The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

Tomato culture has a huge variety of different varieties. They differ not only in the taste and commercial characteristics of their fruits, but also in the height of the plants. According to this criterion, all tomato bushes are divided into tall, medium and short varieties. All of them can be grown both in greenhouses and in the open field. In this article, we will look at tall tomatoes and their best outdoor varieties.

The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

Pros of tall varieties

Tall varieties of tomatoes for open ground have long gained popularity among gardeners and gardeners. Their main advantage over other varieties is the compact size of their bushes. They grow not in width, but in length. As a rule, the stem of these varieties grows from 1,5 to 4 meters in height. Due to the fact that these plants grow up, they take up less space in the garden. Therefore, one square meter can accommodate more tall plants than short ones. In addition, they have other advantages that distinguish them from other varieties:

  • High yield. Long plants of these varieties can form from 20 to 40 brushes with tomatoes. This will allow you to collect up to 2 buckets of crop from a square meter.
  • Phytophthora immunity. Due to the fact that plants of tall varieties are evenly illuminated, and their foliage and brushes do not touch the ground, the probability of falling ill with late blight is much lower in them than in other varieties.
  • Long fruiting period, starting in July and ending in late autumn.
  • Easy care. Due to the fact that all stepchildren are removed from plants of these varieties, it is easy to notice any beginning diseases, as well as pests, on their unthickened trunks. In addition, the absence of side shoots greatly facilitates loosening, watering and harvesting.

Characteristics of varieties

Tall varieties of tomatoes for open ground are distinguished by their diversity. Of course, the main criteria for many gardeners when choosing a tall tomato variety will be the taste of the fruit and their ripening time. If the harvest is supposed to be used for the preparation of tomato juice, then red and pink varieties should be chosen. If you plan to eat tomatoes fresh or close them in jars, then you can choose multi-colored varieties. In addition, yellow and green tomatoes will outperform red varieties in taste. According to the ripening time, the varieties are divided into early, medium and late. It is by this criterion that we will consider them.

Early varieties

The maturation period of these tall varieties will not exceed 100 days.


The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

This is a fairly high variety of tomatoes. Its average height will be 2 meters. In this case, the first inflorescence of Baramley is located above the 8th leaf.

His Tomatoes have a rounded slightly flat shape, and their weight will not exceed 200 grams. Until ripening, the Barmaley tomato has a dark green spot at the stalk. After maturation, it disappears. The color of the ripe fruit of this variety is rich pink.

The average density of the pulp of its tomatoes is quite fleshy. She has excellent taste and commercial qualities. It’s perfect for salads.

Variety Barmaley is distinguished by its productivity. From a square meter you can collect up to 16 kg of tomatoes.

wild Rose

The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

The height of the bushes of this variety can reach 2 meters.

Important! If you do not pinch the Wild Rose, then its bushes will quickly grow lush foliage.

Tomatoes of rather large sizes are tied on its plants. Their average weight is about 350 grams. Wild Rose tomatoes are round and slightly flattened. As it ripens, the immature fruits of this variety change their color from mottled green to deep pink.

The taste characteristics of this variety are excellent. Tomatoes have juicy but not watery flesh. Its highlight is the sour-sweet taste. The sugar in it will be no more than 3,7%, and the dry matter will be in the range from 6% to 7%. The Wild Rose variety is one of the few tomato varieties that are ideal for heat treatment. In addition, they are actively used for the preparation of salads, sauces, juices and purees. This variety is not suitable only for salting and conservation.

Wild rose has excellent immunity to many diseases. Its yield will be about 6 – 7 kg per square meter.

Chinese gold

The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

Powerful bushes of this variety are not as tall as those of other varieties. Their maximum height will be only 1,5 m. Despite the fact that the trunk of the bushes is quite strong, it still needs a garter to the support.

Among the slightly corrugated green sheets of this variety, rich orange tomatoes look very advantageous. They have an almost perfect rounded shape. The average weight of a ripe tomato will be about 200 grams.

The variety Gold of China is distinguished by a fleshy dense pulp. In terms of taste characteristics, it stands out noticeably among other varieties of tomatoes. Tomatoes Gold of China have a universal use, but they taste best when fresh.

China Gold is ideal for outdoor cultivation.

Important! With prolonged transportation, tomatoes of this variety may lose their attractive appearance.

Miracle of the earth

The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

The average height of its plants will be about 1,5 meters. Each of them grows up to 10 fruit brushes, each of which can hold from 6 to 8 fruits. And subject to all agrotechnical characteristics, up to 14 fruits can be tied on each fruit brush.

Important! This variety just needs to be tied to a support or trellis.

Tomatoes Miracle of the Earth are heart-shaped. Their distinguishing feature is the absence of a green spot on the stem. The surface of these tomatoes is painted in a pleasant rich pink color. The first tomatoes can grow with a weight of 500 grams, the next ones will be slightly less – from 250 to 350 grams. Their dense flesh is very juicy and sweetish in taste.

In addition to excellent taste characteristics, Miracle of the Earth boasts a long shelf life. His tomatoes do not crack and do not lose their marketable appearance within two weeks from the moment they are removed from the bush. In addition, the Miracle of the Earth has good drought tolerance and adapts well to temperature fluctuations.

Medium varieties

The ripening of their tomatoes will occur in the range from 110 to 120 days.


The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

The height of its bushes will not exceed 150 cm. The first inflorescence of the Cardinal is formed above the 9th leaf, and from 6 to 8 tomatoes can be tied on each brush.

Cardinal tomatoes are heart-shaped and rather large in size. The average weight of a mature fruit will be about 400 grams, while the very first tomatoes can weigh up to 600 grams. Their surface is painted in soft pink or raspberry color.

The pulp of the Cardinal is characterized by medium density. At the same time, it is quite meaty, juicy and sugary. Distinguished by its universal application and can retain taste characteristics even during long-term storage.

The cardinal has a good immunity to diseases and can tolerate cold snap and drought normally. Its yield will be about 15 kg per square meter.

Advice! A bountiful harvest of Cardinal tomatoes can only be obtained when grown on light, fertile soil with appropriate care.

Honey saved

The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

The height of the bushes of the Honey Savior is in the range from 120 to 160 cm, but despite this, it is also tall.

Its tomatoes are painted in a pleasant honey-yellow color. They are round in shape and quite large in size. The weight of a mature tomato Honey Spas can reach up to 600 grams. Its flesh is very aromatic with a barely noticeable sourness. Honey Spas tomatoes are dietary. They are also perfect for those who are allergic to red vegetables.

Honey spas is distinguished by its resistance to phytophthora and fusarium. In addition, its fruits do not crack at all and tolerate transportation perfectly. From one bush of the Honey Savior, you can collect from 4 to 5 kg of crop.

Pink Elephant

The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

Not the tallest of the tall varieties. Its bushes can grow from 1,5 to 2 meters. The first inflorescence is most often formed above the 7th leaf. Each brush of the Pink Elephant can hold 6 to 8 fruits.

It got its name for the raspberry-pink color of its rather large fruits. The weight of one fruit can reach 300 grams. In their shape, Pink Elephant tomatoes resemble a slightly flattened circle. The fleshy pulp of its tomatoes has excellent taste characteristics. It is perfect for salads and cooking.

The pink elephant has good resistance to many diseases. In addition, it can tolerate transportation well. The yield of each of its plants is from 2,5 to 3 kg.


The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

This hybrid is one of the best varieties of domestic selection. Its medium leafy bushes grow from 150 to 250 cm in height and require mandatory support. The first inflorescence of the Tarasenko-2 hybrid appears above the 5th leaf. And on his brushes up to 30 tomatoes can be tied.

Important! The mass of tomatoes from one brush will be at least 3 kg.

Tomatoes Tarasenko-2 in their shape resemble a circle with a pointed tip. The weight of each of them will not exceed 100 grams. These tomatoes are pale green when unripe and turn bright red when ripe. They have delicious meaty flesh. It is perfect for salads and for processing into juice and puree.

Tarasenko-2 is very often grown for sale. This is due to the fact that its tomatoes tolerate transportation well and can be stored for a long time, and the plants are highly resistant to late blight. In addition, this hybrid has a very high yield. From each bush you can collect from 15 to 20 kg of tomatoes.

Late varieties

Their maturation will have to wait up to 140 days.

bull heart orange

The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

This is one of the lowest representatives of tall tomatoes. Its bushes have a height of 1 to 1,6 meters. Up to 5 fruits can be tied on the brushes of these low-leaved bushes at the same time.

Its tomatoes are heart-shaped and have an average weight of 300 to 400 grams. As the tomatoes ripen, the color changes from green to orange. They differ in fleshy sugar pulp. Due to its excellent taste characteristics, it is perfect for salads.

Bull heart orange has good resistance to the most common diseases of this crop. In addition, this variety has a fairly high yield. From each square meter, it will be possible to collect up to 17 kg of tomatoes. Harvest Oxheart Orange has good transportability and shelf life.

De Barao red

The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

Red De Barao plants can grow up to 3 meters tall. Up to 10 tomatoes can be tied on their drooping brushes.

Its tomatoes are plum-shaped. Their weight varies from 50 to 70 grams. From the name of the variety it is clear that its tomatoes are red in color. The pulp of De Barao red is rather dense and has a characteristic tomato flavor. Due to its taste characteristics, it is ideal for salads and canning.

Tomato plants De Barao red have an increased resistance to late blight, and tomatoes perfectly tolerate long-term transportation. At the same time, they perfectly retain their presentation and taste characteristics. The yield of De Barao red bushes will be from 3 to 4 kg per square meter.

Mikado Pink

The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

It belongs to the most popular late varieties of tomatoes. Pink Mikado bushes can grow from 150 to 250 cm. At the same time, up to 8 large fruits can be tied on each of them at the same time. Pink Mikado tomatoes have a flat-round shape, and their weight is between 300 and 600 grams. Ripe tomatoes have a pink-raspberry color and dense pulp. It is best suited for fresh consumption, but can also be used to prepare a variety of dishes.

Important! Pink Mikado tomatoes do not crack even during long-term storage.

It has good immunity to many diseases of tomato culture. The high quality of tomatoes in it is perfectly combined with increased productivity. At the same time, the Mikado pink crop does not depend on weather conditions and can be harvested in any weather.


The best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground

This hybrid has tall and medium leafy bushes. The first inflorescence on them is formed above the 8th or 9th leaf.

Its tomatoes are round in shape. They are small in size and weigh up to 80 grams. The color of the hybrid tomatoes The plot is rich red. A distinctive feature of the Plot is the absence of a spot on the stem.

The pulp of tomatoes is very juicy with slight acidity. Despite the universal use, Plot pulp is most suitable for canning.

Important! Hybrid Plot is very rich in ascorbic acid – up to 26 mg%. The dry matter in its pulp will be no more than 6,2%, and sugar will not exceed 3%.

This hybrid has good resistance to the main diseases of tomatoes, and in particular to tobacco mosaic virus, cladosporiosis and root-knot nematode. In addition, it has an excellent yield. It will be possible to collect from 16 to 18 kg of tomatoes per square meter.


All these varieties have proven themselves well for cultivation in the open field of our latitudes. Getting a bountiful harvest of tomato crops is directly related to the quality of plant care. That is why we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video, which will talk about caring for tall tomatoes in the open field:

Planting tall tomatoes in open ground. Outdoor tomato care


Lyudmila, 49 years old, Moscow
From tall tomatoes I always plant Bull’s heart. This year I planted an orange variety. Fruit quality is always good. They are very tasty and quite large. I never complained about the yield of Oxheart. With adequate watering and top dressing, the harvest will be plentiful. This year we harvested tomatoes until the end of September. I also like that it can be stored for a long time.
Elizabeth, 34 years old, Kovrov town
I have never planted tall tomatoes in open ground. I always thought it was not very convenient. Indeed, for them it is recommended to specially make a certain frame, so that it is more convenient to tie up. This year there was not enough space in the greenhouse, and I planted several Mikado pink plants in open beds. Maybe because they got more sun, maybe for other reasons, but their productivity was much higher than those that grew in a greenhouse. And the tomatoes tasted better. Now I will always plant it in open ground. I recommend.
Tatyana, 57 years old, Podolsk
This year, De Barao chose red for planting. I really liked the small elongated shape of his tomatoes. They are specially created for conservation – they fit perfectly into the jar. And yes, they taste good. I will plant more.

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