The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses: top

Many summer residents grow tomatoes in polycarbonate greenhouses. To get a high yield, find out which varieties of tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse are the most suitable. This article describes the best such varieties of tomatoes.


Early tomatoes are especially popular among experienced gardeners. Unlike standard greenhouses, experienced gardeners prefer polycarbonate greenhouses. They have better thermal conductivity, are characterized by resistance to ultraviolet radiation, withstand strong changes in ambient temperature.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses: top

One of the most common early ripening tomato varieties for such greenhouses is a variety called Infiniti. It differs from other types of early ripening tomatoes in an attractive and appetizing appearance. In addition, the fruits have excellent taste. This variety is intended only for growing in a greenhouse. Even with low light and minimal care, you can get an excellent harvest.

If you choose tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse, the best varieties of early ripening (besides Infiniti) are as follows:

  • Pink Gel;
  • India.

The first is popular mainly due to good yields. These are pink-colored tomatoes, which, after ripening, have a very fleshy texture. Indio fruits have a more elongated shape and dense structure. Indio is the most resistant to temperature changes.

Video “How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse”

In this video, experts will talk about the effective cultivation of tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Tomatoes in a greenhouse are a great crop. All the subtleties of growing


Hybrids Evpator, Mithridates, and Blagovest are the best tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse. However, when choosing a particular variety, it is worth considering the fact that the quality and quantity of the crop is significantly affected by the abundance of daylight. These three species are photophilous. You can grow them all year round. To do this, it is important to properly equip the greenhouse, otherwise it will not be possible to collect healthy fruits.

If you choose Evpator, try to provide the plant with as much sunlight as possible. Mithridates is characterized by a generative type of development. Blagovest is considered one of the most fruitful. From 1 sq. m with proper care of the plants you can collect about 15 kg of tomatoes.

Many experienced summer residents know that Blagovest is the best hybrid variety. Bushes grow tall (about 1,5 m). Such plants need to be formed in one stem. The fruits are medium in size, rounded. On average, the weight of one tomato is 100 g.

The most fruitful

The most productive varieties of tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse:

  • Budenovka;
  • Mikado;
  • Moneymaker.

All of them are thermophilic, they need good and long-term lighting. These varieties are drought tolerant, but regular, not too plentiful watering is necessary to obtain the maximum number of fruits.

It is important to consider that these plant crops should not be planted too close one to one. It is also not recommended to plant seedlings in a greenhouse at a far distance from each other, otherwise it will not be possible to get a good harvest. When planting any of the above varieties at close range, the bushes will not be able to grow. And if planted at a great distance from each other, they, on the contrary, will grow strongly, which will negatively affect the yield. The variety Moneymaker and Mikado pink need to be provided with a strong support, otherwise the weight of the fruit will simply break the bush.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses: top


If we consider tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse, the best varieties in terms of disease resistance are:

  • Tanya;
  • Rosemary;
  • Gilgal.

The fruits of these varieties are large. Tanya is distinguished by good resistance to various diseases. Tomatoes of this variety are juicy, tasty. They are not sour, very sweet.

Rosemary is a variety that is characterized not only by disease resistance, but also by high sensitivity. The main thing when harvesting is to carefully pick the fruits so as not to damage them.

Gilgal should be grown if tomatoes are needed for conservation. They are also ideal for salads. The fruits of this variety of tomatoes are quite large.


The best varieties of large tomatoes produce a late harvest. They are best consumed fresh. They have a beautiful presentation and sweet taste. Therefore, these tomatoes are often grown for cooking dishes from fresh vegetables. But you can also use them to prepare various dishes. The best are:

  • Scarlet Sails;
  • A great warrior;
  • Eagle’s beak.

To get a stable harvest throughout the season, you can land Scarlet Sails. These plants are not afraid of a sharp change in temperature, they are thermophilic and resistant to various diseases.

The Great Warrior yields earlier than other varieties. Tomatoes acquire a characteristic crimson hue as they ripen. The shape of the tomatoes is round. The weight of one fruit can reach 450 g.

Eagle’s beak is a high-yielding variety. The fruits are large, have a heart-shaped unusual shape. The mass of one such tomato can reach 700 g.


You can also grow small-fruited tomatoes. Cherries are sweet tasty tomatoes that can be eaten fresh and pickled. They are often used to decorate dishes. Of the best varieties of these small tomatoes, it is worth highlighting the following varieties:

  • Yellow cherry;
  • Ferry;
  • Parrot.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses: top

The first grade is early ripe. It must be grown with a garter to the support. The brush is formed with many fruits. About 30 small tomatoes ripen on one.

For conservation and pickling, it is better to plant in a Ferry greenhouse. Outwardly, such fruits resemble small barrels. This variety was bred in Spain. The fruits have a long shelf life.

The parrot is a variety of cherry tomatoes that produces a bountiful harvest all year round. At least 20 beautiful red rounded small tomatoes ripen on each brush.

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