Varieties of Savoy cabbage are leafy and headed, the second option is predominantly common. Varieties of culture also differ in terms of ripening – on this basis they are divided into three groups. Characteristics of Savoy cabbage species with names and photos will help you make a choice, while it is also important to take into account the climate of your region.
early varieties of savoy cabbage
The maturation of this group of varieties takes approximately 105-120 days. They are usually grown for food.
Golden early
This representative of the culture has been included in the State Register of the Federation since 1995, it was brought out by Czech breeders. The characteristic of Savoy cabbage variety Golden early is as follows:
- technical ripeness in 106-110 days after germination;
- plates strongly bubbly;
- rosette diameter 60 cm;
- inner leaves light yellow;
- round heads up to 1 kg;
- soft texture;
- great taste;
- crack resistance.

Golden early brings up to 5 kg per 1 m², commercial yield – 280-320 centners per 1 ha
Moscow lace maker
Domestic origin, in the State Register of the Federation in 2010. The qualities are the following:
- technical ripeness in 105-110 days after germination;
- blistered leaves, light green color, broadly obovate shape, weak wax coating;
- round-flat heads, 1-1,5 kg each;
- the length of the outer and inner stump is average;
- very delicate texture;
- great taste;
- resistance to bacteriosis, fusarium wilt.

Moscow lacemaker brings an average of 4 kg per 1 m²
Savoy cabbage Petrovna was included in the State Register in 2008. The description is:
- technical maturity in 110 days;
- the head is round, the density is moderate, the color in the section is yellowish, weight is 1,3 kg;
- short outer stump;
- leaves are blister-corrugated, dark green outside;
- great taste without bitterness.

From 1 m², 5 kg of the crop of the Petrovna species are harvested
Mid-season varieties and hybrids
Varieties and hybrids of Savoy cabbage of this group ripen in 120-135 days. They are versatile because they are used for food and are suitable for medium-term storage.
Melissa F1
This hybrid has been listed in the State Register of the Federation since 1999 and is of Dutch origin. Main characteristics:
- technical ripeness after 80 days when planting seedlings;
- the size and density of the head are average, weight 2-3 kg;
- dark green plates, pronouncedly corrugated and bubbly, slightly incised, light veins;
- the socket is raised, the size is medium;
- pronounced wax coating;
- the size of the inner stump is medium, the outer one is relatively high;
- excellent taste;
- resistance to fusarium wilt;
- good keeping quality (4-5 months).

Melissa F1 brings 4-4,5 kg per 1 m², commodity indicator – up to 430 centners per 1 ha
Sphere F1
This hybrid is of Czech origin. It has been included in the State Register of the Federation since 1997. Description and photos of Savoy cabbage varieties Sphere F1 below:
- height and diameter are average;
- rose sockets;
- the outer leaves are dark green, the shape is broadly ovate, the waxy coating is relatively intense, the petiole is short, the blistering and corrugation are moderate;
- excellent taste;
- the size and density of rounded heads are medium, rising to the base, partial coverage, weight 1,5-2,5 kg, whitish incision.

Hybrid Sphere F1 has a high yield – 1 kg are harvested from 9 m²
Vertu 1340
This representative of Savoy cabbage of domestic origin is more than half a century old – it has been in the State Register of the Federation since 1966. Main characteristics of Vertu 1340:
- achievement of technical ripeness in 120-130 days;
- the socket is large, diameter 0,6-1 m;
- flat-round heads up to 3 kg;
- leaves are semi-raised, petioles are short;
- plate length 26-50 cm, width 25-45 cm, oval or round shape, small or medium blistering, wavy edge;
- the color is gray-green, the intensity of the wax coating is moderate;
- excellent taste;
- keeping quality 2-3 months.

From 1 m², 5-6 kg of Vertu 1340 are harvested
Late varieties
The maturation of representatives of the culture of this group takes from 135-140 days. They are best for winter storage.
Virus F1
This hybrid of Dutch origin was entered into the State Register of the Federation in 2005. Its main characteristics:
- achievement of technical ripeness in 137 days after spitting seeds;
- raised type socket;
- the size of the leaf blades is moderate, the color is blue-green, intense wax coating, the shape is round to transversely broadly elliptical;
- blistering is strong, wavy is weak;
- the shape of heads is round-flat or round, partial coverage, weight 1,8-2,5 kg, dark green color;
- the length of the outer stump is medium to short;
- excellent keeping quality (up to seven months);
- resistance to cracking, fusarium.

From 1 m², 3-4 kg of Viros F1 are harvested
Nadia F1
This hybrid has been listed in the State Register of the Federation since 2010. The main qualities of the variety:
- achievement of technical ripeness in 135-140 days;
- powerful sockets, diameter up to 0,8 m;
- the size of the leaf plates is large, the color is gray-green, the shape is broadly ovate, the blistering and corrugation are strong, the wax coating is moderate, the edge is wavy;
- rounded heads up to 3 kg, yellowish incision;
- soft texture;
- the taste is good;
- resistance to cracking, fusarium wilt;
- good transportability;
- keeping quality 2-3 months.

From 1 m², an average of 4,5 kg of Nadia F1 hybrid crop is obtained
Alaska F1
This hybrid is of Dutch origin, included in the State Register of the Federation since 2006. The description is:
- raised type socket;
- the size of the gray-green leaf is medium, the shape is round, the wax coating and blistering are pronounced, the edge is wavy;
- heads are rounded, covered, weight 2,4 kg;
- excellent taste;
- the stumps are short;
- keeping quality is high.

Commercial yield of Alaska F1 5,9 kg per 1 m²
Varieties of Savoy cabbage for the Moscow region and the middle lane
Due to good cold resistance in the middle lane, you can grow a crop of any ripening time. For long-term storage, choose mid-season or late varieties.
Oats F1
A mid-late hybrid of Dutch origin, it has been listed in the State Register of the Federation since 1993. The characteristics are as follows:
- technical maturity after 140 days;
- sockets are semi-raised or horizontal, the value is average;
- the shape of the plate is broadly ovoid, the size is medium, the wax coating is strong, the blistering is large, the waviness of the edge is weak;
- heads of cabbage are rounded flat, the top is open, weight is 1,2-1,5 kg, the cut is creamy white.

The yield of the Ovasa F1 hybrid reaches 6 kg per 1 m²
We have to F1
This mid-late hybrid is of Dutch origin; it was included in the State Register of the Federation in 2008. Main characteristics:
- rose sockets;
- the leaves are large, rounded, the color is gray-green, the wax coating is light, the blistering is weak;
- the inner stump is long, the outer is medium;
- the shape of the heads is round, the coating is full, the cut is yellowish, weight is up to 4 kg;
- the taste is excellent.

1 kg of Morama F6,5 are removed from 1 m²
Viratoba F1
A late hybrid of Dutch selection, entered into the State Register of the Federation in 2017. Description and qualities:
- sockets raised or vertical;
- leaf size is medium, obovate shape, dark blue-green color, pronounced waxy coating, strong blistering, wavy edge;
- heads of cabbage are round, loose, partial coverage, yellowish cut, weight 0,8-1,3 kg
- the length of the stumps is medium;
- the taste is good.

From 1 m² you get up to 6 kg of Viratoba F1
Varieties of Savoy cabbage for the Urals
In this variety of culture, frost resistance is higher compared to its white-headed relative. Even with this quality, it is better to choose early and mid-season varieties for planting in the cold Urals.
Mid-season variety of domestic selection, in the State Register of the Federation since 2020. Variety description:
- achievement of technical ripeness in 120-130 days;
- large leaves, dark green color, corrugated, strong blistering;
- the shape of the heads is flat-round, weight up to 2 kg, moderate density;
- high taste qualities;
- keeping quality is low (2-3 months).

From 1 m² of plantings of the Golubtsi species, a crop of 5-6 kg is harvested
An early ripe variety of domestic selection, in the State Register since 2013. Main characteristics:
- horizontal sockets;
- the leaf size is medium, the shape is elliptical, the color is gray-green, the wax coating is weak, the blistering is strong, the edge is wavy;
- the heads are round, the cut is yellowish, the coating is partial, the density is moderate, the weight is 1,4 kg;
- the structure is thin;
- the stump inside is of medium length, outside is short;
- the taste is excellent.

An average of 1 kg of Nyusha is removed from 3,3 m²
Mid-season representative of domestic selection in the State Register of the Federation since 2008. Variety description:
- rose sockets;
- large broadly elliptical leaves, light green color, weak wax coating, strong blistering, corrugation, margin slightly wavy;
- round heads, full coverage, moderate density, gray-green color, yellowish cut, weight 1-2,2 kg;
- the length of the stalk is medium.

Commercial yield of Uralochka is 2,1 kg per 1 m²
Savoy cabbage varieties for Siberia
Popular varieties of Savoy cabbage for Siberia with a photo are presented below. Other varieties of the crop are also suitable for this cold region, since it has good frost resistance. It is better to choose early or medium ripening.
Salima F1
An early ripe hybrid of Dutch origin has been listed in the State Register of the Federation since 2015. Main characteristics:
- raised sockets;
- the leaf size is medium, the outline is transversely broadly elliptical, the color is dark green, the intensity of the wax coating is weak or moderate, the edge is wavy;
- short stumps;
- head shape oval or round, partial coverage, yellowish cut, moderate or high density, weight 1,8-2 kg;
- the taste is soft, excellent.

Salima F1 brings up to 7,6 kg from 1 m²
Jubilee 2170
The old early ripe variety of domestic selection has been listed in the State Register since 1950. Main characteristics:
- whole sessile leaves, grayish-green color;
- the length of the plates is 17-34 cm, the width is 20-34 cm, the shape is round, flat or scalloped curved, the blistering is small;
- the heads are rounded, the density is moderate, the weight is 0,9-2,2 kg.

From 1 m² they collect 2-4 kg of Anniversary 2170
This representative of culture belongs to the very early ones, it has been included in the State Register of the Federation since 2008. Main characteristics:
- raised sockets;
- the shape of the sheet is transversely elliptical, the color is gray-green, the wax coating is moderate, the blistering and corrugation are strong, the edge is wavy;
- partial coating of a broadly ovoid head, moderate density, yellowish cut, weight 1,2 kg;
- the taste is excellent.

From 1 m² of plantings of the Pirozhkovaya variety, 5 kg of the crop is harvested
Varieties of Savoy cabbage differ in terms of ripening, size and color of heads and leaves, their structure. The State Register of the Federation includes 24 representatives of culture with access to all regions of the country.