The best varieties of radish for sowing on your site

People have been cultivating radish since ancient times, interest in it does not fall, but on the contrary, everyone wants to get a delicious, healthy, vitamin-filled vegetable in the spring. Thanks to this unflagging interest, breeders are constantly working on it, they create new hybrids and varieties of radish, the variety of which just makes your head spin. When choosing seeds for growing on their site, everyone wants to find the best varieties of radishes, and for this you need to read the description of each of them, pay attention not only to the yield, taste and size of the root crop, but also think about the climate and weather conditions in which vegetables will grow. You can choose different varieties of radishes for cultivation in Siberia and Krasnodar, for open ground and greenhouses.

Radish classifications

For all the time that the radish accompanies a person, so many different varieties, species, varieties have accumulated that they differ in many ways. Some root crops grow completely in the ground, while others rise almost entirely above it. Usually we are pleased with the early harvest of radishes, but there are varieties that can grow even in the middle of summer, they are not afraid of long daylight hours. And the red color of root crops that we are used to is not the only one, but just one of a large palette of white, green, red in different shades, purple or yellow. They differ in the timing and methods of planting, the duration of ripening, taste, even the size of root crops. Before buying seeds, you need to get acquainted with the main types of radishes.

There are two large types of radish: annual and biennial. Usually we are growing annual varieties, even if you need to get seeds, they have time to ripen in one season, about 170 days from planting. In a biennial radish, only a root crop is formed in the first year, and it blooms and forms seeds in the second year after planting.

The best varieties of radish for sowing on your site

In terms of ripening, all varieties of radish are divided into early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening. Early radishes mature 16 to 30 days after planting. These are, for example, such varieties and hybrids as “Celesta F1”, “Sax”, “Cherry”, “Cherry Belle”, “Vienna”, “Gloriet”, “Ilka”, “Deca”. The first to give the harvest is “16 days” and “18 days”, which form the root crop in the terms corresponding to the name.

Maturity of mid-season varieties occurs in 30–35 days from the moment of planting. An example is the radish “Parat”, “Pharaoh”, “Vera”, “Joli”, “Rhodes”, “Rebel”, “Quantum”. “Virovsky white” refers to mid-season varieties, its root reaches technical maturity in a month, but it does not have to be harvested, it can remain in the ground, increase its mass, while not losing its taste at all. For almost two months, it is not necessary to remove it from the garden.

The best varieties of radish for sowing on your site

Late varieties ripen from 35 to 45 or more days from the time of planting, they usually have a large root crop and are stored for a long time. The most famous among them are “Giant”, “Champion”, “Red Giant” with long cylindrical red roots, “Rampoush” with white spindle-shaped roots.

We are accustomed to vegetables with a red (like “Celeste F1”), purple skin, less often it is white, and even more rarely yellow. But the appearance of root crops of different varieties is much more diverse. Japan is familiar with white radish, probably the first seeds of varieties with this color came to Europe from there. In Spain, they love spicy and fragrant black radishes. But from China came to us a green radish. It is usually yellow-green on the inside, with more sweetness than pungency on the palate. But there is a “Watermelon” radish, it is green on the outside, and pink or red inside, it differs from a watermelon in terms of its appearance in a section in that it has no seeds.

The best varieties of radish for sowing on your site

By origin, radishes are divided into three main types: European, Chinese and Japanese. The first one is the one we are used to, it matures for about a month from the moment of planting, the root crop grows up to 30 g. The Chinese lobu came to us from China or Mongolia, it grows 50 days (on average), reaches 200 g, most often root crops light-colored long cylindrical shape, although round red ones are also found. The Japanese daikon is distinguished by its gigantic size; the Chinese consider it a species related to the forehead.

Radishes are distinguished by the place of planting. There are varieties that grow better outdoors, like Duro, Champion, Presto, Poker F1, 18 Days. And there is a group of varieties that can grow with less light, they are designed for growing in greenhouses. For example, Rhodes, Korund, Rubin, Celeste F1, Premier.

Varieties are also divided according to the region of cultivation. For example, for Siberia, where there is not so much summer, radishes of the Zarya or Deka variety, as well as Variant, are suitable.

Video “Which radish to plant before winter”

This video is a video review of the sown radish varieties. Which varieties are the best, which one is better to plant, you will find out by watching the video.

The best and popular varieties

In order not to get confused in such a variety, but to choose the seeds that are suitable for you to grow on your site, you need to consider different varieties of radishes and get a little familiar with their descriptions.

“Watermelon” radish

Not too juicy, but hard and crunchy root vegetable with a bitter green skin and sweetish pink or dark red flesh makes “Watermelon” radish. It is not often grown in our country, but it is very useful due to the high content of potassium and dietary fiber. When grown in spring, it produces a round root crop up to 5 cm wide, and in autumn it can grow wider than 8 cm and lengthen. Unripe, it has a richer taste than with technical ripeness.

Radish “Adel”

This is a hybrid with maturation from 22 to 32 days, a root crop with a diameter of 4 cm has an average weight of 10 g. Seeds are characterized by a germination rate of at least 95%, the root crop does not crack, the plant does not release an arrow.

The best varieties of radish for sowing on your site

Radish “Parat”

18-25 days after sowing, this German variety produces tasty round roots up to 30 g in weight. He does not shoot, but it is impossible to keep him in the garden for a long time due to the loss of taste.

Radish «Carmen»

Round (sometimes oval) bright red root vegetables ripen in 20-22 days, have a delicate, not too spicy taste. The plant is in no hurry to release an arrow; after ripening, it can stay in the ground for several more days without losing taste and juiciness.

Radish “Carmelita”

Capable of 1 sq. m give 2 kg of sweet-tasting sweet turnips, they will be bitter only with a lack of moisture. It is sown from the last decade of April until May 20, and after 25 days you can harvest. The plant does not shoot, but excess moisture can lead to cracking of root crops.

Radish “Irene”

This early ripe hybrid grows well in greenhouse conditions with a lack of lighting. The round, red, shiny root crop grows up to 50 or even 70 g. Its juicy, tender, slightly sharp flesh does not dry out from the inside, the root crop does not crack and is not hollow. Does not like too dense plantings, excessive fertilizers, resistant to powdery mildew and white rot.

The best varieties of radish for sowing on your site

Radish “Tarzan”

And this hybrid loves a lot of sunlight, fertile light soil, it is resistant to diseases, 30 days after sowing it gives tasty, slightly spicy root crops up to 46 g in weight.

Radish “Rudolph”

A hybrid that can grow both in open and protected ground. After 16-20 days, you can remove up to 3 kg of delicious spicy root crops from 1 sq. m. Root crops do not become hard, growing up to 5 cm in diameter and up to 25 g in weight.

Radish “Merkado”

It takes only 23–28 days to grow round raspberry turnips, sweet with a slight spiciness, weighing up to 30 g. This variety can be grown all year round, the root crops do not crack or wither, and grow larger in autumn.

Radish “Caspar”

The brilliant radishes of this hybrid grow up to 25 g in 25 days, they are juicy, sweet, without bitterness. The plant does not suffer from high temperatures, yields up to 4 kg of yield per 1 sq. m, the seeds have one hundred percent germination.

The best varieties of radish for sowing on your site

“Celesta F1”

“Celeste F1” gives a harvest in 23-25 ​​days. The round, red, white-fleshed Celeste F1 roots are slightly peppery in taste. They grow from 18 to 30 g, from 1 sq. m can collect 4 kg of vegetables. “Celesta F1” grows not only in the open field, this hybrid is quite suitable for winter cultivation in a greenhouse.


“Saksa” is a fairly well-known and popular variety, its turnips ripen in 30 days, they grow up to 10 g. There is another type of this variety “Saksa Corto” with root crops up to 29 g. sweet taste.


In this early variety, not only root crops are put in the salad, but even leaves, they are delicate in taste and very rich in vitamins. “Pharaoh” does not shoot, gives red rounded root crops weighing 15 g, they are perfectly stored and transported.


Like Cherry Belle, it ripens early. Their round red roots grow up to 20 g, they do not crack, do not dry out, they are perfectly transported and stored. The description of the variety focuses on its cold resistance – you can grow it without any shelters.

The best varieties of radish for sowing on your site

“Vera MS”

It grows well in the central regions, round purple turnips grow up to 30 g in 35–30 days of ripening. The flesh is white with red veins and has a very pleasant taste. The harvest is well kept.

“Vena F1”

This early hybrid is not in a hurry to throw out an arrow, round “fruits” are shiny red on the outside, and milky white inside. The taste is light, not sharp.


The harvest of this mid-early variety ripens in 20-25 days. Red radish has a special tenderness of taste and weight of 15–20 g. Seeds germinate in almost 100% of cases. Plants tolerate heat well, yield up to 3,5 kg per 1 sq. m.

«Gloriet F1»

This is an early hybrid of Japanese selection. It is easy to grow all year round, the roots have a weight of 25 g, are red on the outside and bright white on the inside, the taste is delicate sweetish. The crop is perfectly stored, does not become lethargic or flabby. Productivity – 2,5 kg.

Video “Radish Contest”

This review is presented in the form of a hit parade of five radish varieties: Pharaoh, Cherry Belle, National 2, Zlata and Ricardo. Want to know which one is the most versatile, beautiful and delicious? Watch this video.

BEST RADISH VARIETIES / comparison of radish varieties / ✌ Radishe’s COMPETITION

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