The best varieties of tree hydrangea
Hydrangea tree is one of the most frost-resistant species. She has large showy inflorescences, so it is not surprising that she is very popular in gardens. Let’s find out which varieties she has the most beautiful

The tree hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) comes from North America, so the harsh conditions turned out to be quite suitable for it.

In nature, it is a shrub up to 3 m high with white inflorescences that reach a diameter of 15 cm. However, modern varieties can surprise both in size and color. And what else captivates gardeners – this beauty blooms from July to October (1).

Top 7 rating according to KP

We have selected the most popular and most spectacular varieties of Hydrangea arborescens that will become favorites in your garden.

1 Annabelle

This is perhaps the most famous and most popular variety. It is low, usually about 1,5 m, but spreading – the diameter of the crown reaches 2 – 3 m. It forms a lot of shoots and they grow quite quickly – the bush annually adds about 20 cm in height and width.

The flowers are light green at the time of dissolution, then become pure white. The inflorescences are very large, up to 25 cm in diameter. It blooms from late June to late September.

The variety is winter-hardy.

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2. Pink Annabelle

The height of this hydrangea does not exceed 1,2 m, and the diameter of the crown can reach 2 m.

Her bushes are loose, the shoots are thin – under the weight of the inflorescences they tend to the ground, but this gives the plant a certain grace.

Inflorescences at the beginning of flowering are light pink, but over time they become more saturated in color. Blooms from late June to late September.

The variety is winter-hardy.

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3. Incredible (Incrediball)

Her bushes are low, usually within 1,2 – 1,5 m, and the crown diameter is the same.

At the beginning of dissolution, the flowers are lemon-green. Then they turn white. And at the end of flowering, they again acquire a greenish tint.

Inflorescences are spherical, very large – up to 30 cm in diameter. It blooms from late June until the first serious frosts.

The variety is winter-hardy.

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4 Bella Anna

This variety is relatively young – it appeared on the market in 2012. The height of the bushes is 1,2 – 1,5 m, the diameter of the crown is up to 2 m. The shoots are strong, erect.

Her inflorescences are corymbose or hemispherical. Raspberry-pink at the beginning of flowering, then they become light pink. Their average diameter is about 12 cm. It blooms in June. But if you cut off the faded inflorescences, the second wave of flowering begins in August-September.

The variety is frost-resistant.

5. Hayes Starburst

Her bushes are low, usually about 1 m, the crown diameter is 1,5 m.

Inflorescences in the form of corymbs. At the time of dissolution, they are creamy white, but in the process of flowering they become greenish in color. Large, up to 25 cm in diameter. But the most valuable thing in this variety is its flowers. They are fluffy! This is the only terry variety of tree hydrangea. It blooms from July until the first serious frosts.

The variety is frost-resistant.

6. Invincibelle

Bushes up to 1,5 m in height and about 1 m in diameter. Her shoots are powerful – they easily withstand the weight of the inflorescences and even in heavy rains remain adamant – they do not bend down to the ground.

The inflorescences are of a solid size, light pink at the time of dissolution, then acquire a rich pink color. This is the world’s first variety of tree hydrangea with pink flowers! Blooms from late June to late September.

A variety with medium winter hardiness – in harsh conditions (for example, in the Urals) they require shelter in the winter.

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7. Lime Rickey (Lime Rickey)

The bushes of this variety are 90 – 120 cm high and about 1 m in diameter. The shoots are powerful, withstand both the severity of the inflorescence and the rains.

Inflorescences in the form of a dome. When dissolved, they are painted in lime color – hence the name of the variety, but turn white over time.

Blooms from July to September.

The variety is frost-resistant.

Rules of landing and care

All hydrangeas are moisture-loving plants. Therefore, it is important to choose the right place for them.

Where to plant a tree hydrangea

A place. Hydrangea arborescens prefers sunny areas, but grows quite well in partial shade.

The soil. This shrub loves fertile soils that retain moisture well.

– The ideal option is loam, – says agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mihailova. – It is good if the soil is slightly acidic, with a pH of 5. If not, it is useful to add high-moor peat to the planting hole. By the way, despite its love for water, the tree hydrangea does not tolerate wetlands – moisture should be in moderation, and not too much.

Use in landscape design. These varieties can be planted in a group with other hydrangeas or singly – they will be the perfect decoration for ceremonial places. It goes well with roses, lilies, clematis and conifers.

By the way, tree hydrangea is easy to propagate by cuttings – even without root formation stimulants, their rooting is quite high – 80 – 85% (2).

How to plant a tree hydrangea

The timing of planting hydrangea tree depends on the region. In southern regions with warm winters, it can be planted in autumn. In the northern and regions with severe winters – only in the spring.

Since hydrangeas are sold with ZKS, that is, in containers, a hole can be dug by the size of an earthen coma. But if the soil in the area is alkaline, then you need to dig a large hole, about 50 cm deep and 50 cm in diameter. And fill it with a mixture of fertile soil and high-moor peat (it is sour) in a ratio of 1: 1.

When planting, it is important to ensure that the root collar is at ground level.

Watering tree hydrangea

Immediately after planting hydrangeas, it is important to ensure abundant watering – the soil must be constantly moist. Even a short drying of the soil leads to the fact that the seedling does not take root well. Or maybe even die.

In the future, watering should also be plentiful – at least 1 time per week, 2 buckets per bush.

– So that the moisture does not evaporate longer, it is better to mulch the soil around the bush with humus, compost or peat with a layer of 5–8 cm, advises agronomist Svetlana Mikhailova. – You can also use coniferous litter as mulch – it slightly acidifies the soil, and this is always good for hydrangeas. But it is important to ensure that the mulch does not come into contact with the trunks, otherwise the root neck may stick.

Feeding tree hydrangea

During the season, tree hydrangea must be fed 4 times:

  • in March, as soon as the snow melts – 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea per 10 liters of water, the norm is 5 liters per bush;
  • as soon as the buds appear – 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate per 10 liters of water, the norm is 5 liters per bush;
  • at the peak of flowering – 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water, the norm is 5 liters per bush;
  • at the beginning of September – 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water, the norm is 5 liters per bush.

– The last top dressing is very important, you should not ignore it, – says agronomist Svetlana Mikhailova, – because phosphorus increases the winter hardiness of plants. And for tree hydrangea, this is important, especially for varieties with average winter hardiness and in regions with cold winters.

Pruning of a tree hydrangea

Most varieties of hydrangea tree bloom on the shoots of the current year. And the bushes are prone to thickening. And the thicker the bush, the weaker it blooms. Therefore, plants need to be pruned annually.

Pruning is carried out at the end of March. Cut off the tops:

  • powerful shoots are shortened by 3-5 buds;
  • weak – for 2 – 3 kidneys.

It is important that the uppermost buds look outward, and not in the middle of the bush. In this case, it will grow in width, and the center of the crown will not thicken.

Be sure to cut out all the broken, dried and frozen shoots.

Once every 5 years, it is useful for arboreal hydrangea to carry out anti-aging pruning – cut the shoots to a height of 50 cm from the ground.

Popular questions and answers

We asked typical questions of gardeners about growing hydrangea tree agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova.

What is the difference between hydrangea tree and hydrangea paniculata?

Their main difference is in the form of inflorescences. In tree hydrangea they are in the form of a shield, and in paniculate hydrangea they are in the form of a cone. But the height of the plants can confuse. Tree hydrangea, despite the species name, in nature reaches a height of 3 m, while the paniculate hydrangea looks more like a tree – it grows up to 5 m, and in Japan – up to 10 m.

How to care for hydrangea tree in spring?

In the spring, the first thing to do is to cut it off, shortening the shoots by 3-5 buds. And then feed with urea – 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea per 10 liters of water.

How to propagate a hydrangea tree?

The easiest way is cuttings. It is better to cut them during flowering, with 2 – 3 pairs of leaves. The lower leaves must be removed, and the cut should be powdered with Kornevit.

The cuttings are planted in the sand at an angle of 45 °, covered with a bag or a jar and placed in a warm place. At a temperature of 20 – 25 ° C, they take root in about 1 month.

Sources of

  1. Dyakova T.N. Decorative trees and shrubs: new in the design of your garden // M .: Kolos, 2001 – 360 p.
  2. Sachivko T.V., Bosak V.N. Composition and reproduction of the collection fund of deciduous trees and shrubs of the Botanical Garden of the BSAA // Proceedings of the BSTU. Series 1: Forestry, nature management and processing of renewable resources, 2015

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