The best varieties of remontant beardless strawberries

The best varieties of remontant beardless strawberries

The varieties of remontant strawberries bear fruit from early spring until the onset of cold weather. The first crop is harvested in June-July, the second in August, and the third in the fall.

The best varieties of remontant strawberries

The parameters for choosing the best varieties are very different. First of all, these are high varietal qualities, then the duration of fruiting, transportability, endurance, undemandingness and resistance to diseases.

Among the varieties of remontant strawberries there are large-fruited and small-fruited species

List of the best varieties:

  • “Queen Elizabeth – 2”. The mass of berries is from 40 to 100 g. In order for the fruits not to become smaller, the planting must be renewed every year. The pulp is juicy and firm enough.
  • “Moscow Delicacy”. Fruit weight from 15 to 30 g. Abundant fruiting continues until the onset of frost. The variety is resistant to disease and frost. The berries are distinguished by their regular shape and rich color, have a slight sweet cherry flavor.
  • “Diamond”. Fruit weight 20-25 g. Light pulp. The variety multiplies quickly, as it forms many whiskers during the growing season. Quite resistant to diseases and pests.
  • “Temptation”. All summer it bears fruit with rather large berries weighing 30 g. You can collect 1,5 kg of fruits from the bush. The berries have a pronounced nutmeg flavor. The culture looks very decorative thanks to the long peduncles. Their number can reach 20 pieces. The variety can be grown at home and harvested all year round.

In order for the berries to be large and tasty, strawberries must be properly looked after. Only then will the variety reveal all its positive qualities in the best possible way.

The best varieties of beardless remontant strawberries

There are many varieties of mustardless strawberries, so choosing the right type is a snap:

  • “Yoke”. Early ripening variety. Peduncles are long, lush and spreading bushes. The mass of cone-shaped berries is from 23 g. The culture is drought-resistant and does not suffer from most diseases. The only drawback is low resistance to strawberry mite infestation.
  • “Albion”. On large bushes, tall, straight peduncles are formed, so the harvest is always clean. The flesh of the bright red fruit has a high density. They are distinguished by good drought resistance. In the south, it can be grown without shelter; in cold regions, planting must be covered so that they do not suffer from frost.
  • “Bolero”. The variety bears fruit stably for 5 years. Possesses high resistance to all diseases and adverse weather conditions. The bushes are small and compact, but this does not affect the size of the berries.

You can propagate beardless strawberries only by seeds or by dividing the bush.

Correct cultivation technique makes it possible to obtain high yields for several years.

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