The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

Probably, every gardener at the beginning of the new season asks the question: “What varieties to plant this year?”. This problem is especially relevant for those who grow tomatoes indoors. Indeed, in fact, the tomato is not adapted for such conditions, and there are several reasons for this, which will be discussed below.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

How to choose the best variety of tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse, what is the peculiarity of growing tomatoes in greenhouses – this article is about this.

What does a tomato need?

For normal development тomamas of any variety need certain conditions:

  1. Sufficient amount of sunlight. Not a single polycarbonate greenhouse can provide 100% light absorption by plants, because the walls of the greenhouse are not absolutely transparent. Part of the light is absorbed by the plastic itself, an even larger dose is lost due to the contamination of the polycarbonate. As a result, the tomatoes are left with about half of the natural light.
  2. A certain level of humidity. Yes, tomatoes love water – these plants need to be watered often and plentifully. But high humidity is detrimental to tomatoes, and in a greenhouse it is about 100%. Whereas tomatoes need only 65-70%. In such conditions, pathogenic microorganisms multiply very quickly, which leads to plant diseases and their death.
  3. Tomatoes do not like too high temperatures., in such conditions, their pollen becomes sterile – the flowers are not pollinated. And in a polycarbonate greenhouse it is often very hot, 30-degree temperature there is the norm.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

To grow healthy tomatoes, you need to minimize factors that harm plants. But it is almost impossible to do this in a greenhouse, so you need to choose special varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses.

Which variety is suitable for a polycarbonate greenhouse

Considering all of the above, we can determine criteria that a tomato intended for a greenhouse must meet.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

He must:

  1. It is good to tolerate high humidity, that is, to be hardened against diseases and viruses.
  2. Doesn’t need a lot of sunlight.
  3. It is good to tolerate temperature changes that occur during the ventilation of the greenhouse.
  4. Correspond to the size of the greenhouse. Indeterminate varieties of tomatoes can be planted in tall greenhouses, and tomatoes with compact bushes are more suitable for small greenhouses with a pitched roof.
  5. To be able to develop when forming a bush into one stem, since the limited space inside the greenhouse does not allow growing voluminous bushes with many side shoots.
  6. Have the ability to pollinate.
Important! For beginners, self-pollinated tomatoes are more suitable, and experienced gardeners can afford to plant tomatoes that require pollination and carry out this procedure instead of bees.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

“Mikado pink”

Many gardeners consider the variety one of the best tomatoes for the greenhouse. The plant belongs to indeterminate, has a fast ripening time – the first fruits can be harvested as early as 96 days after sowing the seeds.

The height of the bushes reaches 2,5 meters, there are many side shoots. Therefore, the tomato must be pinched, forming a bush and controlling thickening.

They love “Mikado” and for its excellent taste characteristics – this is one of the best-selling varieties of tomatoes. The fruits are painted pink, they are large in size – the mass of each tomato is 300-600 grams. In the cut, the tomato resembles the pulp of a watermelon – the kink is just as sugary. The pulp also tastes sweet, this variety contains a record amount of sugars.

The yield of this variety is 10-12 kg of tomatoes per meter.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

“Snow Fairy”

The tomato is considered ultra-early, the fruits on the bushes ripen within 80 days. A distinctive feature of the variety is the white color of the fruit in an unripe state. As they ripen, the tomatoes turn first orange and then red. Thus, multi-colored fruits develop simultaneously on each bush. These tomatoes look very impressive.

The mass of each tomato, on average, is 200 grams. By the end of the season, one bush gives up to 30 tomatoes.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

«Sprut F1»

Probably the most productive of all varieties of tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse. This tomato is grown commercially and on individual plots. The height of the bushes can reach 4,5 meters.

A plant can be formed into a tree, which is successfully done in industrial farms. The crown area of ​​a tomato tree is about 50 square meters, that is, a greenhouse for growing this variety should be huge.

The variety can bear fruit for 18 months, but for this there must be heating in the greenhouse. For a year, a record number of tomatoes is harvested from each tree – about 14 thousand fruits.

Tomatoes are small, oval-shaped, painted red. Formed in clusters, each of which contains several dozen fruits. The main purpose of tomatoes is canning. The peel and pulp of tomatoes are dense, small in size – they are great for pickling.

Despite such a yield, the variety cannot be called capricious: the plant perfectly resists diseases, does not require special care (except for tying).

If there is no heated greenhouse on the site, in one season the variety will not grow to the size of a tree. But the height of the bushes will still be impressive, and high yields will also remain.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

“Tiny-Havroshechka F1”

Carpal variety of tomatoes for the greenhouse. The size of the fruit is slightly larger than ordinary cherry tomatoes, but tomatoes also grow in clusters, in each of which many fruits ripen at the same time.

The color of the tomato is red, the shape is round. The fruits are very tasty and sweet, suitable for canning, but very tasty fresh, in salads and other dishes.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

«Tanya F1»

The bushes of this variety are compact, low. And the fruits, on the contrary, are large, the average weight of each is about 200 grams. Tomatoes have the shape of a ball, slightly flattened, painted in deep red.

The palatability of the fruits is high, they have a fairly high content of sugars and nutrients. Tomatoes are suitable for both canning and fresh consumption.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

“Gilgal F1”

A hybrid with medium-sized bushes. The fruits are round and quite large. Tomatoes are very tasty, they can be eaten fresh and in salads. However, on each bush you can find several not so large fruits that will fit into a jar, so the variety can also be used for canning.

The taste of tomatoes is very delicate, pleasant. The pulp is juicy and aromatic.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

«Rosemary F1»

Very tasty greenhouse hybrid. Ripe tomatoes are painted in raspberry color, have a fairly large size. The taste of the tomato is at its best – it is customary to eat it fresh or add it to summer salads.

There are a lot of nutrients and vitamins in fruits. These tomatoes are good for diabetics, children or the elderly, so they are often processed for dietary nutrition.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

Advice! You need to carefully pick the fruits from the bushes – their delicate skin and pulp can crack. Do not allow overripe rosemary tomatoes.

“Abakan pink”

The plant belongs to the determinant species, the bushes are quite compact. From each square meter planted with this variety of tomatoes, you can remove about four kilograms of a tomato.

Tomato ripening occurs in 120 days, which makes it possible to classify the variety as mid-ripening. The mass of each fruit is approximately 500 grams, so the fruits are not suitable for whole-fruit canning, but they are very tasty in salads and snacks.

A strong feature of the variety is resistance to fungal diseases.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

“Pink Elephant”

A large-fruited variety belonging to the determinant group of tomatoes. The mass of fruits can reach a kilogram, but most often there are tomatoes weighing about 300 grams.

The taste of the fruit is very sweet, the fruits are fragrant and juicy. The color of the tomatoes is red-pink, the shape is a flattened ball. The yield of the variety is quite high – up to eight kilograms per square meter.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

“King of Orange”

This tomato variety is indeterminate, the plants are tall and need to be tied up. Tomatoes ripen by the 135th day after sowing seeds for seedlings.

The color of the tomatoes is bright orange, the shape is elongated, the weight of each fruit is about 600 grams, the tomatoes taste very sweet and juicy.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

«Samara F1»

A hybrid variety selected in Our Country specifically for growing in greenhouses. This tomato belongs to the carpal varieties – the berries are ripened in clusters, each of which contains 8 fruits.

The fruits ripen early, can be stored for a long time, are well transported, and are not prone to cracking. The plant resists the tobacco mosaic virus and several other diseases that are dangerous for tomatoes.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses


The tomato belongs to the middle early ones, the first fruits ripen by the 110th day after planting the seeds for seedlings. The plant is indeterminate, the bushes are tall and powerful.

The fruits are interesting primarily for their unusual shape – they are heart-shaped, red in color, quite large – about 350 grams.

The taste of tomatoes is good, most often they are used for fresh consumption. The yield of the variety is also quite high – about 9 kilograms per meter of the greenhouse.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

Attention! Variety “Budenovka” is selected by domestic scientists specifically for cultivation in closed ground. A weak feature of this tomato is its low resistance to viruses and diseases. Therefore, plants need to be regularly inspected and treated.

«Blagovest F1»

The hybrid variety is considered one of the highest yielding tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses – a maximum of 17 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from one square meter.

The variety is determinant, the height of the bush reaches 1,5 meters, the stems are powerful, there are stepchildren. The bush must be formed, it is better to leave one stem, directing the lateral process into growth.

Tomatoes are red, round, medium size. The mass of each tomato is about 100 grams. These tomatoes are convenient to use for canning as a whole.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

Review of the tomato “Blagovest F1”

Selezneva I.A. 56 years old, Abakan
I bought seeds of this hybrid last season. I needed a tomato for growing on the balcony – the height of the bush and high yields bribed me, as well as small round fruits that are perfect for pickling. Seed germination is very good, the plant itself is strong, not prone to disease. For the whole season, only a lack of calcium was noticed, manifested by top rot. The first tomatoes ripened in early September, despite the fact that the seeds were sown for seedlings in mid-April. Tomatoes ripen in clusters, their weight is from 40 to 70 grams, the taste is very good. In general, I am satisfied with the variety, but it is still better to grow Blagovest in a greenhouse – it is crowded on a one and a half meter bush on the balcony.

Rules for growing tomatoes indoors

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

Knowing about the characteristics of varieties intended for greenhouses, you can derive some rules for caring for such plants:

  • disinfect the soil and wash the greenhouse before each new season;
  • regularly ventilate the greenhouse, avoiding too high temperature and humidity inside it;
  • buy self-pollinating varieties of tomatoes or be able to pollinate flowers with your own hands, because there are no bees in the greenhouse;
  • regularly inspect leaves and fruits for infection with rot or other disease;
  • pluck tomatoes a little earlier than they are fully ripe – this will accelerate the growth of the following fruits.
Advice! If you buy cold-resistant tomatoes, you can get a crop in the greenhouse until the autumn frosts.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

These simple tips and reviews from experienced gardeners will help every beginner to decide on the best tomato variety for their greenhouse, and experienced farmers to find a new, unique variety of tomato.

tomatoes growing in polycarbonate greenhouse

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