The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Tomato is one of the most common vegetable crops in Our Country. Almost all summer residents grow tomatoes, they love these fruits for their excellent taste and a lot of useful vitamins.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The growing season of tomatoes is quite long (from 100 to 130 days), so the crop may not ripen in any climatic conditions. For good growth and timely ripening, a tomato needs heat.

The short summer of the temperate climate zone is not very suitable for growing tomatoes; in Our Country, this crop is planted in seedlings, covered in greenhouses, or varieties with early ripening are chosen.

The specifics of tomatoes for open ground

Outdoors is not considered the best way to grow a heat-loving tomato. Still, it is more efficient to plant this crop in greenhouses or heated greenhouses. But there are many varieties and breeding hybrids bred specifically for garden beds and farm fields.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

As a rule, early-ripening tomatoes or plants with medium ripening periods are planted in open ground.

In general, the requirements for varieties for open ground in central Our Country and Siberia look like this:

  • high maturation rate;
  • short growing season;
  • resistance to viruses and other diseases;
  • the ability to tolerate high humidity and low temperatures;
  • resistance to late blight and rot;
  • not too high bush height;
  • good yield and good taste.

Indeterminate (tall) tomatoes are best grown in closed greenhouses. However, these varieties give very high yields without occupying a large area. Therefore, in the summer cottage, you can also plant tall tomato bushes. But it is worth taking care of tying the stems in advance, as well as choosing a “secluded” place, protected from strong winds.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Attention! It is believed that early ripe tomatoes have a less pronounced taste and weak aroma.

However, among modern varieties of tomatoes, it is quite possible to find vegetables with excellent taste characteristics. In addition, outdoor tomatoes grow more fragrant than in a greenhouse.

How to grow tomatoes outdoors

The process of growing tomatoes in the beds is not much different from the greenhouse method. To get a good harvest, tomatoes must be regularly looked after – this crop loves the sun, timely watering, and loose soil.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

A summer resident or gardener needs to perform the following steps:

  1. Land for tomatoes should be prepared in the fall. The soil on the site is dug up and fertilizers are applied to it.
  2. In the spring, the earth must be disinfected by treating it with manganese or another antibacterial solution.
  3. Tomato seeds are pre-sown for seedlings. Do this in late February or early March.
  4. Strengthened seedlings (about 30 cm high) can be planted on a watered bed. As a rule, this is done in mid-May, when the air temperature at night will not fall below zero. The Siberian climate is more severe, so tomatoes are planted in the ground here at the end of May or even at the beginning of June.
  5. In the first week, it is better not to water the tomato seedlings, it needs to acclimatize and get stronger.
  6. For the entire growing season, tomatoes are fertilized 2-3 times. The main thing is not to overdo it with the application of mineral fertilizers, otherwise the tomatoes will grow instead of giving all their strength to the ovaries.
  7. Watering tomatoes should be timely and regular – the ground between the bushes should not be dry and cracked.
  8. The soil in the aisles must be fluffed – the roots need air.
  9. Picking tomatoes is best when they are fully ripe. But if weather conditions do not allow, or the crop is intended for transportation, storage, green or brown tomatoes can also be harvested – they ripen well in a cool, dark place.
Important! Bushes of tomatoes, as a rule, give a lot of side shoots. To ensure a high yield, it is necessary to get rid of excess greenery – pinch bushes or stepchildren.

There are varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching, as they practically do not give side shoots.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Among all varieties, each gardener singles out for himself the best for some particular quality. For some, this is the ripening time, for some, productivity is most important, and some are engaged in growing exotic or very large fruits.

Reviews of summer residents and gardeners with experience helped to compile a list of the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground, which are most often grown in the beds of Our Country (including Siberia and the Urals).


This variety is loved for its stability and unpretentiousness. Tomatoes “Sanka” will bring an equally good harvest in any area, even with little care. These tomatoes practically do not get sick, they grow up to a maximum of 60 cm in height, so they do not need to be tied up and stepsoned.

To get about three kilograms from each plant, you just need to water the tomatoes in a timely manner. Even a sudden cold snap or short-term frosts cannot significantly harm the tomatoes. Rounded red fruits will cover the entire small bush.

The taste of the tomato is high, which allows it to be consumed fresh, canned or pickled. The small size of the fruit also contributes – the average weight of a tomato is about 100 grams.

Another advantage of the Sanka variety is its high ripening rate. Already on the 90th day after sowing the seeds, the first fruits will ripen on the bushes.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground


The same early ripe and very productive variety. Tomatoes “Ranetochka” do not need complex care and processing, they are protected from most diseases. Late blight is also not terrible for these tomatoes, as they ripen in more than 90 days, so they do not have time to catch the time of August cooling and morning dew.

The plant is a standard type, the bushes are very compact, their height does not exceed 0,5 meters. But on each small bush, about 100 small red tomatoes ripen at the same time.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground


An unpretentious variety of tomato for open ground, which is great for Siberia. This tomato tolerates long rains and cool temperatures in summer.

The fruits ripen quickly, the whole process takes no more than 95 days. The bushes are small, not very branched, the height of each rarely exceeds 45 cm. They give consistently high yields of small rounded fruits.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground


Variety of tomatoes with amazing, perfectly round fruits. The growing season of tomatoes is from 90 to 100 days (depending on the region of cultivation). Tomato bushes are compact, standard, rarely reaching a height of more than 0,5 meters.

Ripe tomatoes are painted red, have excellent taste and pronounced aroma. The size of the tomato is average – the mass ranges from 70 to 90 grams. The fruits are not subject to cracking and overripe, so the variety is great for summer cottages, which the owner visits only on weekends.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

large-fruited tomatoes

Not everyone cares about the yield or durability of tomatoes. Although, as a rule, large-fruited or unusual tomatoes are grown in protected greenhouses; it is also possible to grow non-standard-sized tomatoes in the beds.


The variety is considered the largest of those that are intended for cultivation in Our Country. The mass of one tomato can reach a maximum of 1000 grams. At the same time, about ten tomatoes are formed on the bush at the same time. The yield of the variety reaches 5-6 kg from each plant.

It is clear that the Pudovik tomato bushes themselves cannot be small – the plant is indeterminate, reaching a height of 150 cm. The tomato needs good feeding, this not only stimulates the growth of the plant and the development of ovaries, but also increases its immunity, which is important for fighting viruses and bacteria.

The technical maturity of tomatoes comes on the 115th day after planting in the soil (medium early tomato), so they can be grown in any region, even in Siberia.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground


The variety has been grown in Our Country for more than a quarter of a century, and does not lose its popularity. The hybrid is considered high-yielding, since about 12 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from each square meter.

The average fruit weight is 250 grams, tomatoes have good taste and rich aroma. The height of the bushes reaches 150 cm, the plants are sprawling, but do not need pinching. Tomato “Tolstoy” is not afraid of most “tomato” diseases, such as powdery mildew or Fusarium, for example.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

“Bull Heart”

No less famous tomato, which at least once, but every gardener planted on his plot. Bushes reach a height of 130 cm, have powerful stems and side shoots.

A feature of the variety is that the fruits from the first flowers are the largest, their weight can be from 350 to 900 grams. And the next tomatoes will be much smaller – about 150 grams.

The shape of the tomato is unusual, it looks like a heart. The color of the fruit is pinkish. The taste is excellent – the tomato is fleshy, juicy and very sweet. Such fruits are mainly used for fresh consumption, salads.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Review of the tomato “Bull’s heart”

Alina Sergeevna, 48 years old, Khabarovsk
I am a fan of large-fruited tomatoes. After all, only such fruits can be eaten in plenty during the summer! In addition, they contain a lot of useful minerals and vitamins, and they are consumed fresh, which significantly increases the dose of “usefulness”. In my beds I always grow “Bull’s Heart” and a couple more varieties for pickling. This breed has never failed. True, like all large-fruited tomatoes, it requires special attention: fertilizer at least 6 times per season, good watering, assistance in pollination, tying to trellises or supports. But the appearance and taste of a ripe tomato will not leave anyone indifferent!

High yielding tomato varieties

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground can also be high-yielding. This quality of vegetable crops is probably the main one. After all every gardener wants to get the most out of it – to collect as many beautiful, mouth-watering tomatoes as possible.

Basically, the fruits of high-yielding varieties do not differ in large sizes – tomatoes have an average weight. But there are a lot of them, which allows you to collect up to 20 kg of tomatoes from each square meter of land.


A good variety acclimatized for Our Country. This tomato beats the famous Dutch hybrids in several respects.

The height of the bushes is 120 cm, the lateral shoots are poorly developed, the plant does not need to be stepped and pinched. The fruits are medium in size, weighing about 120 grams. The shape is correct, rounded, the color is red. A distinctive feature of a tomato is its light weight. Fruits tolerate transportation and long-term storage well.

The advantage of the variety is increased resistance to various diseases. With selective cultivation, yields of up to 700 centners per hectare of land can be achieved. Under normal conditions, tomatoes need enhanced fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

“Bobcat F1”

A fairly productive hybrid tomato, which is often grown in farmers’ fields and used for sale.

The bushes have a height of 120 cm, they must be pinched – this will increase the yield by more than 20%. The average weight of a tomato is 140 grams. Fruits can be stored and transported – they do not lose their attractiveness for a long time.

The advantage of the variety is increased durability. Plants almost never become infected with anthracosis and fusarium.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground


The height of the bush of this tomato does not exceed 90 cm, it is slightly sprawling. The mass of tomatoes is quite large – from 150 to 250 grams. Especially often, large fruits appear when no more than 20 tomatoes are tied on one bush.

With regular watering and good feeding, farmers receive about 400 centners of tomatoes from each hectare of land. They are great for commercial purposes, can be stored and transported. Also often “Solokha” is grown in summer cottages and vegetable gardens.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Advice! To increase the yield of any variety of tomatoes, it is necessary to use a drip irrigation system.

Tomatoes resistant to cold and viruses

In a temperate climate, where summer is often rainy and cool, spring is quite late, and autumn, on the contrary, early, the resistance of tomatoes is very important. Domestic gardeners prefer hardened varieties to pampered “exotics”. Such tomatoes can be grown not only in the south of the country, but also in the Urals or Siberia.

Usually, varietal tomatoes of domestic selection turn out to be “stronger” than foreign hybrids. In addition, such tomatoes contain much more useful substances and vitamins, they differ in a more pronounced taste. Therefore, for many, these are the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground.


Seedlings of this tomato can be transferred to the beds already in early May, which is two weeks earlier than usual. This allows you to get very early harvests, as well as avoid tomato fruiting in too wet and cool August.

The mass of fruits reaches 250 grams, which is rare for a representative of this group.

Tomato “Marmande” resists not only fungal and viral diseases, it does not attract pests and insects.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

“Stellate sturgeon”

Tomato, selected in Holland, but acclimatized to the weather conditions in Our Country. The fruits are very large – sometimes more than 450 grams. The peel of the tomato is dense, and the pulp is tender. Fruits are well stored and transfer transportation.

Although the height of the bush reaches 140 cm, the powerful stem does not need to be tied up. Also, the plant does not need pinching.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground


This variety can be attributed to two groups at once: it gives high yields and is considered the most resistant to fungal pathogens. The vegetation period is 120 days, while in the last two weeks of this period the plant can withstand significant temperature drops, up to frost.

120-centimeter bushes need pinching. The fruits on them grow of medium size – about 140 grams in weight.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Review of tomato “Roma”

Stepanova I.A., 54 years old, Novosibirsk
I read on the Internet that the Roma variety is not very suitable for growing in Our Country, it is more loved in the USA. But I decided to try it anyway – I was attracted by the resistance of the tomato to the cold (we live in Siberia). The variety met all my expectations, gave a good harvest, the tomatoes are elastic, beautiful. Of all the bushes (about 40), only two disappeared, and then even during the period of planting seedlings in the ground. Tomatoes are perfect for canning and cooking our family’s favorite tomato paste. I recommend Roma tomato to everyone, especially those who live in the northern regions.


The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Everyone chooses his own best variety of tomatoes. But it is for open ground that we can recommend productive, early ripening, unpretentious and resistant varieties acclimatized for the temperature characteristics of the region.

Tomato varieties for open ground

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