdoors and in film. The culture belongs to mid-season varieties. Tall bushes are covered with cube-shaped peppers. The mass of a mature vegetable is approximately 150 g. 3 or 4 seed chambers are formed inside. Juicy pulp 6 mm thick is covered with a smooth dense skin. In a warm region in the garden, the hybrid will bring about 4,2 kg of crop.

Catriona F1

The best varieties of yellow pepper

This hybrid is designed for growing in open and closed beds. Bushes of medium height in warm regions from the garden bring 4,2 kg of crop. Mature cube-shaped peppers form 4 seed chambers. Juicy pulp 6 mm thick is covered with a smooth, slightly matte skin. The mass of one peppercorn is approximately 140 g.

Cream yellow

The best varieties of yellow pepper

A very early variety more related to ornamental peppers. A tall plant grows up to 1 m in height. The bush has a slightly spreading crown, densely covered with small peppers. The mass of one mature vegetable is only 20 g. The shape of the fruit resembles small, slightly elongated balls or cream.


The best varieties of yellow pepper

Peppers belong to the average ripening time. The bushes are undersized, a maximum of 50 cm in height with a neatly formed crown. Spherical peppers do not form ribs on the walls. The pulp is 8 mm thick and covered with a smooth skin. The mass of a mature vegetable is about 100 g. The fruits are considered to be of universal use.


The variety of medium early fruit ripening brings the harvest 125 days after emergence. Seedlings are planted at sixty days of age with a maximum of 3 plants per 1 m2. Spherical, slightly flattened peppers weigh about 85 g. The pulp is juicy, up to 5 mm thick. The plant brings a good harvest. From 1 m2 you can collect up to 6 kg of peppers. Even after processing, the pulp retains a peppery taste.


The video shows yellow peppers:

Sweet (Bulgarian) pepper – red and yellow. Roller 3.

After reviewing the descriptions and photos of many varieties, a beginner vegetable grower will be able to choose a yellow bell pepper with suitable characteristics. Subject to the observance of agricultural technology, it will be possible to grow a good harvest at home.

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